Chapter 42 : Back To The Old Days
(A/N : Maddie's casual outfit for this chapter ^^^^ )
• 2 Days Later , 7 p.m. ; The Florida House •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I set down my headphones , leaning back in chair ; once again finishing another video .
I'd been grinding videos left and right to get my mind off Lachlan .
He's in New Zealand right now on a skiing trip with a bunch of his friends while I'm struck with Jerome , Mitch and now Ryan and his two dogs Kato and Cooper .
Since we came back from Mine Con , the house has been filled with the sounds of Mitch rage quitting , Kato and Copper barking , and gun shots from video games being played downstairs .
It seems like everyone is having fun while I'm locked up in my room , surrounding myself with work .
Lachlan and I haven't talked much since our goodbye in the London breakfast cafe .
I'm assuming its because he's just hanging out with friends and enjoying himself . I trust that Lachlan would never do anything to largely effect our relationship as he has promised multiple times before .
Pushing the topic aside , I got up from my setup and walked downstairs in search of food .
The house was dark and somewhat quiet besides the faint sound of the three guys talking in the kitchen .
" Dinner is in the microwave " Mitch announced as I entered the kitchen .
" Thanks " I mumbled , heading towards the microwave .
The boys were seated in a triangle shape at the island , all with beers in hand . Kato and Copper were sleeping peacefully in the corner near the backyard doors .
I took the hot meal of grilled chicken , mashed potatoes and broccoli .
I had a seat at the far end of the island keeping my distance from the guys conversation , taking out my phone .
" Maddie , just a reminder ; we are going to have Alex from the Nexus coming to live with us " Mitch said , striking up a unwanted conversation .
" That's nice Mitch " I replied mindlessly , scrolling through new notifications .
" He's staying in Lachlan's unofficial room " he continued .
" Okay ".
" Maddie , could you at least make eye contact with me ? " Mitch asked , sounding annoyed .
Why is he bothering me ? I came in , obviously not wanting to talk to anyone but here he is , being a bitch about it .
I simply rolled my eyes , picked up my plate and phone ; brushing pass them and out of the kitchen without a word .
" Thanks for the dinner ! " I yelled before slamming my bedroom door .
• Few Hours Later ; 9 p.m. •
Maddie - 9:40
hai bae :3
Ally Stally - 9:45
its really late maddie , like 2 am in morning
Maddie - 9:45
shit , sorry i 4got bout timezones :/
Ally Stally - 9:46
its fine , im up 4 a talking mood
Maddie - 9:46
gr8 . so , how u been ? u and vikk ?
Ally Stally - 9:47
real good , jj moved out of the sidemen house so i got his bedroom . the master :)
Maddie - 9:47
sick boyz
Ally Stally - 9:48
hey , ever thought of visiting the sidemen house ? u can sleep in my new bedroom . we can record 2gether , and prank call and order shit loads of pizza . how does that sound ?!
Maddie - 9:48
yasssss , we should 4 sure do that sometime . im not doing anything for a while so it would be sooo cool
Ally Stally - 9:49
yeah , but let me check in the boys 2 c if they okay w/ it and ill get back 2 u
Maddie - 9:50
yea yea . ill talk 2 u later , u need ur beauty sleep
Ally Stally - 9:50
yeah , tru . ill text u back later
Ally Stally - 9:50
hopefully w/ good news ;)
Maddie - 9:51
kk , nite nite bae :3
Ally Stally - 9:51
nite :P
I shut off my phone and just lied there .
What is Lachlan doing right now ?
I turned on my phone again , checking the last messages we sent each other .
Last time we talked was 1 day ago and all we said was a hi and a hello ; not continuing on with any conversation .
If my math is correct , its around 2 p.m. for them in New Zealand , considering they have a 18 hour time difference from Florida . You learn this stuff when you are dating an Australian .
I went onto Twitter and clicked Lachlan's . His last tweet was 2 hours ago captioned ' Do You Wanna Build A Snowman ?' with a link to his Instagram .
I clicked on the link which lead me to his Instagram .
It's was a cute photo of him smiling while building a snowman ; his hair messed up in a perfect angle .
Aw , he looks so cute . That's my boyfriend . And he's perfect , an angel in disguise .
I miss him so much . I can't wait to see him again .
I cracked a small smile to myself , double tapping the photo and commenting a in love emoji before getting up from the bed .
I clicked on iMessage .
Maddie - 10:03
hey :D
I waited patiently , as the 3 dots appeared on the screen . I hate those dots . They should be the leading cause of stress and anxiety in North America honestly .
Little Lachy - 10:04
hey babe !
Maddie - 10:05
r u having fun in new zealand ?
Little Lachy - 10:05
yeah , but not as fun as i have w/ u <333 i miss you
Maddie - 10:06
aw , i miss u 2 . things r not as exciting w/out u here :/
Little Lachy - 10:07
dont worry , i plan to visit soon . so , what r u doing right now ?
Maddie - 10:07
nothing much , id been grinding out videos 2 get rid of boredom . wbu ?
Little Lachy - 10:08
we just came back from the slopes and are waiting 4 food 2 arrive . the boys are currently making fun of me cuz im texting u
Little Lachy - 10:08
they are making kissy faces at me . i h8 them so much rite now ;P
Maddie - 10:09
haha , i cant wait 2 meet them when i come to visit ur parents ;)
Little Lachy - 10:09
so u want 2 meet my parents ?
Maddie - 10:10
kinda , im nervous tho
Little Lachy - 10:10
dont be , they will love u as much as i do
Maddie - 10:11
ill start looking at prices then
Little Lachy - 10:11
yayyy , i cant wait
Maddie - 10:12
ill leave u here lachy . u went 2 new zealand 2 hang out w/ ur friends and have a good time , not 2 text me . go enjoy ur time :/
Little Lachy - 10:12
dont be like that mads . they r busy in their own conversation , they dont care . they know im in a long distance and they respect that
Maddie - 10:13
lachy , go . enjoy ur meal
I got off iMessage and was about to go onto YouTube when he replied with another message . I couldn't help but click on it .
Little Lachy - 10:13
Maddie - 10:13
Little Lachy - 10:14
they dont mind
Maddie - 10:14
bye lachlan <33333
Little Lachy - 10:15
bye maddie :'(
Maddie - 10:15
love u
Little Lachy - 10:16
luv u 2
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