Chapter 30 : Boyfriend/Girlfriend Tag
(A/N : Extra Long Chapter , its over 2000 words ... and that's long since I only write chapters till about 1000 so your welcome in advance . Also to all them fan fiction fact haters , I don't know much about Lachlan's personal life cause wiki is a fat liar and there are going to be questions asked about his personal life in this chapter so I am only going by what I know and just fulling in the blanks with whatever I think would suit him . That's this note , enjoy :D )
• Same Day , 11 p.m. ; In Lachlan's Room •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Okay , so full me in " I said , having a seat on Lachlan's lap .
We were in his room , on the chair for his setup ; trying to figure out as to how to tell the fans about our relationship .
" Well , I've seen a bunch of other couples on YouTube do the Girlfriend/Boyfriend Tag " Lachlan subjected .
" Yeah , that a pretty fun idea . I say we go on Twitter , tell the fans to send in questions for a girlfriend/ boyfriend tag ; not telling them it's for a video and then we pick out questions that we like from that " I explained .
Lachlan nodded before heading onto his twitter and typing in the post over my shoulder .
Hey guys ! How about we do something really cool and funny ? Sent me girlfriend/boyfriend questions using #TheTagOf2015 . No reason as to why I want these questions , just really bored :/
He posted the tweet .
" You sure you want to do this ? " he asked , looking into my eyes .
I turned to face him and nodded . " Stop worrying ".
He sighed and looked back at the screen as the questions started flowing in .
• A Hour Later •
I set up my tripod facing towards where Lachlan and I are sitting .
When I got it on the perfect position , I clicked record , racing over to sit next to Lachlan .
" 1 , 2 , 3 , go " I whispered to him .
We both put on a huge fake smile .
" Hey guys ! Its me , ShortPencilCrayons here and today , as you guys can see by the tittle of this video , I have been keeping a huge secret from the rest you guys " I laughed , going my intro .
" So , this handsome young man over here is my boyfriend , Lachlan Power " I said , resting my head on his shoulder as he gave the camera a shy wave .
" Lachlan is 19 , his birthday is the same day as mine , he's Australian and he is a YouTuber just like me . His channel is down below in the description " I explained quickly .
" On my Twitter I asked my fans to send me girlfriend/boyfriend tag questions using #TheTagOf2015 " Lachlan added in .
" Which was trending worldwide at number 2 ! Thanks ! " I smiled .
" Before we get onto to the fun part of the video I would just like to ask that you guys try your best to support us . We would like all your support cause this was really hard to come out and say . So please , no hate " I said seriously .
" Okay , so Lachlan , why doesn't you explain the rules ? ".
" Well , we are going to be answering the questions you guys sent us about our relationship using Maddie's phone " Lachlan said as I showed the camera my iPhone 6 .
" Whoever doesn't know the answer or doesn't get it right , will get a egg on the head " Lachlan continued , holding up a carton of eggs .
" Good thing we are near the pool , I'll just jump in after " I replied .
" Mitch will kill you if he finds egg shells while he goes for his nightly swim " Lachlan joked .
" He'll never know " I whispered and he let out a laugh .
" Okay , first question ; how long have we been together ? " I read .
" 4 months , a week till 5 " we said in unison .
" Next ; where did we meet ? ".
" At Pax Dev I think " Lachlan said .
" Yes , I'm surprised you even got that right " I smiled .
" Did you even remember that ? " He asked .
" Nope , I was going to say Pax East " I laughed .
" I think that calls for a egg ! " He joked , grabbing the carton .
" No ! That doesn't count ! " I laughed .
He pouted and set the carton down .
" What's one thing you wish I didn't do ? ".
" Talk about FNAF when you know I hate the game " Lachlan burst out .
" If you gave the game a chance it really isn't that scary " I protested .
" It is scary and you know I can't deal with scary games ".
I rolled my eyes at him .
" Well , I hate it whenever we go out , you always make us stop to get Chipotle " I said .
" But you know I love Chipotle ! " he cried .
" You are way to addicted to that stuff " I said .
" Whatever " he snapped .
" Where did you ask me out ? ".
" At a BBQ here on that baloney " I answered quickly .
" That was the best day of my life " he smiled .
I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek .
It feels a little awkward kissing in front of a camera ...
" Next question ; What eye color was I born with ? " I read .
He thought for a second . " Green ? " he asked , unsure .
" Nope , light blue " I smiled .
" No ! I don't want to get egged ! " Lachlan cried , touching his hair .
" Looks like you are " I smirked .
" Fine , answer the question Mads . What eye color was I born with ? " Lachlan challenged .
Shit , I really don't know that one either ...
" Dark blue ? " I replied .
He smiled as he shook his head . " Light blue as well".
" No ! " I cried , burying my face in my hands .
Lachlan picked up the carton , taking out two eggs .
He handed one to me . We held the eggs over each other heads .
" Don't smash it too - OUCH ! " Lachlan started but was cut off by me smashing the egg down hard on his head .
Suddenly he smashed the egg onto my head .
I instantly felt the top of my head throb a little ; egg yolk sliding down the front of my shirt .
" Ew , this is already disgusting " I groaned , taking a few of the shells out of my hair .
" Hurry up with the questions , I don't want another egg " Lachlan said , snapping his fingers .
" One food I hate ? ".
" Under cooked eggs " Lachlan replied quickly .
" Um ... I have no idea " I frowned .
" Egg time " Lachlan said , giving me a evil smile .
He grabbed a egg and smashed it on my head without any warning .
" That went down my shirt . So cold " I shivered , grabbing a towel that I set up earlier .
I wiped my hands of egg yolk before grabbing my phone again .
" Favorite fast food place ? ".
" Chipotle all the way " I said without any doubt .
" A & W or McDonalds " Lachlan replied .
" Aw , I wanted to egg you " I frowned .
" What's my shoe size ? ".
" 10 and a half , sometimes 11 " I replied .
" 8 " Lachlan said .
I smiled . " 8 and a half sometimes 9 ".
He groaned as I grabbed a egg .
I placed the egg of his head before taking the palm of my hand and smashing it .
He whined ; I gave him a smile .
" What do I collect ? ".
" iPhone cases " Lachlan replied quickly .
" I have one for each day of the week " I smiled . " Also , you collect Pokemon cards ".
" What would I eat everyday if I could ? ".
" Chipotle " I replied .
" You know me too well " Lachlan laughed . " You would eat cream cheese bagels with chocolate milk ".
" I love me some cream cheese " I said in a south western accent ; rubbing my stomach .
We both burst laughing .
" Favorite music group/artist ? ".
" Drake " I said simply .
" I missed his concert " Lachlan frowned .
" What's mine huh ? You should know this one , I make you listen to them all the time " I said , smiling .
Lachlan groaned and gave the camera a bored look . " 5 Seconds Of Summer ".
" Woo ! " I screamed .
" The only thing I like about them is that they are from Australia " Lachlan sighed , leaning back in his chair .
" But come on , admit it , you liked a few of their songs " I said , grabbing his hand .
" Yeah , they aren't that bad " Lachlan replied .
" Current eye color ? ".
I closed my eyes waiting for him to answer .
" Blue grey " he replied .
He closed his in return as I answered .
" Light blue ".
" Okay , good . We looked into each others eyes too many times not to know that one " he smiled , giving me a kiss on the cheek .
" Hair color I was born with ? ".
" You were born with a dark dirty blond I believe " I said unsure .
" Yup , and you were a brunette " Lachlan answered .
I nodded before reading the next question .
" Who is my BFF ? ".
" The one with the YouTube channel . Jay I think his name is ? " I asked .
" Yeah , you haven't met him yet but that's his name . Yours is Amanda who I already met on Skype " Lachlan said .
" Where am I from ? ".
" Montreal , Canada " Lachlan answered .
" Brisbane , Australia . Or is it called Queensland ? " I asked .
" It's Queensland , Brisbane is the capital but I won't egg you " he stated .
" Do or did I play a sport ? If I do , which one ? ".
" Yes you did , still kinda do and you played basketball " I answered .
" Yes you did , high jump ".
" I miss those days , even though I would go to the meets and suck " I sighed .
Lachlan let out a laugh .
" I spend hours doing ? ".
" Being on Twitter and talking to your mum on Facebook " I answered .
" Watching YouTube videos " Lachlan replied .
" YouTube is love , YouTube is life " I quoted .
" What talents do I have that you love ? ".
" How you always know how to fix small problems with phone chargers and buttons that sometimes don't work " Lachlan said .
" How you always seem to make me happy even when times are really hard ".
Lachlan kinda blushed . " I love you ".
" I love you too ".
" When/Where was our first kiss ? ".
" On the baloney over there " we both said quickly .
" Who said I love you first ? ".
" Lachlan did , care to explain ? " I asked .
" I was leaving for Australia and Maddie was sad so I told her I loved her . I was so nervous but I'm glad I told her before I left " he smiled .
I returned the smile before looking back down at my phone .
" Who wears the pants in the relationship ? ".
" No one , we are both pretty equal " Lachlan answered .
" No one should have any pants in the relationship . It's not healthy at all " I stated .
" Weird obsessions ? ".
" Your love for 5 Seconds Of Summer . Whenever we watch TV and they are on , you scream so loud that the neighbors next door think something's wrong " Lachlan teased .
I blushed . " Your weird obsession is to have everything symmetrical ".
" It's just weird seeing things uneven ! " he cried .
" But you like have to have it symmetrical . I swear , if you were to live in a house that was unsymmetrical you would die cause it just bothers you that much " I said seriously .
" It just gives me the chills seeing it . Its just ... ew " Lachlan said , wincing .
I simply rolled my eyes at him before picking up my phone again .
" What do we argue about the most ? ".
" Since we are from two completely different places , we argue a lot about what things are called " Lachlan explained .
" But we don't really argue much , and if we do , it's over the most silliest things " I shrugged .
" If I could live somewhere else in the world , where would I live ? ".
" LA because you like the lifestyle there " Lachlan answered .
" Anywhere in the US cause the wifi doesn't suck like in Australia " I laughed .
" It is horrible , we have the best quality Internet at my house yet I still can't stream without crashing ".
I let out a laugh .
" What drink do I order when we go out ? ".
" Coke " Lachlan answered quickly .
" Sprite ".
" Why do you even like Coke so much ? " Lachlan asked .
" I don't know , it's my drug . I can't get enough of it " I sighed .
" Okay , last question ; How do we deal with a long distance relationship ? ".
" It's really hard guys , I'm not going to lie " Lachlan sighed , looking down .
" Yeah , with time zones and our really busy schedules it seems almost impossible " I frowned .
" But , if you love that person so much , then you guys will get through it " Lachlan said , grabbing my hand ; giving it a light squeeze .
" Yeah , you just have to have a world clock to check what time is best to call or text and just try to keep in touch as best as you can with the person " I said , giving the viewers a forced smile .
I hate talking about long distance relationships , especially when I'm in one .
It's so hard , sometimes I don't think I can take it anymore ...
But I love Lachlan and I know he loves me so we continue to fight together .
" Anyways , that was this girlfriend/boyfriend tag . Remember to check out Lachlan's channel , please no hate and lastly , don't forget to hit that like button , comment and maybe even subscribe if you're new to the channel . Thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time with a brand new video . Bai ! " I said , finishing off the video .
Lachlan gave one last wave to the camera before I stopped the recording .
" Are we sure we made the right choice ? " I asked , dismantling the camera from the tripod .
" I don't know , I mean , we should be glad that there's no weight on our shoulders anymore " Lachlan said , picking some of the eggs shells off his shirt .
" I guess I'm just nervous " I said , my palms suddenly starting to get sweaty .
Lachlan came over to me , wrapping his arms around my waist from behind .
" It's okay , it will be fine . Now , race from one side of the pool to the other ? " Lachlan challenged .
" What about the egg shells ? " I stated .
" Mitch will never know " he smirked .
" You're on like Donkey Kong " I said , racing over to the pool .
I dived right in , Lachlan following after .
We swam to the end of the pool , our backs against the wall .
" From this end of the pool to the other , loser has to do a death cup " I challenged .
" Deal , on your mark " Lachlan agreed ; starting the countdown .
We leaned away from the wall , getting ready to swim .
" Get set , GO ! " he cried before diving in .
We started swimming towards the end , Lachlan and I neck and neck .
After about 1 mintue , I won and Lachlan groaned .
" I hate you so much right now " he said , lifting himself out of the pool ; me following after .
" I love you too " I smiled , wrapping my arms around his neck , giving me a peak on the lips .
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