Chapter 18 : Good-Bye
(A/N: Hopefully this isn't too bad and the things they are saying isn't too soon in their relationship to say . Also , instead of Lachlan staying there for 2 months I changed it to 3 months . Enjoy ! )
• 3 Months Later •
~ Maddie's POV ~
Today was the dreaded day . The day where Lachlan had to leave to go back to Australia .
Other these 3 months , Lachlan and I have became a power couple . We don't have any secrets between each other , make jokes all the time , he knows almost everything about me as I do him , and in general , I can say I have the best time with Lachlan then I do with anyone in my life .
Our relationship is still a secret from the fans but I have a feeling some of them know .
Lachlan said goodbye to the squad ( The squad being Mitch and Jerome cause everyone else left to go home already ) and I was last .
We were hoping this moment wouldn't come so soon , but here it was and I didn't want it to be .
Mitch and Jerome moved away , leaving us to have some privacy .
" I don't want you to leave " I said , trying to hold back my tears .
" Aw Mads , don't start crying . I'll Skype you all the time and we can talk over the phone . It will be like I never left ".
Lachlan pressed his lips against mine .
We pulled away and he looked me in the eyes seriously . " You know that if I could stay longer I would ".
" I know Lachy but when will we even see each other again ? Another year ? " I asked .
" I won't let a whole year pass without seeing you Mads . I swear , the first chance I get , I will come visit " Lachlan promised , squeezing both of my hands .
" Could flight 479 please make your way to your gate ? Thank you and enjoy your flight " the intercom said and Lachlan sighed .
" That's my flight ".
We pulled into a tight hug and I didn't want to ever let him go .
" Have fun without me " he sighed as we pulled away .
" I'll miss you " I said .
" I'll miss you too " he said . " Don't cheat on me ".
I gave him a weak smile . " I promise , I won't ".
" And one last thing ".
" What ? " I asked .
" Don't forget that I love you ".
I froze . This is the first time he ever said he loved me .
A warm sensation raced throughout my body . I blushed in delight . Wow , who knew those 3 words can make a girl feel so tingly inside ?
" I love you too Lachlan " I said as he leaned in to kiss me before the intercom came back on , causing us to pull away .
" Last call for flight 479 , last call for flight 479 . Please make your way to your gate " the intercom repeated .
" I really need to go . Bye Mads " he said giving me a peak on the lips before grabbing his suitcases .
" Bye Lachy " I said , giving him a forced smile as he gave me one last hug .
He said his final goodbyes to Mitch and Jerome before he headed towards his gate disappearing into the crowd of people .
" Are you okay lil sis ? " Mitch asked , hugging me from behind .
" I don't know " I sighed .
" Come on , let's go home . We'll order some pizza " he said , kissing me on the forehead before we all started heading towards the airport exit .
• 9 p.m. , Back At The Florida House •
I sighed as I put new bed sheets on the now empty guest room .
Lachlan used to sleep in this room , this is the bed that we used to cuddle together on , and now it's empty ...
I searched the drawers for any clothing that he might have left behind and found a black sweater .
(A/N : Just a quick note , that black sweater I am talking about is one that Lachlan actually wore once in a Instagram picture which is in this chapters media . If you wanna know what picture it is , go to his Instagram and scrolled down untill you find a picture captioned " Rise and Grind! " and he's smiling with his orange and black headset on . I think that sweater looks black to me and if not , it could be navy blue but to me it looks black . Yeah so that's the sweater I am talking about )
I pulled out my phone and noticed that he texted me .
Little Lachy - 9:37
hey babe , just got off my second flight and waiting 4 my third . how r u ?
Maddie - 9:49
so sorry 4 late reply . im fine wbu ?
Little Lachy - 9:51
im okay , missing u tho
Maddie - 9:51
same here . i am just cleanin out ur room , u left a black sweater here ...
Little Lachy - 9:52
i was hoping u would find it . i left it there on purpose , i want u 2 keep it its my favorite one
Maddie - 9:52
aw , thanks
Little Lachy - 9:53
i have 2 go babe , they just called my flight
Maddie - 9:54
kk , bai
I sighed as I held onto his sweater and embraced it .
This is probably the closest I will get to having Lachlan with me for a while ...
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