Chapter 41 : Good-bye 2.0
• Next Morning , 10 a.m. ; At Breakfast •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I stared outside the window of the small breakfast cafe .
The weather was gloomy and depressing ; matching my mood . Heavy rain was streaming down the window. Rain hitting the ground outside was the only sound at the table .
Lachlan had to leave for his flight to New Zealand in less than half an hour . He was going with bunch of Australian friends for a skiing trip . The two of us decided to go out for our last breakfast for a while but all it did was make things even more painful for the two of us .
Saying good-bye to Lachlan is like picking up your phone after it fell and realizing the screen had shattered .
It's heartbreaking at first and you refuse to recognize it even happened . But after a while you realize you're going to be okay ... until you remember how much better it was before it happened and you feel miserable again .
" Mads , it's not going to be forever " Lachlan spoke up , breaking the silent atmosphere .
" It feels like it " I sighed .
" Don't you think I feel the same way ? I'll miss you like hell ".
I couldn't respond . I bit the inside of my cheek , trying my best not to cry .
Lachlan grabbed my hand that was on the table and squeezed it softly .
"Hey , look on the bright side . Mitch won't have to yell at us for being so loud at night " he teased . (A/N : No not that loud if you were thinking that )
I let out a small chuckle .
" And I can finally get sleep without you waking me up " I added , taking my glance away from the window .
" And maybe I can meet both of your parents soon " Lachlan suggested , giving me a pleading look .
I smiled . " Maybe ".
Suddenly , Lachlan's phone beeped from it's place on the table .
He looked down at the notification glowing on the screen and frowned .
" My ride's here " he pouted .
We both got up from the table , quickly gathering our things together and payed for the meal .
Lachlan grabbed his bags that rested behind his chair before turning to me .
He dropped the bags and instantly wrapped his arms around me , I did the same in return .
I embraced the soft material of his cotton shirt as the familiar scent of his cologne made me want to stay like this forever .
As we pulled away , Lachlan cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a passionate kiss ; kissing me like his life depended on it .
The car honked from outside and we both pulled away .
" I have to go " he said , stating the obvious .
" Yeah , bye " I frowned .
He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek . " Bye , I love you ".
" Love you too " I replied as Lachlan picked up his bags again .
He gave me one more quick hug before brushing past me and out of the cafe into the heavy rain .
I watched through the window as the driver came out and helped him load his baggage .
After everything was loaded , Lachlan took a glance towards the cafe window ; his eyes locking on me .
I gave him a small wave and he gave me one in return ; forming his fingers into a small heart mouthing " I love you ".
Lachlan climbed into the back seat of the taxi before the driver started the engine and pulled away from the curb , taking off into the busy London street .
He's gone .
I took a seat at the table where we just ate breakfast .
" Miss ? Can I get you anything ? " a passing waiter asked me .
" Um , can I have a blueberry muffin and a cup of red rose tea ? Just add it to the bill here " I responded .
" Coming right up " the waiter replied , taking the empty plates that covered the table .
As she left , the screen of my phone lit up with a new notification .
Little Lachy - 10:37
i miss you already
Maddie - 10:38
lachlan , this is so cliche
Little Lachy - 10:38
shhhhh , we can be like the couples in the movies . just play along
Maddie - 10:38
fine , i miss you too :)
Little Lachy - 10:39
thats the sprit :D
Sorry for short chapter but I didn't know what to write after this and wanted to keep the sad vibe in this chapter so I'm ending it here .
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