Chapter 3 : Sassy Much ?
~ Maddie's POV ~
• Next Day Of PAX •
" Okay , now , I need 2 volunteers from the crowd to come and battle to see who is the best at Just Dance " the man on stage asked .
It is day 2 of PAX and The Pack and I had decided to watch the Wii station and right now they were showing us Just Dance , the Wii version .
I am a really bad dancer . At prom , a guy I kinda liked asked me to dance and I stepped on his foot so many times , his foot was sore and he had to get ice !
Everyone started talking at once when suddenly Mitch grabbed my hand , raising it up in the air .
" What ! Mitch , no ! " I cried , ripping my hand out of his grip , putting it back to my side .
" Oh come on Maddie ! You're a great dancer ! " he lied .
" No , I'm not and you know it " I protested , crossing my arms over my chest .
" Too late ! " Jerome laughed as he grabbed me from behind , lifting me onto his shoulder and taking me onto the stage .
I tried to fight it but it was no use , they were still gonna make me go anyways ...
He set me down and the crowd cheered , mostly cause they may be my fans .
" Come on ! " I heard Vikk and Rob cry before I saw Lachlan be shoved onto stage .
The crowd cheered even louder and I shifted uncomfortably , picking at the rip in my jeans ( A/N : Outfit in Media , sorry for bad picture , finding outfits like these are really hard ) .
Did they do this on purpose or something ?
" Well , looks like we got ShortPencilCrayons here ( A/N : Sorry I keep on using that user name in stories ) and CraftBattleDuty here ! Does anyone else smell a brewing romance ? " the Wii guy joked and the crowd went wild .
I blushed and I could tell Lachlan did too .
" Anyways , let's get started " the guy said , handing us both controllers before the music started , Lady Gaga's Pokerface playing .
The crowd cheered and I just prayed for this to over with .
We looked at the screen as the girl started dancing , me trying my best to copy her moments .
" More sass ! " Mitch yelled from the crowd and I rolled my eyes , strucking out my hip to a side .
The crowd cheered and I smiled , noticing that Lachlan was looking at me , until I kinda glanced over at him to which he turned his head .
We tried our hardest to bet each other and at the end of the song , we were tied .
The crowd went wild again as Lachlan pulled me into a hug to which I was quite surprised by but hugged back anyways .
" #Machlan ! " a person from the crowd yelled and the crowd cheered once again .
The two of us blushed as we got off stage , Mitch wrapping his arm around me as we continued walking throughout PAX .
• Later That Day , Lunchtime •
" I totally ship #Machlan " Vikk joked as we all sat at this cool outdoor kinda greenhouse style restaurant .
I threw a carrot at him from my lunch and he caught it into his mouth .
" Show off " I cried and he did a mini bow .
" Guys , come on , you have to admit , it sounds like your shipping Mitch and Lachlan together honestly " Preston laughed and we all agreed .
Suddenly out for nowhere a Mexican band came out out of nowhere and started playing music .
We were all surprised but still enjoyed while they played .
During the song Lachlan grabbed my hand and pulled me into this area where you could dance .
He gave me a warm smile as he started to do this cool kinda Mexican style of dance with me ( A/N : Kinda like the dance Rob did with his girlfriend in a vlog that Choco did , hopefully you know what I am talking about , if you don't then message me and I might send you the link ) .
I laughed as I kinda got the hang of it and it was kinda fun .
Why was Lachlan doing all these weird gestures today ? First the hug at the Wii station and then this cute dance ? Me = confused .
The mexican band ended the song and we all clapped , giving them tips before they walked away .
Lachlan and I had a seat as everyone kinda stared at us .
" #Machlan , I ship it so freakin hard " Rob said , breaking the silents and we all laughed , well , expect Lachlan and I who didn't make any eye contact with each other as we blushed .
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