Chapter 37 : The Mine Of Cons
( A/N : Outfit in media ^^^^ is Maddie's outfit currently )
• Two Days Later , 2 a.m. ; Plane To London •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I fluttered my eyes open , scanning my horizon .
The words of Fly Away By : 5 Seconds Of Summer played faintly through my earbuds as I rubbed my eyes .
I turned my head to look out the airplane window to see a bunch of white clouds and the sun slowly setting ; the sky mixed with pale pinks and oranges .
Lachlan , Mitch , Jerome , Alyssa , Ally , Preston , Jessica and I are all headed to London , England for MineCon .
I'm pretty excited since this is my first time going and I'd always wanted to go since I heard about the convention .
The whole Pack is going to be there which is pretty amazing that I get to see them again. I can just tell that this trip is going to be filled with banter .
I lifted my head from it's resting place on Lachlan's shoulder , who was sleeping ever so peacefully with his earbuds in his ears as well .
It seemed like I was the only one up since the plane was almost dead silent .
Taking out my earbuds , I put down the small table on the back of the seat in front of me and pulled my laptop out of its place in the small laptop sleeve .
After setting the laptop down and turning it on , I quickly logged onto my Twitter and started scrolling through my feed .
A bunch of fan art , people tagging me in pictures , DM's .... and a hate account ?
I raised my eyebrow , slowly clicking the twitter page titled ' Everyone Hates ShortPencilCrayons '.
' Who hates ShortPencilCrayons ? I do and so do you ! See , Everyone Hates ShortPencilCrayons ! '.
Why is this even a thing ?
The page was filled with hate tweets and other hate tweets through retweets .
She's so fat !
Lachlan must be blind !
I heard her parents are divorced , probably because of her ....
I think she's pregnant , hopefully not with Lachlan's baby !
Why don't they like me ? I never did anything to them . I care about Lachlan just as much as they do so why can't we all be happy for him ?
" Miss ? Would you like anything ? ".
I looked up from the laptop to see a flight attendant with a tray of drinks and snacks .
" Um , just water please " I replied .
The flight attendant poured me a glass of water before handing the cold liquid to me .
" Thank you " I said , taking a sip .
The flight attendant moved onto the next person as I shut the MacBook down .
When will the fans stop ?
• After 8 Hour Flight , London Airport •
" You excited ? " Lachlan asked , wrapping his arms around my waist from behind .
" Yeah , it's freaking MineCon " I smiled , tilting my head upwards to look at him .
We just got off the flight and now we were all waiting for our suitcases to arrive off the plane .
" Have you ever thought about meeting my parents ? " he asked .
I pulled away from him and turned to face him ; a serious expression crossing my face .
" Where is this coming from ? " I asked .
Lachlan shrugged . " I don't know . We have been dating for about 5 months and if we are going to take this relationship to the next level than I think you should meet my parents and I should meet yours ".
" Maybe one day but not now . I mean , it will be so awkward for my parents to actually come together in one room for like a family dinner and your family seems so perfect and mines so ... uh " I trailed off .
" Maddie , my family is far from perfect . Just cause your parents are divorced doesn't mean that your family is any different than mine . Plus , we can just have dinner with your mom and dad separate " Lachlan pointed out .
After the harsh divorce of my parents , they refuse to talk to or about each other .
Whenever my dad calls on the house phone and my mom sees his caller ID , she asks Connor or I to answer it .
My dad never talks about mom . Even when I try to bring it up , he quickly changes the subject .
They don't want to be each others lives anymore and that kinda hurts me a bit that they are not even friends .
" Can we not talk about this right now ? When we get to that bridge , we'll cross it but until then let's just focus on just getting our suitcases " I said softly .
Lachlan dropped the subject as we raced over in different directions to gather our luggage .
After everyone had found their belongings , we all started making our way to a taxi to take us to our hotel .
" Mitch ? Have you called dad yet ? " I asked as I helped Mitch put everyone's suitcases in the truck of the large taxi .
" Yeah , he said he'll meet us hopefully at our hotel " Mitch replied as I handed him Preston's backpack .
My dad and Mitch were not only here for MineCon but they were also here for a business trip .
Mitch and my dad are hosting this company for upcoming youtubers in order to help them get their channels out there .
I haven't told Lachlan that my dad is coming , and I don't plan to until we get to the hotel . The element of surprise .
" Mitch ! " Lachlan cried , causing both Mitch and I to turn over in his direction .
Lachlan was hugging a guy with blond hair and blue eyes who looked almost like him .
I walked over to him just as he and the stranger pulled away .
" Oh Mitch , this is Madeline my girlfriend " Lachlan introduced me as I approached the two .
" I know who she is , you can't stop talking about her " the boy smiled , looking over at me .
" Mads , this my younger brother Mitchell " Lachlan said .
" Nice to meet you Mitchell " I greeted kindly , sticking out my hand for him to shake .
" Nice to finally meet you too Madeline " Mitchell replied ; shaking my hand firmly .
" Mitch , let me introduce you to the squad " Lachlan subjected , pulling Mitch towards the others .
• Few Minutes Later , On The Way To The Hotel •
" So Mitch , Lachlan told me that you are still in school . How's that going ? " I asked .
" Good , I'm actually starting a few of my collage classes . I flew to Germany for a study trip , stayed there for 5 months , then came here for Minecon before I have to go back to class " Mitchell explained .
" That sounds pretty sick . I always wanted to go to Germany . It seems like an amazing country " Jerome commented .
" It really is . Although its totally different from the US , Canada and Australia ".
" What's your major ? " Mitch asked .
" Um , I don't really have one . I'm doing a bunch of different classes to see which one I like best so next year I can study one " Mitchell admitted .
" Guys , look ! It's the Big Ben ! " Ally cried , pointing outside the window .
We all directed our attention towards the windows , catching a glimpse of the tall building .
" It's just like I imaged it " Alyssa gasped , taking a quick photo as the taxi driver slowed down so we could see it properly .
I have a feeling these next two days of my life are going to ones I will never forget ...
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