Chapter 2 : Hi Can We Not Be Plebs ?
(A/N : Warning : I have never been to PAX before sadly so I don't really know if they call the booths stations but that's what I imangine they would call it and so that's what I am calling these booth/stations )
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Do you find him cute ? " Amanda asked in her British accent , twirling a strand of her long wavy red hair around her finger , her green eyes sparkling .
" I don't know . Mitch would probably kill me . Not that he really would but he probably wouldn't approve and you know how much I care about Mitch . If he doesn't approve than I just can't do it . I feel like he knows what's right . Man , I am making Mitch sound like God or something " I laughed .
Mitch , Jerome and I had settled into our hotel suite of which we were staying at for a whole week for PAX and just to visit Seattle which was a really cool place .
I was currently Skpying one of my best friends from grade school , Amanda Stoners and no , I don't go to collage . My parents been so supportive of my career as a You tuber and me not going to collage , even though I know that deep inside they really want me to go to collage ( I just graduated high school so they think I should still go ) .
" So , what's this Lachlan guy like ? " she asked .
" I haven't really talked to him but he seems pretty cute with his blonde hair and blue eyes " I smiled , thinking back to yesterday .
" He sounds like a real Ken if you ask me " Amanda said , rolling her eyes .
Amanda was a real girly girl . She was always looking out for me when I need her . As well as making sure that I find Mr. Right since she has a amazing boyfriend herself .
I don't know if I want to date anyone . I mean , I look at the next hot boy like any girl would but I don't know if I want to date . I'm not about that kind of life honestly .
" MADDIE ! WE ARE LEAVING SOON ! GET READY OR ELSE YOU ARE LEAVING HIS HOTEL IN YOUR PJ'S ! " Mitch yelled at the top of his lungs like always .
I turned back to Amanda . " I better leave or else , well you heard " I smiled and she nodded in argeement .
" Bye Gamer Girl . Good luck with that Lachaln guy " she winked at me and I rolled my eyes at her .
" Bye " I said before we ended the call .
• At The Convention •
" Wow , this place is huge " I breathed , looking down at the crowd of people down below .
The Pack and I had just arrived to PAX Dev and it was amazing and sooo cool .
All these gamers in one location , it was a dream come true really .
" And thats why we need to stay toget- " Mitch started but was cut off by Preston .
" Oh my godness ! Its the CSGO station " Preston cried , walking off another direction , followed by Vikk and Rob , leaving Mitch , Jerome , Lachlan and I standing their as we watched their bodies disapear into the crowd .
" So much for sticking together as a group " Mitch sighed and Jerome patted him on the shoulder .
" Might as well go check out the Minecraft station right ? " Jerome subjested .
" Actually I wanted to see the Pixelmon station " Lachlan said , his aussie accent ringing in my ears .
" Oh , Maddie records alot of Pixelmon on her channel , why don't you go with Lachlan Maddie ? " Jerome subjested , a small smirk on the corners of his mouth .
He totally knows I might like Lachlan just hasnt told anyone ... yet .
And I don't even know anything about Pixelmon actually ....
Mitch raised a eyebrow but shrugged it off and we all fell silent as they waited for a answer .
" Um , sure " I repiled shyly , hating weird tenisons .
" Good , lets go Mitch " Jerome said , dragging Mitch away .
" Watch over her Little Lachy ! " Mitch called over his shoulder before dissapearing as well .
There was a small silents as we both looked everywhere but each other .
What was I to say to him ? I couldn't even think right now to be honest ...
" Um , we should - ".
" Yeah " I said , cutting him off .
We walked in silents through the crowd , me walking behind , Lachlan glancing over his shoulder once in a while to make sure I was still there .
I don't know what about him just makes me feel ... special .
His blue eyes searching the crowds for the station , moving his hair to the side once in a while , these movements just make me fangirl so damn much .
Like when I see Michael Gordon Clifford from 5 Seconds Of Summer on TV fangirling .
" Hi , can you not be a pleb for a moment ? " Lachlan asked , smiling as he broke my fantasy moment .
My eyes widened as I realized that we had stop walking and he was actually talking to me for the first time
" It's not my fault that your such a JagBattleDuty " I snapped , returning the smirk .
" Good comeback , just like Mitch " Lachlan smiled .
" I learn from the best " I smirked and he laughed .
Jesus , his laugh is life .
We continued walking throughout the crowds and Lachlan struck up a convention .
" Do you know anything about Pixelmon ? " Lachlan asked .
" No , Jerome was lying . I don't know why " I lied .
I know actually why he made me go with Lachlan ...
" That wild Bacca is bad " Lachlan joked .
I laughed nervously .
" So , how about we go check out some other stations since you don't know anything about Pixelmon ? " Lachlan subjected .
" Yeah , that would be pretty great " I agreed .
• Back At The Hotel •
" What's going on between you and Lachlan ? " Mitch asked , having a seat on the living room couch next to me .
I looked up from my laptop and stare at him wide eyed .
" W-what are you talking about ? " I asked , trying to sound causal .
" The yesterday when you two met , you blushed and then again today Jerome said that you knew what Pixelmon is even thought you haven't even played Pixelmon before and the you went around PAX with him . Tell me , what's going on ? " Mitch stated .
" Mitch , there's nothing going on between Lachlan and I . We are just being friendly , are you jealous that your little sis is hanging out with boys now ? " I teased .
" No , I was just wondering but whatever . Forget about it . Hurry up and get dressed , we need to meet The Pack for dinner " Mitch said quickly , getting up .
But really Maddie , do I like Lachlan ?
We did have a fun time at PAX , it's wasn't weird like the first time we met ...
" MADDIE ! WE ARE LEAVING IN 2 MINUTES ! " Mitch yelled , breaking my train of thought .
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