Chapter 27 : Beach Forgiveness
• Next Morning , 1 p.m. •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I woke up feeling crummy and depressed .
Lachlan might as well just break up with me , our relationship is practically over .
I threw the white blankets to a side , sat up and let my feet dangle over the edge of the bed .
Lachlan knows how to play with my emotions . I bet he's doing this on purpose at this point just to make me feel guilty and miserable .
Today is the last day in LA . E3 finished yesterday and everyone was leaving tonight at about 9 .
Suddenly there was a loud bang on the door .
I got up and walked over to the door .
I opened it to see Ally standing there with shorts and a tank top , but you could see her bright orange bikini through her tank top .
" Why are you not ready ? " she asked , her eyes wide as she looked at my sweatpants and 5 Seconds Of Summer t-shirt .
" We are going somewhere ? " I asked confused .
" God Maddie ! Didn't you get my texts ! " she cried , brushing past me .
" No , I just woke up " I replied , closing the door .
She rolled her eyes at me . " This whole Lachlan thing is driving you crazy . You look like you haven't slept at all ".
That's cause I haven't slept . I kept tossing and turning all night . I think
I only got like 5 hours of sleep than my regular 9 or 10 hours .
" We are going to a beach party . I came here to get you but you're not ready yet " Ally said , picking up one of my suitcases and unzipped it .
" What are you looking for ? " I asked .
" Your bikini " she replied .
" It's in there somewhere . I'm going to go take a quick shower " I replied , walking into the bathroom .
• After Showering •
" Let me put on your water proof mascara " Ally said , grabbing my mascara off the marble sink countertop .
She helped me apply it as I got rid of all the tangles from my hair .
" There , all done " she said , leaning back and looking at me .
I felt refreshed , like my problems where washed away , at least for now .
I was wearing white shorts , blue tank top and my white converse but you could still kinda see my neon bikini . ( A/N : Outfit in Media )
Ally's phone beeped from its spot near the sink as she looked at her new message .
" It's Simon telling us to , I quote ' hurry the fuck up before I come upstairs and drag you two down to the lobby by your fake hair ' " Ally read off her phone .
Hearing Simon's name made me wince . It just reminds me of the huge mistake I made .
So much for my problems being washed away ...
I grabbed my bag with my towel , sunscreen , wallet and phone before Ally and I headed out .
• After 1 Hour Drive To The Beach •
Josh parked the rental bus in the beach parking lot .
We all grabbed our bags and piled out of the bus .
" We'll just change and than meet back at the party ? " Tobi subjected and we agreed , gong to our designed changing rooms .
Ally and I picked stalls next to each other and went in .
" He hasn't talked to me yet " I said .
" I saw him giving you glances but you were too busy listening to music " Ally replied .
~ Lachlan's POV ~
I changed as fast as I could and waited outside of the girls change room .
I probably looked like a fucking pervert standing there .
I needed to talk to Maddie as soon as I can . I am tried of not talking to her , tried of not being able to wake up to her cheerfulness , not being able to tell her I love her as much as I do .
A group of teenagers shot me a dirty look as they walked out of the change room .
Maddie , come on . Hurry up before they kick me out for loitering ...
Finally she and Ally came out . I quickly grabbed her by her arm and she turned to look at me with a shocked expression .
" Hey , can we talk ? " I asked .
She looked over at Ally before turning back to me . " Yeah , sure ".
We walked away from the change rooms . It was silent until she started up the conversation .
" I thought you were giving me the silent treatment ".
" I was , but I wanted to just say I'm sorry " I burst out .
She looked at me in confusion . " What do you mean your sorry ? I'm the one that should be sorry . I cheated " she replied .
" You didn't cheat , you were drunk " I protested .
" But , that doesn't matter . As you said , even though you are drunk , you still have some control ".
" Forget what I said Mads . I forgive you . I don't care what happened that night . All I care about is right now , let's just put it behind us " I said , grabbing both of her hands .
She looked into my eyes . " Yeah , okay . Pretend it never happened ".
" Good , let's go enjoy the party " I smiled .
I intertwined my hand with hers as we walked back in the direction of the beach party .
• At The Party •
~ Maddie's POV ~
Lachlan and I walked into the area of which the party was being held hand in hand , clearly giving off the message that the two of us were dating
I felt a few eyes on me and instantly regretted not bringing a coverup .
The party was a little crowded but lucky it was in a open area .
There were people playing beach volleyball , a DJ playing the latest hits , a huge food table , a bar ( not that I was ever going near alcohol ever again ) , people having a water fight , a dance area in front of the DJ station and lastly , a bonfire where they were making s'mores .
This party seems fun enough , especially since Lachlan and I are good now .
" Want anything to drink ? " Lachlan asked .
" Um , my normal Coke " I replied .
" Okay , I'll be right back " he said before heading off to the bar .
I stood there silently just as Ally raced over to me .
" So ? Did you two make up ? I saw you two hold hands again " Ally said quickly .
I nodded . " Yeah , everything's good " I smiled .
Ally squealed and pulled me into a hug . " Thank god , I was starting to worry that #Madlan was over ".
" Nope , it's in the past now ".
" Good , I better go . Have fun " she said quickly before racing over to Vikk .
Lachlan came back with my Coke and smiled .
" What ? " I asked , smiling back .
" Look at the Coke " he replied .
I looked at the back of the Coke and instantly understood why .
" Share a Coke with girlfriend " I read .
" Now of only we could find one with boyfriend ".
" I am going to keep this can " I said , cracking open the pop .
" I missed you " he said .
" I missed you too " I replied , leaning forward and planting a kiss on his lips .
Author's Note :
Sorry I didn't do much of the party setting of the chapter but I really just wanted Maddie and Lachlan to make up again .
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