Chapter 25 : Site Seeing
• The Same Day , 12 p.m. •
~ Maddie's POV ~
We finished up lunch , payed for our food and Josh decided to call a cab .
" So , where to now ? " Tobi asked as we all waited on the carb for our ride .
" Well , there's plenty of things to see . We can visit the Hollywood sign , The Hollywood Walk Of Fame , or Universal Studios " Simon listed .
" I say we visit the Hollywood sign , then the Walk Of Fame and lastly Universal before going to the convention " Ally advised .
" We better hurry if we want to make it back to the convention in time " Jerome warned .
We all agreed to the plan just as the cab pulled up to us .
We climbed in and buckled our seat belts .
" Hollywood sign please sir " Vikk told the driver .
• At The Hollywood Sign •
" Lachy ! Take a picture of me ! " I yelled , gasping at the beautiful view of the sign on the large mountain .
I handed Lachlan my phone and gave him a smile as he captured the moment .
" Nice photo , send it to me later " Lachlan smiled before handing me back my phone .
We all took out tones of photos .
The Sidemen took one together , Vikk and Ally , Jerome and Lachlan , Simon and I , and then we asked a stranger to take one of us all together .
" Hollywood sign is off the list and it's already 1:34 , let's get to The Hollywood Walk Of Fame before it gets too late " Ally said seriously .
• After Taxi Ride , Hollywood Walk Of Fame •
" Hey guys ! I literally promote the Hollywood Walk Of Fame . Look , Vikkstar , " Vikk pointed to the stars on the ground . " One , two , three ".
I rolled my eyes at him .
" One of these days , we will all have stars for being the most successful YouTubers ever " Ally sighed .
Ethan burst out laughing . " Keep on dreaming Ally . I don't think they have a category for YouTubers ".
" Well , someone should protest against that " Ally replied firmly .
I walked down the sidewalk , looking out for celebrities I knew on the walk .
" What's up Doc ? " Lachlan said , doing a horrible impression of Bugs Bunny .
I burst out laughing and he gave me a pout .
" I wanted to be Bugs Bunny " he frowned .
" You sounded horrible . No offense " Simon said , patting him on the shoulder .
" I feel so loved " he said sarcastically
I looked at the star he was standing beside and smiled . Bugs Bunny's star .
" I never knew Bugs Bunny had a star " I stated .
" Of course I have a star " Lachlan smirked .
" You're not Bugs Bunny . Never were , never will be " I teased .
" One love man " Tobi said , doing a pretty good Jamaican accent .
" You're not Bob Marley Tobi . You're black but you're missing the dread locks " Josh replied .
I smiled as I realized he was standing next to Bob Marley's star .
I looked around and spotted Michael Jackson's star .
" I'm looking at the man in the mirror " I sang .
" Maddie , as far as I am concerned , Michael Jackson was a man " Jerome stated .
We all burst out laughing .
We continued our little game of impersonating celebrities on the the walk of fame and did impressions of Walt Disney , The Beatles , Big Bird , Ellen DeGeneres and Mickey Mouse .
• At Universal Studios , 3 p.m. •
We were finished at Universal and we all had lots of fun in a short period of time .
Lachlan failed at getting me any teddy bears , The Sidemen boys and Jerome ate all the food they could handle , we all went on some rides and lastly , to finish off our site seeing , we took photos with Dora The Explorer , Scooby Doo , SpongeBob Squarepants and some Despicable Minions .
We got into a taxi , Ally telling the driver where we were going .
" E3 here we come ! " Vikk cried just as the driver took off towards our destination .
• After E3 , 8 p.m. , DinnerTime •
" Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday dear Ethan ! Happy birthday to you ! " we sang as Ethan blushed , blowing out his candle on his cupcake .
" Yay ! " we cheered and I turned towards Simon who was vlogging the moment .
" Say hi Maddie " Simon said , turning the camera towards me .
I gave his camera a smile and a small wave before turning back to my meal .
" Hey , since it's Ethan's early birthday , how about we go clubbing ? Find Ethan a hot chick to bang later ? " Vikk joked , playfully hitting Ethan on the back .
Ethan almost chocked on cupcake and we all laughed .
" Yeah , I'm down . A good few shots wouldn't hurt anyone " Josh agreed .
" Yeah , it will be fun " Jerome added .
Everyone agreed .
We payed for our meal , calling a taxi to go back to the hotel and get ready .
• Back At The Hotel , Maddie's Room , 10 p.m. •
I applied my mascara , looking back at myself in my outfit ( A/N : Outfit in Media ) ; my hair reaching down to just below my chest .
" Mads ! You ready to go ? Everyone's waiting for us " Lachlan cried , walking into my room .
I poked my head out of the bathroom . " Yeah , I'm ready ".
Lachlan looked pretty hot in a black and white striped long sleeved shirt , beige pants and his regular Nike sneakers .
" You look very beautiful as always , did you wear that outfit to get boys tonight ? " he asked , raising a eyebrow as I grabbed my phone , slipping it into my pocket .
" No , I only have eyes for my Aussie boyfriend " I smirked .
He gave me a smile as I grabbed my hotel room key , slipping that into my pocket as well .
" Let's go " I said , giving him a kiss on the cheek , grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room .
• At The Club •
Everyone was on the dance floor but me , being the girl that sucks at dancing , stayed on my own at the bar .
I searched for Lachlan's blonde quiff but couldn't find him through the huge crowd .
LA club parties are way more crowded than any party I'll been to ...
" Hey " Simon said , having a seat beside me , a tall glass of some type on alcohol in his hand .
" Hey " I replied , sipping on my Coke .
" Why aren't you on the dance floor ? " he asked looking concerned .
" I don't like dancing , plus I'm not all that good either " I shrugged .
" Oh come on , I bet you're not that bad " he protested .
" I am ".
" Come on , let's dance " he said , getting off the stool and grabbing my hand .
" No Simon , I don't want to . I just want to sit here with my Coke . I'm fine " I protested .
He pouted . " You'll got to live more . Starting with club life . No one drinks Coke at a club , let me get you a real drink " he said , calling over the bartender .
" Give me your best " he told the guy and the man nodded , going to work .
" Simon , I don't drink " I sighed .
" Just one glass , it's wouldn't hurt " he held up one finger .
The bartender came back with a tall glass of a clear drink with the strong smell of alcohol .
" I don't know Simon " I said nervously .
" Already payed for it , no turning back now " he smirked .
I looked into his pleading blue eyes and suddenly , I couldn't resist .
I leaned froward and took a sip .
The taste was bitter but at the same time refreshing in a way . I needed more .
I chugged down the whole glass and instantly felt a little dizzy .
Simon finished his glass and was ordering another .
The music kinda seemed to slow down and my vision started to get blurry ...
~ Lachlan's POV ~
" Where's Maddie ? " I yelled to Josh over the loud music .
" I don't know ! Saw her last at the bar " Josh shrugged .
I started making my way through the crowd of mostly drunk people towards the bar .
I looked over a few heads and saw the bar was close .
I spotted Maddie's brown hair from the spot I was standing and made my way closer to her .
I was just a few inches away from the bar but stopped in my tracks when I saw who she was with .
Maddie was with Simon but they weren't talking , they were making out ...
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