Chapter 45 : The Sidemen Boyz 2.0
( A/N : Excuse me for my horrible impression of The Sidemen but I really wanted to write a chapter where Maddie visits Ally so I had to . Bare with me please . I beg )
• 2 Weeks Later , 2 p.m. ; Chislehurst , London • ( A/N : At least I think that's where they live . That's what it said on the Sidemen wiki )
~ Maddie's POV ~
Little Lachy - 2:34
I can't wait till u get to Austraila
Little Lachy - 2:34
we will have so much fun together ;)
Maddie - 2:34
don't think we r even gonna kiss in front of ur family
Little Lachy - 2:35
ur such a good girl
Maddie - 2:35
no , im not . im freakin punk rock af
Little Lachy - 2:35
nah . just yesterday u told me you were too afraid to get a tattoo cuz of the needle
Maddie - 2:35
come on ! u have to admit , the needle looks scary ! in the vid i sent u the girl was in some serious pain
Little Lachy - 2:36
cuz they were tattooing her collarbone . of course its gonna hurt
Maddie - 2:36
would u ever get a tattoo ?
Little Lachy - 2:36
idk , the tattoo has 2 have a really special message behind it .
Little Lachy - 2:36
i wouldnt mind if I got ur name tattooed ;)
Maddie - 2:36
aww , how about a couple tattoo ?
Little Lachy - 2:36
yea , 4 sure . that would be so cool
Maddie - 2:36
i will think bout it . but im still afraid of the needle
Little Lachy - 2:36
then we can get matching washable tattoos XD
Maddie - 2:37
yasss . how does dora ones sound ?
Little Lachy - 2:38
yes 4 sure . we will be the most punk rock ppl everyone knows :)
" Maddie ! ".
I looked up from my phone and saw a Ally from a distance with her jet black hair hanging lose .
" Ally ! " I cried , excitement racing throughout my body .
The two of us raced towards each other before she stopped in the middle , striking a pose with her hand in the air .
Playing along with her coordination , I struck a similar pose ; hitting her hand in a high five .
" You two are so weird " Vikk said , coming up behind the two of us .
" Like your obsession with raw chicken is any more normal " Ally testified .
" You're so annoying ! " Vikk groaned like a 5 year old .
"You're even more annoying ! " Ally mocked .
A thin smile spread across my face .
I have a lot of ships but #Alkk is so far my favorite . Besides maybe Michael Clifford and Rena from Hey Violet . Yeah , I definitely ship them more . #Mina .
" Omg , I can't believe you're here ! " Ally cried , finishing off her argument with Vikk before pulling me into a bone crushing hug .
I hugged her back awkwardly , looking over at Vikk who smirked and mouthed " Good luck ".
Ally pulled away , her hazel eyes filled with excitement .
" I'm excited to be here " I responded politely .
" I'll get your bags for you " Vikk offered .
" Thanks " I mumbled as he walked over to grab the bags I left stranded .
" Sooo , how's everything ? " Ally asked .
" Good , but busy . After the week I spent here , I'm headed to Australia to meet Lachlan's family " I announced .
" Ooo ! You two seem to be taking things to the next level " Ally taunted .
" Not really " I protested .
" Yeah , you are meeting his parents . That's a huge deal ! " Ally exclaimed .
" Have you met Vikk's parents ? " I asked .
" Yeah , of course . Multiple times " she shrugged .
Vikk came back with my bags which I helped him with before he lead us to his car parked outside .
• 20 Minutes Later •
" Welcome to the Sidemen house " Vikk announced as I looked up at the two story brick house .
It looked like a regular house on the outside but I had a feeling it wasn't the same on the inside .
The neighborhood seemed like a ghost town which I didn't mind . Less noise , more sleep .
I picked up my bags and followed Vikk and Ally up the driveway towards the front door .
" Are you sure you are ready ? " Ally asked , unlocking the door and placing her hand on the knob ; ready to open .
" Yeah " I replied simply .
" You sure ? " Ally asked once more .
" Hurry up Ally ! It's freezing out here " Vikk complained , rubbing his hands together .
It was windy but I enjoyed it . It felt refreshing compared to all the hot weather in Florida .
" Okay okay . 1 , 2 , 3 , " Ally counted down before flinging the door open and stepping in .
I followed slowly after her , taking in the huge house .
The walls were cream colored and there was carpet lining the floor .
As soon as you entered , there was a large staircase which lead to the second floor .
" What do you think ? " Vikk asked , closing the door behind me .
" It's very ... large " I commented , letting out a small chuckle .
" Yeah , wait untill I give you a tour " Ally said .
" I'll bring your bags up to your room " Vikk said , grabbing my baggage and heading upstairs .
" Okay , no one's home right now which means I can give you a house tour in peace , " Ally explained , " Follow me ".
Ally went into complete tour guide mode as she cleared her throat .
" To your left we have a bathroom that most guests use ".
" And to your right it's our junk room where we store things for videos and whatnot . It also connects to another hallway " Ally explained , pointing to double doors mostly made out of glass .
" Continuing on , we have a study room that you can record videos in since everyone records in their rooms and the holy kitchen . Where we will be eating junk food and ordering pizza ".
I took a peek into the kitchen .
It was pretty normal with gray marble counter tops surrounding the room , a pantry , oven , sinks , fridge . Things you see in every kitchen .
Moving down the hallway , Ally continued .
This hallway didn't have any carpet but normal wood flooring .
" Then as we go down this corridor , to the left we have our room with a ping pong table where the banter happens and to the right that's the junk room that connects with this hall ".
We walked down the hall some more .
" Then we have a fridge fill of beer but that shouldn't matter cause you don't drink and here is the living room " Ally announced as we stepped into a open room with a black couch , a large flat screen hanging from the wall , a few beanie chairs and grey carpet lining the floor .
" Cool " I breathed . " I think I have seen videos with Simon in this room ".
Ally turned around to face me . " Wait , you watch Simon's videos ? " Ally asked , raising a eyebrow .
" Sometimes , " I stated , causing Ally to grow more suspicious , " only when I'm bored . Like vlogs and stuff . I don't watch Fifa ".
" Sure " Ally smirked .
" Anyways , let's continue on " .
We walked back down the long corridor and to the front entrance .
" Now as we climb these stairs , we get onto the second floor of the house " Ally explained as we climbed up the carpeted staircase .
" First off we have Vikk's room which I - , "
" Fuck Vikk in a lot ? " I cut in .
She sent me a sharp glance . If looks could kill , I would on my way to heaven . Or hell . Mostly likely hell since I'm in the 5Sauce fandom .
" No , where I visit quite often , " Ally snapped . " Shut up ".
I let out a small chuckle as she continued the tour .
" Then across from Vikk's room is the bathroom that Josh and Vikk share and right beside the bathroom is Josh's room " she explained .
We walked down the carpeted hall until we reached a small corridor .
" Then we have JJ's old room , now mine " Ally announced , opening the door so I could take a peek .
I poked my head in and saw a glance of Ally's recording setup , a queen sized bed and a bunch of random furniture around the master bedroom .
I leaned back . " It's pretty huge ".
" Yeah , I just started to move my stuff in so it's a little messy but it will look better one everything is unpacked " Ally reassured .
Nodding slowly , we continued on ; climbing a few stairs going upwards .
Once we reached the top , there were 3 closed doors and a kinda slighted roof .
" So this was a attic but it got renovated since we didn't have space for Simon . Here's the bedroom you will be staying in which we will look at in a second , Simon's bedroom and the bathroom both of you will be sharing . And don't worry , Simon isn't a complete slob so sharing a bathroom with him is nothing ".
" Yeah okay . I got it " I yawned , feeling tried .
" And here's your room " Ally said , flinging the door to the room open ; revealing lime green painted walls and a white carpet flooring .
I stepped into the room and smiled .
The room itself was pretty large not that it mattered since I'm not living here permanently .
There was a queen sized bed in the center of the room , bedside tables of each side along with my suitcases that Vikk had put up here .
There was also a closet and a few dressers around the room .
The sun was streaming down from the large window on the crisp white sheets of the bed , giving the room natural light .
" What do you think ? " Ally asked .
" Thanks so much . It's breathtaking " I commented , giving her a warm smile .
" No problem . Want anything to eat ? " Ally asked , backing out slowly .
" Nah , I'm going to take a nap . Jet lag " I answered .
" Okay , I'll leave you too it " Ally responded before closing the door behind her .
To tried to unpack anything , I plugged in my phone to my charger in a outlet nearby and stripped myself of my skin tight jeans ; resting them neatly at the edge of the bed .
I set my suitcases down and looked for a shirt to put on , stumbling upon the sweater Lachlan had gave me the first time he left for Australia .
I smiled to myself as I slipped my shirt off my body and pulled the sweater over my head .
Since Lachlan was basically a giant , the sleeves for the sweater were a little to big and it reached just below my knees .
I climbed into the bed , embracing the fresh sheets before drifting into a deep sleep .
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