Chapter 32 : First Date Hype ?
• The Next Day , 1 p.m. ; Florida House •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I sat in the kitchen , scrolling through all the comments for the video I posted on my channel about Lachlan and I's relationship .
Lachlan had mentioned the video on his Twitter , making his fans get into a huge fuss .
Most of comments were nice but others weren't .
ew , Madeline is so yuck . she should just die , Lachlan deserves wayyy better . she's so ugly ! is Lachlan blind ?
i bet shes only w/ Lachlan for his fame and money . shes such a whore , hope you die in hell madeline !
i totally hate maddie ! is she pregnant or just really fat ? i vote second :) go starve urself Maddie , and maybe even kill urself after ! save lachlan the trouble ;P
god , shes so annoying and ugly . go die bitch . leave our Lachy alone , he doesn't deserve a whore like u
" Hey babe " Lachlan greeted , wrapping his arms around me from behind .
" What you looking at ? " he asked , resting his head on my shoulder .
" Just the comments for our video " I frowned .
He moved the laptop closer to him , looking at the comments . " Do you really believe all this shit ? ".
" How can I not ? It's everywhere . On Twitter , Instagram and all over my videos . Why do they only target me ? " I cried , rubbing my temples .
Lachlan rubbed his hands up and down my arms . " Hey , don't let them get to you . You're not fat or ugly or a whore . I love you and that's all that matters . You're a beautiful , intelligent , amazing girlfriend and anyone who tells you otherwise can fuck off ".
I gave him a weak smile .
" You wanna go to the mall ? " Lachlan asked , removing my hands from my temples before walking over to the fridge .
" Yeah , anything to just clear my mind " I replied , turning off the Mac Book .
" Okay , get ready and we'll leave in about 30 minutes " Lachlan said , grabbing his Starbucks drink .
" Yeah okay " I said , getting off the stool ; heading upstairs to get ready .
• 1 Hour Later •
After putting on my outfit (A/N : Tried fitting in two outfits this chapter , you will see why if you continue reading . The one on the left with the ripped jeans is the one that Maddie is wearing currently ) , I let my hair lose , applying my foundation , mascara and a little lip gloss .
I grabbed my wallet and phone ; putting them into my side bag .
I walked downstairs , where Lachlan was leaning on the kitchen counter waiting for me .
" You look beautiful " he commented .
I studied his causal black T-shirt and beige jeans .
I couldn't help but stare at his muscular arms .
Has he been working out ?
" Thanks , you look very handsome " I replied .
" Thank you , are you all ready ? " He asked .
" Yeah , I'll go ask Mitch for his car keys " I replied , walking back upstairs .
Maybe he's in his room ? I didn't see him downstairs .
" Mitch ? " I called out opening his door without warning .
To my surprise I saw him and Jessica making out passionately in their undergarments !
They quickly pulled away from their kiss , covering their bodies with the blanket .
" Fuck Maddie ! Do you ever knock ? " Mitch cried embarrassed .
I turned around quickly , facing the hallway . " I was just wanted to borrow the car for today . Lachlan and I are going to the mall ".
He got out of bed and headed over to his dresser , grabbing the keys ; throwing them at me .
I turned around and as usual , failed to catch them .
" Loser " he teased playfully .
" Shut up Mr . I Don't Know How To Lock The Door When I Want To Fuck My Girlfriend " I mocked .
" Get the fuck out Maddie . You're such a bitch " Mitch snapped .
" Mitch ! Is that any way to talk to your younger sister ? " Jessica added in a teasing matter
" Yeah , Mitch ! Mom wouldn't approve " I played along .
" Both of you shut the fuck up , Maddie you have every thing you need so you can remove yourself from my bedroom " Mitch said calmly .
" Use protection " I winked .
" GET OUT ! " Mitch cried .
I let out a chuckle before going out of the bedroom and back downstairs .
" What happened up there ? " Lachlan asked curiously .
" They were getting it on if you know what I mean " I winked .
Lachlan let out laugh . " Mitch ! You need condoms ? " He yelled in the direction of upstairs .
I hit his arm playfully as we both burst out laughing .
" Fuck you ! " Mitch yelled back in response .
After we calmed down from laughing , Lachlan grabbed my hand , leading me outside .
We walked down the driveway towards Mitch's car .
" You wanna drive ? " I asked .
He grabbed the keys out of my hand , unlocking the car .
As soon as we got in and our seat belts were on , Lachlan started the engine .
" You know where we are going ? " I asked .
" Yeah , I'm not a noob " Lachlan teased , backing out of the driveway .
" You sure ? " I challenged .
He rolled his eyes at me before heading onto the road .
( A/N : I live in Toronto and not in Florida . So there are stores that are in Florida but not in Toronto and the same thing goes for Toronto . So , I am just going to be using the stores I know in this chapter . )
• At The Mall , 2 p.m. ; EB Games •
" Mads ! Look at this ! " Lachlan cried from across the store .
I looked up from my phone to see Lachlan with a creeper plushie on his head .
I gave him a smile . " I'll buy it for you if you want ".
His eyes lit up as he nodded .
I walked over to him , grabbing the plushie from his head and looked at the price tag . $ 10.00 . Pretty good deal .
" You ready to leave ? " I asked him as he intertwined his fingers with mine .
" Yeah , we can go wherever you please now " Lachlan replied .
I gave him a smile as we walked over to the counter to pay .
I set the toy down and the young boy behind the counter turned around to face us .
The boy's eyes lit up with excitement as he saw Lachlan and I .
" Oh my god , Lachlan Power is standing right in front of me . I am a huge fan of your work " the boy gasped .
Lachlan gave him a smile . " Thank you ".
The boy scanned the creeper and I handed him the money to pay .
" Hello , are you ShortPencilCrayons ? " the boy asked me .
" In the flesh " I replied smiling .
" So you guys are on a date ? " he smirked .
" I guess you can call it that " Lachlan replied .
" I saw the tag . You two are adorable " he smiled .
" Aw , thanks " I smiled in return .
It was nice to hear that , considering it felt like all his fans were out to kill me .
He handed me the bag of which I gave to Lachlan .
" Hey , can I get a picture with you two ? " the boy asked just as we were leaving .
" Yeah sure " Lachlan answered .
The boy grabbed out his phone and we posted for a selfie .
" Thanks ! Have a great day ! " the boy called once more before Lachlan and I exited EB Games .
• A Few Minutes Later •
I walked out of the dressing room of Forever 21 . ( A/N : The outfit that Maddie is wearing now at Forever 21 is the dress with the blond girl but minus the backpack )
" How does this look ? " I asked Lachlan who was sitting on a bench texting away on his phone .
He looked up and studied my outfit .
" It looks great on you " he answered .
I placed a hand on my hip . " Are you just saying that because you want to go get Chipotle ? ".
" No , well kinda . You look stunning in everything you wear anyway " Lachlan smiled .
I felt my nose turn red and he let out a laugh .
" Hurry up and change Rudolph the red nosed reindeer " he smirked .
I stuck out my tongue at him before heading back into the change room .
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