Chapter 21 : BFF
(A/N : Extra long chapter , hope you enjoy :P )
• Next Day . Last Day In Montreal ; 11 a.m. •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I checked out my outfit in the mirror ( A/N : Outfit in media ) once more before Amanda honked her car from outside .
I raced over to the bedroom window and opened it .
" Hold on ! I'll be down in a second ! " I yelled .
" Hurry up grandma ! " she yelled back and I stuck out my tongue at her in response .
I grabbed my belongings before racing out of the room and going downstairs .
I said goodbye to mom and Connor heading outside into Amanda's car , ready for a day of fun and excitement ahead .
• At The Mall •
" Does this dress look good on me ? Be completely honest " Amanda asked as she came out of the dressing room with a floral dress on .
" It looks cute on you " I smiled and she frowned .
" Just cute ? " she asked and I raised a eyebrow .
" I guess ".
" I need to find a new dress , this one is horrible " Amanda cried , turning back towards the dressing room .
We were in Forever 21 , one of my favorite stores and Amanda seemed to be stressing about buying a dress .
Usually Amanda would never go to the dressing rooms to try on clothes . She would just see something cute , find her size , get it and we would leave . But that wasn't the case today .
" Amanda , is there something wrong ? " I asked letting out a small chuckle .
" Everything's fine . Why did you ask ? Am I breaking out ? " she cried , touching her face frantically .
" No , relax . Are you sure you're okay ? You seem stressed " I said , leading her over to the bench I was sitting at .
She let out a huge sigh . " Tomorrow I'm having dinner with Nick's parents and I'm nervous . What if they don't like me ? Nick loves his parents and listens to them all the time . What if they tell him to break up with me ? " she cried .
" Amanda , enough with the what if 's . Nick parents can't be that harsh . And if they tell Nick to break up with you and he does then he's not worth it if he doesn't love you enough to take his own advise " I reassured her .
" You're right Mads , I just need to be me and everything will turn out amazing " she smiled .
" Yeah , just be yourself and they will love you " I smiled back .
" I'm going to buy this dress " Amanda announced , getting up from the bench and heading back into the dressing room .
• At The Spa ; 3 p.m. •
" I told you that a relaxing time at the spa will do you some good " I replied as the employes took my feet and dipped it into warm water .
" You're right , I feel relaxed about the dinner tomorrow " Amanda replied as they started massaging her feet .
" Hey , remember when we were 9 and we tried to do each others makeup for picture day ? " I asked .
Amanda laughed . " How can I forget ? That was probably the worst picture I took in my life ! ".
It was the day before picture day and I went over to Amanda's house .
All the girls at our school were doing their makeup for tomorrow so Amanda and I decided to try it out .
YouTube and makeup tutorials weren't really quite as poplar yet and we had no idea what we were doing .
So , we decided we both just tried our best and did each others makeup .
It was horrible but us being the noob scrubs we were , we thought we looked like super models ; like the ones in magazines .
We went to school and everyone kept whispering about us .
When we took the pictures even the photographer even let out a small chuckle .
We looked horrible . Not only did we sleep with the makeup on but we looked like clowns !
" My dad couldn't stop laughing at my picture " I added .
" Those were the good days . What color are you putting on your nails ? " Amanda asked .
" I think light blue or aqua green , what about you ? ".
" Maybe like a light pink , to match my dress for tomorrow " Amanda replied .
" Yeah , totally . It will definitely match the dress color " I agreed .
• Later On In The Day , 9 p.m. ; NightClub •
" I can't wait to get my party on ! " Amanda cried happily .
" Remember you have a boyfriend " I joked .
After Amanda took us out for dinner at a really nice restaurant , we decided to end off the night with a bit of clubbing .
Amanda was a year older than me and we were both underage to be drinking but no one really follows the rule .
We give the man at the door our ID's and he let us in ( it's a 18+ club ).
Music was blasting through the speakers . It was so loud that I could feel the vibrations throughout my body .
" Mandy , can we go back home ? It's getting late and I don't drink . Plus , you know I hate loud crowded parties " I argued with her .
" Maddie , don't even play that card with me . Loosen up and have fun " Amanda snapped , shaking her hips along with the music .
I rolled my eyes at her .
She grabbed both of my hands and lead me over to the dance floor , as she started to dance gracefully .
I awkwardly swayed with her . This is kinda embarrassing .
After a few minutes of awkwardly swaying with Amanda , a guy tapped Amanda on the shoulder .
She turned around and he whispered something I couldn't hear over the music .
She nodded , sent a wink at me before disappearing with the guy into the crowd .
" Don't do anything stupid ! " I called after her but she was already gone .
I let out a sigh before heading away from the dance floor and having a seat on the bar stool .
I started scrolling through my phone when someone tapped my shoulder .
I turned around to face a boy with brown hair and grey eyes .
His face looks familiar ... I just can't put my tongue on it .
" Can I buy you a drink ? " he asked .
" Um , yeah . Sure " I agreed .
He called over the bartender and placed his order of Vodka before turning to me .
" I'll have just a Coke " I shrugged .
The bartender went to work with our orders and the boy smirked .
" Coke ? You do realize you are at a bar right ? " he asked .
" I am aware . I don't drink " I answered .
He laughed . " Taking the good girl road I see ".
" Not really , alcohol is just not a important feature in my life and I would like to keep it that way " I snapped .
He smiled . " I like the way you think . I'm Alex by the way " he said as the bartender handed us our drinks and Alex payed for them .
Alex ... the name sounds familiar .
" Nice to meet you , I'm Madeline ".
He looked at me for a split second until something clicked and his face brightened up .
" I remember you ! From the party in Florida ! " he cried clapping his hands together .
Alex ... Alex ! The guy that stood up for me !
" Oh , I remember you . Wow , I can't believe I didn't recognize you " I smiled .
" Same here , how are things ? Its been like 3 months since I last saw you ".
" Things are pretty good . I'm here with my friend but she disappeared with some guy . What about you ? " I replied .
" I'm good too , my buddy dumped me for some chick and I bet they are making out right now " he rolled his eyes and I give him a smile .
" So , what brings you to Montreal ? " I asked .
" Oh , just visiting a few friends . What about you ? ".
" Visiting my family and my best friend Amanda . The girl who left me for some guy ".
" What a best friend you got there " he smirked .
" Like yours is any better ! " I teased .
" Hey , I never said he was my best friend " he joked and we both laughed .
I took a slip from my Coke and looked at his drink of chose .
" I thought you said you don't drink " I said , nodding towards his Vodka that stand untouched .
" People change , especially after 3 months " he shrugged .
" Aw , that sucks . That was one thing I liked about you ".
Why did I say it like that ? It sounded way better in my head .
" Oh really ? What are other things you like about me ? " he asked , leaning on his elbow and staring at me .
Are we flirting right now ?
" Your eyes , I never met a boy with grey eyes before " I commented .
" And I never met a pretty girl with grey blue eyes before " he flirted .
I blushed . " Thanks ".
This is getting serious and I don't want it to be ... I have a boyfriend .This isn't supposed to happen when a girl is not with her boyfriend
Suddenly , my phone beeped with a incoming call from FaceTime ..
I looked down and checked the ID . Lachlan .
" It's my boyfriend , I have to take this " I said getting up the bar stool .
He looked a little surprised , maybe it was because I had a boyfriend . " Um , okay ".
" I'll be right back " I said before heading outside .
I stepped outside and answered the call .
Lachlan's face popped on the screen and he gave me a huge smile .
" Hey ! " we greeted at the same time .
I laughed and he ran his fingers through his hair .
" How's my favorite girlfriend doing ? " he asked .
" Oh , so you have other girlfriends ? " I teased .
He laughed . " No , I swear you are the only one ".
" So , what are doing ? " I asked .
" Oh , I'm at a pool party , what are yo- " Lachlan was cut off and his phone fell .
I heard a few yells before someone picked the phone back up .
I came face to face with a boy with blond hair and green eyes .
He covered his mouth . " Mate , looks like Lachlan's got a lady friend ! " he yelled in a Aussie accent .
A bunch of oh's came from the background and other person grabbed the phone , Lachlan's face finally popping back on the screen .
" Sorry about my asshole friends ! " he said , yelling the last part so his friends could hear .
I smiled . " No , its okay ".
" Now where were we ? " he asked .
" Um , you asked how I was doing " I pointed out .
" Yeah , so how is everything ? You still in Montreal ? " he asked .
" I'm supposed to be in the club with Ananda for my last night here but you called and Amanda dumped me for some guy " I explained , turning back around and heading back towards the club .
" Are you on the dance floor ? " he asked , raising a eyebrow .
I laughed . " Lachlan , you know I don't dance ".
" Yeah , you do . You dance when you listen to Dubstep and 5Sauce ".
" Lachlan , I look like a mental person when I dance to Dubstep and 5Sauce " I said .
" Well , I enjoy that dance " he smiled .
I rolled my eyes .
Lachlan frowned . " Babe , I have to go . My phone is dying ".
" Okay , I'll talk to you later " I said .
" Yeah , of course . Call me when you get back to Florida ".
" I will , love you " I smiled .
" Love you too . Bye ! " he said , waving before hanging up .
I slipped my phone into my pocket in my sweater and walked back into the club .
Still no sign of Amanda but Alex was ?waiting for me at the bar .
Alex and I talked for the rest of the night and in the end we exchanged numbers .
Today was a great way to end off my time in Montreal . There were ups and downs but overall I had a great time .
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