Chapter 12 : Death Cup
• Meanwhile , At The Airport •
~ Jerome's POV ~
" Jerome , calm down . People are starting to look at you like your crazy " Mitch scolded laughing .
I was so excited . Alyssa was finally coming to visit .
A long distance relationship is so hard to mange with different time zones and busy lives but when you get to see that person after such a long period of time , it's just an amazing feeling .
" Jerome ! " a familiar voice called and I turned around to see Alyssa .
Her long dirty blond hair was pulled up into a messy high ponytail .
" Alyssa ! " I cried , racing over to her as she dropped her bags and raced over to me , her arms open .
I pulled her in a tight hug , she jumping into my arms as I span around , embracing her soft scent of apple shampoo ( A/N : God I'm bad at this ) .
" I missed you so much " she sobbed , into my shoulder .
" I missed you even more " I replied .
We pulled away and I kissed her , Mitch coming up behind us with Alyssa's bags .
" Sorry to break up such a beautiful moment but we should be going " Mitch said seriously .
" My god Mitch , you are still the same old buzzkill I met 7 months ago " Alyssa joked and Mitch rolled his eyes .
" Come on , let's go . You have quite the people to see when we get home " I said , intertwining our fingers together .
• Back At Home •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Maddie ! Lachlan ! Get your lazy asses downstairs ! Come meet Alyssa ! " Jerome yelled at the top of his lungs .
" Coming ! " I yelled .
I took off my headset and exited my room followed by Lachlan who literally raced down the stairs .
" Alyssa ! " I heard Lachlan cry as I walked into the area near the front door .
I saw Lachlan hugging a girl with dirty blond hair and light green eyes .
" Hello Lachlan " she said in a British accent as they pulled away , her eyes falling on me .
" Um , Alyssa this is Madeline my younger sister " Mitch said and I held out her hand for me to shake .
" Oh , your the girl Lachlan was telling me about on the phone . He was right , your are quite pretty " she smirked .
Lachlan told her I was pretty ?
" Alyssa ! " He hissed , punching her playfully on the arm as she shook my hand .
" Nice to meet you Alyssa , you can call me Maddie " I said politely , pretending like I hadn't heard what Alyssa said .
" Nice to meet you too Maddie ".
• Later That Night •
" Hey Guys its me , Maddie or your friend ShortPencilCrayons here and today I am joined by Mitch , Jerome , Lachlan and lastly Jerome's girlfriend that's staying with us , Alyssa , all of the links in the description to their channels but anyway , Mitch , why don't you tell everyone what we are doing today " I said , starting my intro , turning my camera towards Mitch .
" Well , today we are doing something that we just started doing and it's called ' The Death Cup Challenge '. Now , in this challenge , Jerome , Lachlan , Alyssa and I are going to pick a total of 3 ingredients each and a final bonus that Lachlan gets to pick anything he wants since the number 10 wasn't even enough and put it into a cup for Maddie to drink " Mitch explained .
" I am personally not excited for this " I said , having a seat on one of the kitchen stool , frowning .
" Oooooo , I am going first " Mitch said , rubbing his hands together evilly .
" Remember Mitch , she's your sister " Lachlan joked .
" Yeah , I'll keep that in mind ".
I swallowed hard as Lachlan took the camera from me and started filming .
" Okay , first ingredient ... chili pepper powder " Mitch said and I buried my face in my hands .
" You actually cannot ! You know I hate spicy stuff ! " I cried and Mitch only smirked , putting a good amount of spice in there .
" Next ingredient ... milk , chocolate milk ".
" And , I now hate chocolate milk ! Thanks a lot Mitch ! " I yelled , throwing my hands up .
" And the last ingredient ... some banana " Mitch said , cutting a banana in half and squeezing it slowly into the cup .
" That just looks like someone shit in the cup " Alyssa laughed and I fake sobbed .
" Okay , Alyssa's turn . I'll already caused Maddie so much pain " Mitch said .
Lachlan slowly showed the viewers what was in the cup and he made a face . " God , that is certainly not going to be a pleasure to drink ".
" Okay , my first ingredient is going to have more mercy than Mitch " Alyssa said , going into the fridge . " It's ... maple syrup ! ".
I groaned as she poured some into the cup .
" Now , my next ingredient is going to be ... some nice orange soda " Alyssa said cheerfully .
" My god , I am actually starting to feel sorry for you Maddie " Jerome laughed .
" And lastly , I am putting in ... some cheese " Alyssa shrugged .
I looked at the cup and almost threw up .
It looked nasty . I don't even know why I signed up for this ...
" Okay , Jerome . Go " Alyssa said , standing to the side with Mitch .
" Okay Maddie , my first ingredient is going to be ... orange juice . Just for that nice sour taste " Jerome said , pouring some in .
He then choose some sour cream and chocolate icing .
" Okay , now for my turn " Lachlan said , handing the camera over to Alyssa and going in for the last ingredient .
" And the last ingredient is ... some pickle juice " Lachlan said .
Everyone laughed as I groaned .
Mitch blended the drink together , poured it back in the cup and handed it to me .
" Drink up Maddie " Mitch said , giving me a evil smile .
I stared at the bright redish drink and sighed .
I have a very weak stomach so this isn't going to be the best death cup ....
" So we have chili pepper powder , chocolate milk , banana , maple syrup , orange soda , cheese , orange juice , sour cream , chocolate icing and lastly pickle juice " I listed .
" Now , that's a lot of pretty nasty stuff all in one " Alyssa said , holding in her laughter .
" Okay , here I go " I said , holding my nose and taking a sip .
Everyone looked at me as I swallowed the liquid .
The sour ness of the pickle juice hit me and I quickly spit into the sink .
" God no ! No , that's just plain nasty man ! " I cried , setting the cup down .
Lachlan , Jerome , Mitch and Alyssa burst out laughing .
" For the viewers " Mitch teased and I sighed , picking up the cup again .
I held my nose again and went in , taking in large amounts of the awful drink until I was finished .
" Oi ! Boys ! She did it ! " Lachlan cried .
" Boys the noise ! " Jerome added .
My stomach felt really bad and I could feel the liquid coming back up .
I quickly raced to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet , flushing it down and brushing my teeth .
I slipped to the cold bathroom floor and groaned .
The bathroom door flew open and Mitch stood with the camera .
" So , Maddie , do you wanna take it out from here ? " Mitch called .
" My advice to all my viewers , never do a death cup with 10 nasty ingredients otherwise you will die . Now if you don't mind , I have to go to my bed and sleep off this stomach ache " I groaned , getting up and going upstairs to sleep .
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