Chapter 26 : Anger
• Same Day , At The Club ; 10 p.m. •
~Lachlan's POV ~
I stood there in disbelief as I watched Maddie and Simon make out .
How could she ? After everything we been through ? She was the first ever girl that made me feel something , the first girl that I fought for so much to please and make her happy , the first girl that I loved .
Why cheat now ? It doesn't make sense .
She can't be drunk either , she doesn't drink .
I feel sick , like I might just throw up . What should I do ? Go up to them ? Clearly not since they are too busy .
I turned away from them , hurt and confused before walking out of the club .
I need to take a walk , I can't be around them at all .
I stuffed my hands in my pockets , thankful that I decided to wear a long sleeve shirt as the wave of cold air hit me .
I sent a quick text to Jerome that I wasn't feeling so well and decided to go back to hotel .
• Next Morning , 11 a.m. •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I opened my eyes and stretched .
I whined as my head pounded .
Great , my first hangover ...
I got out of bed and called room service , ordering a bottle of Tylenol .
I hardly remember anything from last night , being drunk really isn't fun .
I talked with Simon , he ordered that drink , I drank it but that's all I really can remember .
I grabbed my phone and called Ally who answered on the second ring .
" Maddie , are you okay ? Do you know where Lachlan is ? " Ally answered quickly .
" I'm fine , but I don't know where Lachlan is . Why ? " I asked concerned .
" You do realize you were drunk right ? " she asked .
" I realize , my head is killing me ".
" Do you remember anything about last night at all ? ".
" No , not really . After Simon gave me a drink , I don't remember anything at all " I admitted .
" Maddie , so you don't remember making out with Simon ? " she asked .
" What ! I made out with Simon ! " I cried .
No , no , no . I can't have this happen to me . What about Lachlan ? Does he know ? Is that why no one knows where he is ?
" Yeah , but you were drunk . It was your first time as well . It isn't totally your fault " Ally replied .
" But that's no reason to be kissing Simon ! Are you sure you guys don't know where Lachlan is ? " I asked nervously .
" No , we all called and texted him but he wouldn't answer . He hasn't contacted anyone but Jerome saying he was going back to the hotel last night " Ally said .
What if he's hurt ?
" Okay , thanks Ally . I'm going to try calling him . I'll call you if I get any news " I said .
" Okay , good luck " Ally said before hanging up .
I set my phone on the bed , and went into the bathroom to get ready .
• After Getting Ready •
After taking some tylenol and changing into a blue tank top and gray sweatpants , I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket before heading out of my room .
I went downstairs to the lobby and headed to the front desk .
" Good morning , can you tell me if man under the name of Lachlan Power came in last night ? " I asked the lady at the front desk .
" I'm sorry but I can't hand out any information to anyone . Privacy rules " she frowned .
" Please , I'm his girlfriend and I'm just really worried about him . My friends and I called him but he wouldn't answer and we haven't seen him since last night . I swear I am not a stalker trying to kill him " I begged .
She sighed . " Okay , but you didn't get the information from me ".
She turned towards her desktop , typed a few things before giving me a answer .
" He came back at midnight last night but checked out at about 8 this morning ".
" Thanks so much " I replied , giving her a smile before heading out .
I clicked his contact on my phone and pressed it to my ear but it stopped after the second ring .
He declined the call . At least I know he isn't dead .
He's probably so mad at me . I wouldn't blame him . I cheated on him . I'm such a bad girlfriend .
Now , where would Lachlan be ?
I thought for a second before it clicked to me , Chipotle !
I quickly searched the nearest Chipotle on my phone and started racing towards it .
• After 15 Minute Run •
I was out of breath by the time I got to Chipotle .
I looked inside and to my luck , Lachlan was sitting inside , eating silently .
He didn't see me but I was glad he didn't .
What do I say to him ? Sorry for having my tongue down Simon's throat ?
Sorry for getting drunk and making out with another guy ?
Sorry for being such a horrible girlfriend ?
None of them sounded right .
Sighing , I walked into
Chipotle and he looked up at me .
Our eyes met . Time seemed to slow down , everything around us faded out and it was just me and him in the world . I looked into his piercing blue eyes that were filled with anger and hurt .
He broke off the stare , going back to his food .
A knot twisted in my stomach .
He obviously doesn't want to talk to me right now .
Taking in a big breath , I walked over to him and had a seat across from him .
" Good morning " I greeted .
He didn't reply but stabbed the salad on the plate .
" Lachlan , I'm sorry okay ? I didn't mean to- ".
" Didn't mean to ? So you didn't mean to make out with Simon ? " he cut me off .
" I was drunk Lachy " I protested .
" Being drunk doesn't mean you can't control yourself . At least one of you guys were sober " he snapped , making eye contact with me .
I was speechless . He was right , I mean , being drunk is not being possessed by a demon . You have some kind of control over yourself .
" You're right , I should have had control myself . I wasn't possessed , I was drunk . I'm sorry Lachlan . I really am " I cried desperately .
He was silent , although he was thinking about whether to forgive me or not .
" Madeline , I think I should go . See you at E3 this afternoon " he said , standing up and gathering his food .
He walked out of Chipotle , leaving me at the empty table .
What have I done ?
• At E3 , 1 p.m. •
Lachlan is completely ignoring me .
On the bus ride to E3 , he wouldn't make eye contact and now that we are at E3 , it's like he's trying to stay as far away from me as possible .
We might as well break up , our 4 month relationship is hanging on a string now .
" He's really is mad at you " Ally whispered in my ear .
" No duh . He hates me " I replied .
" He doesn't hate you Maddie . He's just trying to figure things out on his own . I don't know Lachlan for as long as you have but I know that he likes to think things through " Ally advised .
" Do you think he's going to break up with me ? " I sighed .
" No way , Lachlan couldn't . He still loves you ".
" I don't think he does right now . I tried talking to him this morning but he didn't want to hear anything I had to say " I frowned .
" Give him some time . Right now , he just needs to be on his own " Ally said .
I looked over at him . He was giving a fan his autograph . The smile on his face was totally fake , but only I knew that .
I know Lachlan more than Ally or Vikk or even Jerome .
He opened up to me , he told me things that not even his parents know .
I feel so guilty . I let him down ...
~ Lachlan's POV ~
I urged myself not to look at Maddie .
I miss her , but I can't bring myself to forgive her .
I think she likes Simon . I see the way they look at each other , and them making out just proves that . Whether or not they were drunk .
" Hello ? " a small voice called from behind me , breaking my train of thought .
I turned around to see a boy around the age of 14 behind me with a black marker and a MineCraft diamond sword .
" I am a huge fan of your YouTube videos . Can you please sign this for me ? " he asked , pushing the marker and sword in my direction .
I gave him a fake smile . " Yeah , of course ".
I grabbed the marker from him and signed his stuff .
He pulled out his phone and we took a photo before he thanked me once again , running off into the crowd .
I felt her eyes on me but ignored them , continuing on around the convention .
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