Chapter 23 : Surprises
( A/N : I'm too lazy to add this in somewhere in this chapter so the outfit up there ^^^^ is Maddie's outfit for this chapter ) .
• The Next Day , 1 p.m. •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Hey guys its me , ShortPencilCrayons and today I am here in LA ! Yay ! " I cheered as I did my intro .
" If you guys don't know , I am headed to E3 , in about like , 30 minutes so I'll see you guys there . Bai ! " I cried , putting my hand over the camera and cutting off the recording .
I'll edit that so when I'm at E3 I place my hand over the camera , start the recording and it will be like I just teleported ... ( A/N : You guys know what I'm taking about , don't act like you don't ) .
I set the camera down on the bed and grabbed my MacBook from the bedside table , logging into Twitter .
#E3Hype ! I'm going 2 E3 in LA 2day , r u guys going ? If so , c u there :3
I posted the tweet and leaned back onto the pillows .
Michael Wants Another Slice , Michael Wants Another Slice , Michael Wants Another Slice . PIZZA ! PIZZA !
I grabbed my phone and checked the caller ID . Little Lachy .
I smiled and pressed answer .
" Hey Lachy " I greeted .
" Hey Mads , you at E3 yet ? " he asked .
" Nope , I'm waiting for Jerome and the rest of the guys . We plan on going together " I said , twirling a strand of my hair around my finger .
" Oh , I wish I could be there with you right now , life isn't the same without seeing you face to face every morning " he sighed .
" I feel the same wa- ".
I was cut off when there was a knock at the door .
" Hold on , someone's at the door " I said , getting up from the bed and heading towards the door .
Without bothering to look through the peek hole , I flung the door open and was surprised to see who it was .
" Surprise " Lachlan greeted , a huge grin spread across his face .
I crashed my lips onto his as I wrapped my arms around his torso and he pulled me closer towards him .
When we finally pulled away he gave me another smile , his face lit with joy .
" I missed you " he said .
" I missed you too " I smiled .
It's been a whole month of hell but now , I have never been so happy .
I lead him into my hotel room and shut the door behind him .
" You cheeky little Aussie " I said , messing up his quiff .
He smiled . " I'm came yesterday , Room 604 ".
" Really ? No wonder Jerome stayed at the airport longer ! " I cried , lying down on the bed .
Lachlan lied down beside me and turned his face towards mine .
I turned my face to him and looked into his blue eyes .
" Damn , I missed you " he said after a while .
Tears of joy formed in my eyes . " Life just wasn't the same without you but I'm so glad your back . Even if its just for 3 days ".
He shook his head . " I'm going back to Florida for Arcadia and then Minecon so we can get to spend time together " he replied .
My heart felt like it was slowly defrosting from its icy prison , it was coming back to life .
" You are the best boyfriend ever " I smiled , moving closer and kissing him on the nose .
Suddenly , there was a loud knock at the door .
" Come in ! " I yelled , getting up from the bed .
The door flung open and The Sidemen , Ally and Jerome stepped in .
" Maddie , we are ready to- , " Vikk started but stopped mid-sentence as he saw Lachlan and I . " Oh , sorry . Did we cut into something ? ".
" Wait , aren't you guys surprised Lachlan's here ? " I asked shocked .
Vikk shrugged . " We already knew ".
" Wow , so I was the only one here , oblivious to the fact that Lachlan was coming to E3 ? " I asked and they all nodded .
" So , how about we start heading to the convention ? " Lachlan asked , pulling me into a hug from behind .
" LEZGOOOOO ! " Jerome yelled as he brushed past everyone and ran down the hallway .
I rolled my eyes at him , intwining my fingers with Lachlan's as we all filed out of my room .
• After The E3 Convention , 10 p.m. •
I flung myself onto my bed .
I am exhausted . E3 was pretty cool , Lachlan was checking out almost everything making me follow him everywhere .
I met a few amazing fans and talked to people from Twitch which was cool I guess .
Day 1 Of E3 Down , 2 more days to go .
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