Chapter 36 : Wreaking My Ears
• Next Day , 6 p.m. ; ArcadiaCon •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Hey guys ! Its me BajanCanadian here and today I am joined with Jerome and my little sister Madeline to do some challenges here on stage with you guys " Mitch greeted the crowd of people in the auditorium .
It's been a pretty long day with signings , helping out with the Posh Life Clothing booth and just in general being all over the place but now , I'm doing the last task for the day ; helping out Mitch and Jerome with their panel .
The crowd let out a loud cheer .
" How's everyone doing ? You guys having fun at Arcadia ? " I cried into my microphone and they let out another cheer .
" What we are going to be doing right now is a bunch of challenges that you guys have probably seen as doing in a few videos on all of our channels " Jerome explained .
" Unfortunately , we took up so much time trying to sign everyone's things that we cut into time that we should have been here doing this panel . So , we are going to have to take out a few challenges that we had planned for today " Mitch frowned .
" Today we are going to be doing a death cup , we are going to have some of you guys come up here and throw eggs at us and lastly have a few of you guys ask us any sort of question you want " Jerome informed .
" Well , while I help Mitch set up some stuff to get these challenges going , why doesn't Jerome sing a song ? " I subjected , swinging my iPhone 6 back and forth in my hands .
" I don't think so " Jerome protested .
" Come on Jerome ! Show us your beautiful singing abilities ! " a fan yelled from the crowd .
" See ? Do it for the fans " I smirked .
" Do it ! Do it ! " Mitch chanted , the crowd suddenly joining along .
" Do it ! Do it ! Do it ! " the whole auditorium cried .
" Okay , Maddie , pick a song " Jerome said seriously , causing the whole crowd to cheer .
I smiled while going to Safari and typing in Wreaking Ball By Miley Cyrus lyrics into the search .
" Here you go " I said , handing my phone over to him .
Mitch handed me a garbage bag which I set on the stage before Jerome broke into the song lyrics .
" We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain .
We jumped never asking why .
We kissed , I fell under your spell.
A love no one could deny " Jerome started singing , his voice off key .
Mitch and I held in our laughter as the crowd was silent .
" Don't you ever say I just walked away
I will always want you .
I can't live a lie, running for my life
I will always want you " he continued .
" I came in like a wrecking ball .
I never hit so hard in love .
All I wanted was to break your walls .
All you ever did was wreck me .
Yeah , you , you wreck me " Jerome cried , Mitch and I bursting out into laughter .
" Okay , that's enough Jerome . Please , you're wreaking my ears ! " I laughed .
" Really ? I thought I was doing a pretty good job " Jerome protested . " Did I do I good job guys ? " Jerome asked the crowd .
The crowd let out a loud cheer of approval as I let out a laugh .
" Okay ! Let's get started " Mitch announced , setting down the last garbage bag .
A/N :
If I told you how much I hated this chapter , I would start making you actually hate yourself because that's how much I hate this chapter . I am sorry that it seems really short and unimportant ( cause it really is ) but I promise you that the next chapter is wayyy better . I lost my research paper for Arcadia and so I didn't have much research to go on by so I tried to just wing it but as you can see , that doesn't work for me . So once again really sorry and I promise you Minecon will be much better to read . I could have deleted this chapter but I just need to finish up this last day of Arcadia . Thanks for reading this shitty ass chapter and for sticking around .
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