Chapter 49 : Aussie
( A/N : I searched everywhere for information about Lachlan's sibling but I got info about his younger brother Mitchell and his oldest sister Jacqui Elisa . That could not be her real name but that's her name on Instagram so that's what I'm going with . Lachlan also has another sister but I can't find any information about her so for now , it's just going to be Jacqui and Mitchell )
• The Next Day , 8 a.m. ; The Sidemen House •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I stood at the end of the staircase with my suitcases , waiting for Ally and Vikk to come downstairs .
The house was dead silent since everyone was still sleeping . I had to catch my flight to Brisbane in about an hour .
" My head is killing me " Ally groaned , walking slowly down the stairs . Her hair was in a ponytail but strands of hair were sticking out all over the place .
Vikk followed after her , rubbing his eyes .
" I'll go get the car ready " Vikk yawned , opening the front door and heading outside .
" So , can I be the godmother ? " I smirked .
" What ? " Ally asked , an confused expression crossing her face .
" I saw you and Vikk go upstairs last night " I winked , nudging her in my arm .
" What ! No , Maddie . We didn't have sex " she protested quickly .
" You sure ? You two were both drunk " I pressed .
" We made out but we didn't have sex . I woke up fully clothed " Ally claimed ; picking out one of my suitcases .
" If you say so " I chuckled before grabbing a suitcase and making my way outside .
• Next Day , 9 p.m. ; Brisbane , Australia •
I hate traveling . I hate long plane rides . And I especially hate spending a whole day in and out of airports .
After a 11 hour flight from Chislehurst , I had to make a pit stop in Tokyo ( A/N : I just picked Tokyo cause it's kinda in between . Don't ask ) and get on another plane for 11 hours to get to Brisbane .
I am exhausted . I just want to sleep . Not in a shitty plane seat but a soft , warm bed . And also take a shower . But mostly just sleep .
I looked around the Arrivals Department . There were other people who looked and probably felt just like me ; exhausted , restless , a little bit hungry . But I pushed those feelings aside as I realized I would be seeing Lachlan any moment now .
It had been far too long since I last saw Lachlan in person ; Skype and FaceTime served no justice compared to getting to hold him again .
Anxiety started to settle in as I also realized I would have to meet his parents , and his siblings , and his friends . Basically everyone that mattered in his life , I would be meeting them .
Finally , out of the corner of my eye ; I spotted the familiar blond quiff walking through the arrival exit/ entrance .
He was looking frantically around the room . He looked almost as tried as me but as soon as his eyes fell on me , his expression instantly changed to happiness .
A wide smile broke across his face as he started to race over to me .
Dropping my bags on the ground , I began to run towards him .
The closer we got , the wider our smiles grew until I launched myself into his arms ; nuzzling my face in his chest . He hugged me with all the energy he had left in him .
Everything felt complete . Hot tears of joy slipped down my cheeks as he pulled away to kiss my forehead .
" I missed you so much " Lachlan said , his words coming out in a faint whisper .
" I missed you too Lachy " I responded , wiping away my tears and flashing Lachlan a wide smile .
He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine in a passionate kiss , totally making up for the time we been away .
Once we pulled away , Lachlan gave me a smile . " I can't describe how happy I feel right now ".
" I can't describe how tried I am " I laughed .
" Then we should probably start heading home " Lachlan stated , grabbing my hand and leading me towards my abandoned luggage .
• After Getting Everything Together •
~ Lachlan's POV ~
" And on Thursday ; my sister Jacqui is coming to visit just to see you " I answered Maddie's question .
I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I talked to Maddie about what she was gong to experience this week in Australia .
If I haven't already said it a million times , I can't wait for her to see everything that I call normal .
Like the spiders appearing randomly around the house . Or maybe the different fish in the lake back home .
I doubt Maddie has a lake in her backyard in Montreal . It would freeze in the wintertime .
I stopped at the red light and leaned back in my chair .
" Maddie ? " I called as she didn't ask any more questions .
When she didn't respond once again , I turned my head for a split second to look at her in the passenger seat .
I smiled to myself as I watched her sleep peacefully ; leaning on the window of the car .
I leaned in and gave her a small kiss before the streetlight turned green and I lunched the car forward .
• After 10 Minute Car Ride , 10 p.m. ; Lachlan's House •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Mom ! We are back ! " Lachlan yelled , setting his car keys on a table nearby .
" I'm coming ! " a woman's voice called from down the hall .
In a matter of seconds , a middle aged woman with short blond hair and dark blue eyes came racing down the hall towards us .
" Oh my god ! You must be Madeline ! " she cried happily with a thick Aussie accent .
My heart beat in my chest . A tight knot formed in my stomach . This is Mrs. Power , Lachlan's mom .
" Nice to meet you Mrs. Power " I greeted smiling .
" Welcome to the family " she cheered , pulling me into an unexpected hug .
I hugged back politely before she pulled away .
" You're just as beautiful as Lachlan describes you " Mrs. Power commented .
I looked over to Lachlan who simply blushed and shifted uncomfortably .
" Thank you Mrs. Power " I thanked .
" Call me Susan . Would you like something to eat ? " Mrs. Power offered .
" Um , no thanks . I really want to just take a shower and go to sleep " I apologized .
" Okay , Lachlan . Bring her to your room . And keep the door open " Susan winked , directing the statement more to Lachlan than me .
" Mom " Lachlan groaned , picking up my suitcases again .
" Sorry . I'll be the kitchen " Susan announced before she went back in the direction she came from .
" Follow me " Lachlan ordered , leading me up a huge staircase .
We climbed up the stairs to the second level of the house where the floor had cream carpeting and the walls were white .
The rooms circled around the staircase and to a side of the hall , there was a small living area with a love seat , bookshelf, coffee table and a fireplace .
" I'll show you around later . But we will get on to the most important room , my bedroom " Lachlan winked .
I rolled my eyes at him as we walked straight , entering a messy office setup with all of Lachlan's stuff .
" Welcome to my bedroom . This is where all the magic happens " Lachlan introduced dramatically , his hand on another door that was kind of inside the office .
He flung the door open to reveal a lime green room with white carpet flooring .
I stepped into the room , embracing the overwhelming presence .
The walls were filled with random posters of different games including Assassin's Creed , Pokemon , COD and a bunch of others I didn't recognize .
In the center of the room , there was a queen sized bed with two bedside tables beside it .
Across from the bed stood a small flat screen TV on top of a dresser , a XBox and two controllers beside it .
Throughout the room there were normal objects around the room . Like a bookcase , which wasn't heavily populated with books but souvenirs .
I could tell Lachlan's room wasn't just a room but a life timeline .
" I didn't know you were such a fanboy " I smirked , touching a nearby Pokemon poster .
" I was . I just never have the time to take them down . Plus , this room is filled with memories " Lachlan sighed .
He took a glance around his room before spotting something on the shelf I was looking at earlier .
Lachlan looked over to it , taking out a book from the top shelf .
" This is the first Pokemon comic book I read . My friend gave me this which lead to my love of Pokemon " he explained , showing me the front cover .
" I never knew you played guitar " I smiled , brushing my fingertips lightly over the leaning case .
" Yeah , in like grade 8 . But I quit cause I sucked . What about you ? Do you play anything ? " Lachlan asked , setting the book back in it's place .
" Violin . Started in grade 6 and did until grade 8 but when I got to high school , I fell out of love " I shrugged .
" You would have been the best violinist there was " Lachlan smiled .
" No , I wouldn't . I was the worst in the class " I laughed .
" Don't say that . I bet if I got you a violin right now , you would be perfect " he protested .
" Nah , I don't even remember the finger placements " I disagreed competitively .
" Well you know what you would never suck at ? " Lachlan questioned .
" What ? ".
" Being my girlfriend " he replied .
" That's something I can never forget " I said , giving him a wide smile .
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