Chapter 48 : Party ?
( A/N : It's a fucking long ass chapter . Its 2056 words in total . Do you guys like long chapters ? Or do you hate when they are long and drag on ? Let me know in the comments . Enjoy )
• Next Day , 2 p.m. ; Ally's Room •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" What about those pizza's I promised ? " Ally suggested , waving her phone in my face .
" Yeah , I can go for meat lovers " I replied , sitting up from my upside down position on her bed .
Ally and I were in her bedroom , completely and utterly bored .
We had left the boys and a few of their friends downstairs while we decided to have girl time . But girl time quickly led to " hold on I have a text " and " let me check this Michael Clifford picture ".
" So meat lovers and chicken wings ? " Ally asked , while dialing the number .
" Yeah , BBQ wings " I added as she pressed the phone to her ear .
My phone screen lit up from its place in my pocket .
I looked down and smiled . Lachlan . As usual .
I unlocked the phone and went to iMessage to check out what he had to say .
Little Lachy - 2:12
1 more day till u get here !
Maddie - 2:12
look whos excited ;)
Little Lachy - 2:13
i have a shit load of things planned 4 when u get here
Maddie - 2:13
like what ?
Little Lachy - 2:14
its a surprise
Maddie - 2:14
u know i hate surprises ....
Little Lachy - 2:14
thats cuz u experienced mitch surprises , u r really gonna love mine
Maddie - 2:15
how much am i gonna love it ?
Little Lachy - 2:15
as much as i love u and u love me
Maddie - 2:16
:) thats a lot of love
" Maddie , 5 pizzas in total have been ordered " Ally stated , flinging herself back onto the bed .
" Wow , hopefully pizza in London will taste way better than pizza in Florida " I smiled .
" Pizza in Florida isn't good ? " Ally asked , a concerned expression crossing her face .
" It is but I'm just hoping that pizza here will be better . Then I can be like Lachlan who travels everywhere to try their Chipotle ".
Ally let out a small chuckle . " Lachlan really loves Chipotle ".
" Yeah , I don't know what it is about Mexican food but he can't get enough of it " I shrugged .
I got up from the bed with my phone .
" I think I'll go tell the boys that we ordered pizza " I announced .
" Yeah , for sure . But add that they only get one box " Ally chimed in as I walked out of the room .
" I will ! " I yelled over my shoulder as I walked downstairs .
Loud yells and the sound of Fifa being played came from the living room . Looks like I'll be heading there.
I walked down the hall towards the living room , passing the fridge stacked with beers .
" Hey guys " I greeted .
Simon , Josh , Vikk , Tobi , Manny , Ethan , a guy with a long face and blond hair and other guy with buff arms and dark brown hair were all seated on the black leather couch and a few bean bags ; Simon and Josh at the controllers .
Simon paused the game instantly and turned his attention to me .
" Hey Madeline , what's up ? " he greeted .
I shifted uncomfortably as I saw out of the corner of my eye , the boy with the long face and blond hair eyeing me .
" Um , I just came here to tell you guys that Ally ordered pizzas for all of us " I confirmed , the words coming out faintly .
" Thanks , you two are bae " Josh breathed .
" Your welcome " I replied , turning on my heel to leave .
" Wait , Madeline . Why don't you stay for a little bit ? " Ethan suggested .
I turned to face them and shook my head . " No , I shouldn't . You guys are clearly busy ".
" Nah , stay . Let us get to know you . You seem like a nice girl " the boy eyeing me earlier added .
" Thank you but it's your guy time . I shouldn't interfere " I protested .
I don't feel like I should stay . This is clearly not the right crowd for me .
There are so many things that they do that I would both never have the guts to do or want to do in the first place . Plus , I rather stay away from the scent of alcohol and sober guys for a while .
" Maddie , are these pricks bothering you ? " Ally asked , coming up beside me with her arms crossed .
" No " Vikk protested .
" Didn't look like it . It shouldn't take a girl this long to inform you that we ordered pizza " Ally snapped .
" We just wanted to know more about her " the long faced blond spoke up .
" She's off limits Cal " Ally spat .
" Cal as in the boy you called yesterday during our prank challenge thing ? " I cut in .
" Yeah . And that guy is Joe ". She pointed towards the mysterious dark browned haired boy .
" And who's she ? " Joe spoke up .
" Madeline . I'm visiting Ally . I'm leaving tomorrow morning " I explained .
" Hey , why don't we have a farewell party for Madeline ? " Josh suggested .
Before I could protest , Manny spoke up instantly .
" Yeah ! We should start getting ready . I'll order more pizzas ! " Manny cried , getting up from the couch and walking out of the living room .
" I'll start calling people " Cal stated , whipping out his phone .
" I'll help " Joe added , taking out his phone as well .
" And the rest of us can get the house ready " Simon told the others .
Soon everyone had cleared out of the living room to get ready for the last minute party , leaving Ally and I in the doorway .
" I can't wait for this party ! " Ally cheered , racing towards the staircase .
I followed slowly after . " Yay ! " I cheered sarcastically .
• Few Hours Later , 9 p.m. ; Sidemen House •
I applied the last bit of foundation to my face as the music blasted from the speakers downstairs .
It only took a few hours for the boys to get everything ready and now , downstairs is destined to be the craziest farewell party I have experienced in my lifetime .
I took one last look in the mirror at my outfit , ( A/N : Outfit in Media ) separating my brown hair hair into two parts and placing them in my shoulders .
Wow , I really need to re-dye my hair again . The blond tips are starting to die out .
Taking my glance away from the mirror , I gathered my makeup materials and walked back into my guest bedroom where most of my things were packed .
After I put my makeup back into my makeup bag in my suitcase , my phone rang from the bedside table .
I pushed the suitcase back in the corner of the room before grabbing my phone .
Looking at the screen , it was Lachlan trying to FaceTime me .
I answered quickly , the video taking a little bit to load .
" Hey ! " he greeted cheerfully .
Judging from the background , Lachlan was lying down on his bed since I could see pillows under his head .
" Hey Lachy ! " I greeted back .
He took a look at my appearance and raised an eyebrow .
" Why are you all dressed up ? " he questioned .
" Partying . It was the guys idea " I shrugged .
" Wow , they really seem to be rubbing off on you " he smiled .
" Haha , very funny " I said sarcastically , letting out a monotone laugh .
" I can't wait for you to come here " he smiled .
" Yeah , I know . You have said it a million times now " I groaned .
" I just want to let you know how excited I am . For you to meet my parents and my friends , " he listed . " And don't forget about going to all my favorite hangouts ".
I flashed a smile . " I can't wait ".
" Are you nervous ? ".
" I don't know . I have this tight knot in my stomach just thinking about meeting everyone " I admitted , holding my stomach .
" Don't worry . I don't care if they don't like you . I will love you either way " Lachlan assured .
I blushed . " How did I ever get this lucky ? ".
" aw I ask myself that question every day ".
Suddenly , I hear the door to the bedroom opening slightly .
I looked up and saw Ally's head poking in the door crack .
" You coming down ? " she asked .
" Yeah , I'll be down in a second " I replied .
Ally nodded before closing the door .
I looked back down at Lachlan who was waiting patiently .
" Sorry , I got to go " I frowned .
" It's fine . I'll get all the time to talk to you tomorrow night " he winked .
" Okay , love you " I smiled .
" Love you too . Bye " he said before the call ended .
I tucked my phone into my back pocket , took a deep sigh and headed out into the hallway .
Time to enter the jungle people call a house party .
• 12 p.m. ; Sidemen House •
The party was in full swing . Everyone had arrived and everyone was drunk . Well , everyone but me since all I drank tonight was 5 cans of Coke which tasted way better in the UK than in America .
Ally was no where in sight . The last time I saw her was when she was with Vikk .
I think I saw the two of them go upstairs , but personally , I don't want to know what the two of them are doing ...
I stood alone at the kitchen island , scrolling mindless throughout my phone , playing games I downloaded but never touched .
Suddenly , someone pulled me into a hug from behind ; swaying me along with the music that was playing .
" Heyyyy " Simon slurred in my ear .
He had too much to drink .
I gently removed his hands away from me , turning around to face him .
His eyes were red rimmed and he had a wide Joker-like grin spread across his face .
" Simon , you had too much to drink " I stated , gripping him by his shoulders to stop him from swaying back and forth .
" Nahhhhh , I'm fineeee " he protested , giggling .
" Simon , listen to me . You need to go upstairs to your bedroom " I instructed .
" Why don't you come with me ? " he winked , holding one of my hands .
I shook my hand out of his gasp . " Simon , I will not come upstairs with you ".
" Maddieeee ? " Simon slurred .
I couldn't help but smile at his drunkenness . He was definitely a cuddly yet flirty drunk .
" Yes Simon ? ".
He leaned in close . " Can I tell you something ? ".
" Sure , shoot " I replied .
" I like you " he burst out .
" I like you too " I responded .
" No , like I love youuuu " Simon laughed , throwing himself onto me .
I froze .
Did he mean it ? He can't be telling the truth . Don't drunk people just say random shit ? But at the same time , don't they reveal things they could never say if they weren't drunk ?
Shoving the topic to the back of my mind , I focused on the bigger task at hand ; getting Simon up to his bedroom .
" That's nice Simon . But let's go to your bedroom " I said .
" Oooo , my bedroom . With a gurll " he teased , trying to wink but failing miserably .
I let out a laugh . " Yes , we are going to your bedroom ".
I grabbed Simon by his arm and lead him through the crowd of other drunk people .
I helped Simon up the stairs which was a struggle since he kept on tripping on his own feet half of the time .
Once we finally got to his bedroom , Simon flung himself on the bed and stretched .
" So , are we going to fuck now ? " Simon asked .
" No , we are not going to have sex . You are going to sleep " I laughed .
" I don't like sleeping though " he pouted .
" Well go to sleep anyways . I'm going to sleep " I announced .
" Can you sleep with me ? " Simon pleaded .
" I have a boyfriend Simon . Sleeping with you wouldn't be right " I explained , having a seat on the edge of his bed .
" Why can't you be my girlfriend ? " Simon cried , I swear I could almost see tears forming in his eyes .
" Cause I'm in love with someone else . You'll find someone . Everyone does " I reassured .
Am I really having a heart to heart conversation with a drunk person ? Is this how low I have went to talking to someone at a party ?
" I have to go Simon . Go to sleep and everything will be okay in the morning " I sighed , getting up from the bed .
" Okay . Bye Maddie " Simon said before cuddling into his pillows .
I quietly made my way out of the room , closing the door softly behind me .
Did Simon really mean all those things ?
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