Chapter 28 : Back
• Same Day , 9 p.m. ; LA Airport •
~ Maddie's POV ~
The airport was nosy and crowded . There were people saying goodbye to loved ones , while others were either waiting patiently for their flights to be called or texting furiously on their phones .
There must have been about 50 people waiting in line to check in since Vikk , Ethan , Jerome , Lachlan , Ally , Tobi , Josh , Simon and I have been standing in the same spot for 20 minutes now .
" How long does it take for people to simply weigh bags and check passports ? " Ethan asked , looking at his phone .
I am getting restless . My legs feel like they are going to break down on the spot and I can feel my eyelids slowly closing .
" Mads ? Want coffee or anything ? " Lachlan asked , squeezing my hand softly .
" Um , yeah . Sure " I replied .
He ducked under the rope that was dividing people into a line ; making his way towards a nearby Starbucks .
My phone beeped in my pocket . I fished it out , checking my new message from Mitch .
Benja Kanda - 9:36
yo , what time u think u guys r coming @ ?
Maddie - 9:36
1 a.m . at least
Benja Kanda - 9:37
rip my sleep
Maddie - 9:37
" Um , Madeline ? Can we talk for a second ? ".
I looked up to see Simon standing in front of me .
" Okay " I replied awkwardly .
We haven't talked since the club incident .
I could feel the tension between the two of us ; I really don't like tensions .
We shifted away from the group before Simon spoke up .
" Look , I am really sorry for making you drink . It was my fault that you got drunk and we - yeah " he stated , starching the back of his head .
" It's all in the past now . Plus , Lachlan and I are fine now and hopefully we can just put this behind us ". I gave him a warm smile .
He gave me a smile in return .
" Guys ! We moved up ! " Vikk shouted in our direction .
The two of us headed towards our bags , moving just a little bit forward .
Lachlan came back with the Starbucks for everyone .
I took a sip of the hot beverage , a warm thrill traveling throughout my body .
Whoever invented Starbucks is a absolute fucking genius .
• 40 Minutes Later •
" Could flight 235 to London please start making your way towards your gate ? Thank you and enjoy your flight " the intercom announced .
" That's our flight " Ally frowned .
I pulled her into a tight hug . " I'll have to come and visit soon ".
" You are always welcome " she replied as the two of us pulled away .
I exchanged hugs with the rest of the Sidemen before they headed towards their gate .
I sighed as I took a seat next to Lachlan ; resting my head on his shoulder .
Lachlan was scrolling throughout Twitter on his phone .
I decided not to be nosy and drifted off to sleep .
• 1 a.m. ; At Florida Airport •
I rubbed my eyes , letting out a yawn as I dragged my suitcases behind me towards the arrivals entrance .
" Mitch said he's outside " Jerome announced , slipping his phone back in his pocket .
" Maddie ? Want me to carry your bags ? " Lachlan whispered in my ear , his warm breath sending shivers down my back .
I shook my head . He's so thoughtful . He obviously saw that I am super tried and offered to help . How did I ever get this lucky ?
The warm air hit me as we walked outside and I instantly started to sweat .
Why does Florida have to be so hot ?
" Maddie ! " a familiar voice called in the distance .
I looked around and spotted Mitch standing beside another girl that I didn't recognize .
Who's that girl beside Mitch ? I have never seen her before . Is that his girlfriend ? Why wouldn't Mitch tell me about this ? We talk 24/7 !
Lachlan , Jerome and I made our way through the maze of suitcases and vehicles that were waiting for friends or family towards Mitch .
Mitch gave us all hugs before opening the trunk of his car .
I didn't dare ask him about the girl with him , if he wanted to tell us then he would .
I looked over at Lachlan who raised a eyebrow at me and nodded his head towards the girl who was currently helping Mitch load suitcases into the car .
I shrugged in response .
Mitch slammed the trunk closed before turning to us .
" So , how was E3 ? " he asked .
Why was he avoiding introducing us to the girl standing just inches away from him ?
" Good , did you get all the supplies needed for the booth ? " Jerome asked .
" Yeah , every single one . It's going to be so cool " he replied grinning .
There was a silence .
" Um , guys this is Jessica ; my girlfriend and Jessica , this is Lachlan , Jerome and my little sister Madeline " he introduced .
Jessica ? This is Jessica , Mitch's girlfriend ?
Confusion hit me like a bomb .
I'm not surprised at all . I mean , Mitch already told me about Jessica but the thing is , I never actually seen her face . Ever .
Mitch just said that he had a girlfriend named Jessica and ended it there . He didn't really talk about her at all . It was like they were in a secret relationship that everyone knew about but he just didn't mention . Does that even make sense ?
" Nice to finally meet you Jessica " Jerome said , shaking her hand politely .
" Same to you " she replied .
Lachlan shook her hand as well , giving her a warm smile .
She turned to me and I held out my hand for her to shake .
Jessica shook my hand while giving me a smile ; her grip was strong and firm . We let go of each others hands and it was suddenly really awkward .
" Nice to meet you ".
" Same to you " she said again .
I would say I heard a lot about her but I haven't .
" Okay , how about we get going ? " Mitch said , clearly sensing the awkwardness between Jessica and I .
Without a word , I climbed into the car , shutting the door behind me and putting on my seat belt .
Everyone else climbed in before Mitch started the engine and drove away from the airport .
Author's Note :
Hey guys ! Did you guys realize anything different with my techniques with describing things in this chapter ? I am trying to improve in that kind of stuff and I would really love some feedback on that . Did the chapter seem any different in terms of grammar/wording then previous chapters ? Please tell me what you think in the comments below . Thank you in advance ;D
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