Chapter 13 : Parties
• Next Afternoon •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I applied my mascara , foundation and red lipstick before brushing my hair , getting rid of all the tangles and letting it down .
Mitch , Jerome , Alyssa , Lachlan and I were going to a party at one of Mitch's friends beach houses and I was pretty excited since this would be my first party in Florida .
In high school I was more of a outcast but I still had friends and stuff .
The high school parties I were invited to usually consists of drunk members of the football team , the cheerleaders in small pieces of clothing showing a lot of skin , people smoking either weed or a cigarettes in groups near the stairs , people just twerking all over the place and lastly , soon to be teenage moms and dads just hooking up in the upstairs bedrooms . Not my kind of crowd .
So I would make up some kind of lamn excuse of not going and spend my Friday night at home , listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer , eating junk food and watching Youtube videos until I fell asleep .
I looked at my outfit in the mirror once more ( A/N : Outfit In Media ) just as a knock was at my door .
" Come in ! " I yelled and Mitch stepped into the room with plain blue jeans and a nice light blue button down .
" What's up handsome ? " I greeted , turning away from the mirror and facing him .
" We are leaving soon , are you done putting on your makeup ? " Mitch asked .
" Yeah , I'm all ready " I said , taking my phone off of the charger and slipping it into my pocket .
" I don't know why you wear makeup , you are already so pretty " Mitch commented as we walked out of my room , closing the door behind us .
" Because I can , just like you wear foundation sometimes to hid your pimples " I teased .
" I only do that when I have a huge one ! " He argued .
" So , you have a pimple right now then ? ".
" No " Mitch said uneasily as we headed outside where Jerome , Alyssa and Lachlan were waiting for us .
" I can see the little bit of foundation " I said , touching his cheek and he shooed my hand away as he locked the front door .
"Drop the subject Maddie " Mitch warned .
" Whatever " I said rolling my eyes as we walked down the driveway .
" Took you guys long enough " Jerome complained .
He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans like Mitch's .
" Well sorry , this scrub was taking to long " Mitch said , poking me in the side .
" Well let's go ! I want to get my party on ! " Alyssa sang , twirling around in her beautiful yellow sundress .
We all climbed into Mitch's car , Mitch driving , Jerome in the passenger seat , Alyssa to the left ,Lachlan to the right and me in the middle of the two .
Mitch pulled out of the driveway and we were off .
The car was silent . Mitch was focused on the road , Jerome was on his phone , Alyssa had her headphones on and Lachlan was playing away on his phone .
I glanced at Lachlan from the corner of my eye and saw his cute polka dot navy blue and white button down and beige jeans .
He looks on point right now .
" Hey , wanna play Minecraft ? " a voice whispered in my ear , sending shivers down my back .
I turned and saw Lachlan who was pointing towards Pocket Edition Minecraft on his phone .
" It's single player , how do we even play it together ? " I whispered back .
He silently created a survival world and he spawned in a beach biome .
" You control half of the controls and I control the other half " he said quietly .
" Okay " I agreed .
We made silent gestures the whole time playing Minecraft and I couldn't even think straight cause we were so close to each other .
It was like we were in our own small little bubble where we shared the same air and I could hear his breathing and smell his cologne .
Suddenly while building the house for ourselves , he reached over to turn down the volume on his phone but accidentally touched my hand instead .
We both looked up staring at each other , his face turning a bright red .
We both just stared into each others eyes for a moment until the car fell to a stop and everyone unbuckled their seatbelts .
" Hey , you two . Stop staring at each other and get out of the car . We are here " Jerome called , poking his head back into the car .
We instantly stopped staring at each other and he turned off his phone , unbuckled his set belt and stepped out , me following after .
" Yay ! My first Florida party " Alyssa cheered as we all walked up the driveway towards the huge beach house , music blaring from inside .
" I think it's all of our first Florida party " Mitch stated .
We all walked into the party but Mitch pulled me aside .
" Okay , let me get this straight . There is drinks at this party as you both are underage so don't you two dare think about drinking anything . Only pop . And that better not have drugs in it " Mitch warned and I nodded silently .
" Good , now go have fun " Mitch said , leading me into the loud party .
There were so much people it was really hard to even move .
" Hey Mitch ! " a voice called and Mitch looked up .
" Hey Steve ! Maddie , I don't know where Jerome , Alyssa or Lachlan went . Bye ! " Mitch called over his shoulder , getting lost in the crowd .
I looked around and spotted Lachlan . I quickly ran up to him .
" Hey " I greeted .
" Hello " he replied .
" I'm going to go get a drink , want anything ? " I asked .
" Nah , don't get drunk ! " Lachlan laughed and I rolled my eyes , walking towards what I hoped was the kitchen .
I walked into the kitchen which was surprisedly not as crowded as I thought it was going to be .
Although there was a gang of boys ( collage boys I'm guessing ) goofing around .
I silently walked towards the counter full with drinks and studied the collection . No pop . Just alcohol .
Suddenly one of the guys with blonde hair and blue eyes from the group walked over to me .
" Babe, are you an elevator? Because I want to go down on you " the guy said licking his lips and his friends laughed like crazy .
My face turned bright red and not because I was embarrassed , because I was actually quite pissed .
I ignored the stupid comment but he continued .
" Babe , come on ! I know you want this D ! " the guy laughed .
" Jason , just leave her alone " another guy spoke up .
I finally looked up to see a guy with brown hair and grey eyes defending me .
" Why do you have a problem with it ? " this Jason guy asked .
" Because , you sound like a sexually desperate idiot who hits on girls cause you can't get your own . Oh , and a dickhead too " the guy stated .
Jason just rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen , the rest of his gang following .
" Hey , um thanks for sticking up for me " I said .
" No problem . Looking for the soda ? " the guy asked and I nodded .
He pulled out a cooler from under the counter and grabbed me a Coke . " They never really hand this out , most collage people don't drink soda at parties anyway , well everyone but you " he pointed out .
" Oh , I don't drink , I'm too young to anyway " I explained quickly .
" Me too . Being 19 is technically not a drinking age but all my friends do it " he shrugged , grabbing a coke himself .
" I'm only 18 and I really don't plan to drink anyway " I laughed , popping open the Coke and taking sip .
" I'm Alex by the way , I haven't seen you around at all " he introduced .
" Madeline , or Maddie , whatever you wanna call me . And I don't go to collage , I actually just moved here " I said .
" Oh , I'm sorry about Jason . It's probably your first party in Florida and he's been such a dickhead . Not everyone around here is like that , just him ".
I laughed .
Alex is quite the guy ...
~ Lachlan's POV ~
I popped a chip in my mouth bitterly as I watched Maddie talking to a boy , having a great time .
Why can't we be that close ? Whenever we are together , it's always weird .
Why is that ? She just met this guy and they act like they are best friends .
" Someone a little jelly " a voice said and I turned to see Alyssa .
" I am so not " I protested .
" You so are . You are basically stalking her " Alyssa giggled , taking a sip from her red cup .
" God , okay maybe I am but I just wish she was mine . It's legit killing me Alyssa , she's just so ... perfect and I just want her to know what I think about her " I explained .
She placed a hand on my shoulder ad looked at me dead cold in the eyes . " Lachlan , you're really in love ".
" I guess I am then " I admitted .
" Then go tell her that " she said .
" Wait , what ! No way ! Forget this crap . Forget it , Lachlan Power does not fall all over girls okay ? Lachlan Power is freaking not in love with anyone " I cried in disgust .
I can't just tell Maddie that I like her . That's ... weird ! God no . Just no . I am not going to tell her anything , one day in the very far future but now now , that's embarrassing .
I don't want to tell Maddie that . She doesn't seem like she wants to date anyways . I'm not in love with anyone , not Maddie , not anyone .
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