Chapter 33 : Arcadia
• The Next Morning •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Lachlan , stop it " I mumbled into my pillow .
" Wake up Mads " Lachlan replied ; his lips on my skin sending warm vibrations down my neck .
He continued to attack my neck with before I placed my hand in his face ; pushing him away .
" Lachlan stop it . Let me sleep " I groaned , pulling the covers up to
cover my neck .
" But Maddie , I'm bored " he groaned .
" You have over one million fans , talk to them , do a contest , anything to let me sleep " I quipped .
" But you're more fun than my fans will ever be " he replied .
" Wait until I wake up " I snapped , my eyes still closed .
It was quiet for a few moments .
I let out a small sigh of relief before cuddling back into my pillow .
Lachlan knows I stayed up late editing a video and fell asleep at about 5 this morning . I need my sleep .
" Maddie , " Lachlan whispered , breaking the silence . " Are you awake ? ".
" No ".
" But you're talking to me right now " he responded .
" Fuck off " I replied .
It was silent again and I feared that I had taken it too far .
The bed shifted and soon Lachlan's arm was draped around me , burying his face in my neck .
I started to drift back off to sleep when Lachlan creeped his hands up to my sides .
" Maddie " he whispered as he started tickling my sides .
I squirmed under his touch , trying my best to not laugh .
" Lachlan , stop " I said , letting a giggle slip from my lips .
" I will , when you get out of bed " he teased .
" Okay ! I'm up ! I'm up ! " I cried in defeat ; opening my eyes and sitting up .
I turned to face him . " I hate you ".
" I love you too " he replied , kissing me on the cheek .
I threw the covers to a side , getting out of bed stretching .
• After Getting Ready In The Bathroom •
I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed while Lachlan was scrolling through his phone on the bed .
" Did everyone already eat breakfast ? " I asked , tying my hair into a ponytail .
" Chipotle " Lachlan replied , a thin smile spreading across his face .
I let out a chuckle . " That's more like lunch than breakfast ".
I grabbed my phone from the charger .
" So , you excited for Arcadia ? " Lachlan asked , getting up from the bed .
" Yeah , it's going to be hype out of Skype " I answered in a fake posh Australian accent .
Lachlan let out a laugh as I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway .
Without any warning , a bucket came crashing down on my head ; a warm stinky liquid going down my shirt .
" What the fuck ! " I yelled , removing the bucket from my head and violently throwing it to a side .
A bunch of laughter filled the room . I wiped whatever ' it ' was from my eyes to come face to face with Preston , Alyssa and Mat ; each of them recording the moment .
" Good morning ! " they all cried in unison .
" Oh fuck you guys . What is this ? " I asked , looking down at my shirt that was covered in what looked like a mixture of spoiled milk and orange soda . It smelled horrible .
" It's milk , water , orange juice and chunky tomato sauce " Preston listed .
" You guys are so bad . Honestly , like I just got ready ! " I cried .
" Did you prank her yet ? " Mitch yelled from downstairs .
" Yup ! " Lachlan cried from behind me .
I turned around to see him recording as well .
" Not you too ! " I cried .
I gave him a playful shove before brushing pass him and back into the bathroom to take a long shower .
• Later That Afternoon •
" Everything's good to go ? " I asked Mitch who had just put on his seatbelt .
Everything is packed and we are ready to head to ArcadiaCon .
It's going to be so much fun , I can't wait .
This is my first time ever going because after all I am only 18 and before then I was kinda under my moms roof and had to get her permission to do anything really .
It was upsetting since I was a YouTuber but I wasn't allowed to go to all the cool Youtube events .
Mitch nodded in response before turning on the car , the engine roaring to life .
I rested my head on Lachlan's shoulder , putting in my earbuds ; letting 5 Seconds of Summer's She's Kinda Hot blast through .
Mitch signaled Jerome that he was ready to go before pulling out of the driveway .
Mitch's car was a 5 seater as well as Jerome's .
The drive to Fort Lauderdale ( where ArcadiaCon is being held this year ) is about a 4 - 5 hour drive from Tampa .
The squad had to move into the two cars with Mitch , Jessica , Lachlan , Preston and I in this car and Jerome , Alyssa and Mat in the other .
Mitch pulled onto the road , speeding away from the house ; hitting the highway .
Arcadia here we come ...
A/N :
Sorry that this chapter might boring and shorter than my other chapters ( it's about 760 words and I usually wrote up to 1000 ) . I am trying to improve my writing skills but everything I write seems horrible so please just bare with me :/
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