Chapter 11 : Bacca's Girl
~ Lachlan's POV ~
" Alyssa , I swear she was flirting with me . I think it was flirting , I'm not really good at flirting and stuff , I don't even really know what it is " I freaked .
Alyssa sighed . " Lachlan , relax . She probably likes you and that's a good thing since you seem to like her ".
Alyssa Adams is my long time girl best friend .
She was born in Australia like me and we became friends in grade school but in grade 4 she moved to England .
We still keep in touch ( as you can see ) and we talk at every given time we have .
She's a YouTuber as well , her channel name is YourGamerGurl and her channel has about 3.8 million subs .
Actually , she's the one who made start doing YouTube so she really is a very important person in my life .
" I like her Alyssa but the problem is that I can't cause Mitch is her brother . That's not cool " I pointed out .
" I personally think you should just go in for the win and just ask her out ".
" I can't just ask a girl out ! What if I get rejected ! What if she thinks I'm jut really desperate for asking her out without really getting to know her ? " I protested quickly .
" Lachlan , if I kept on saying what if then I wouldn't be dating Jerome would I ? " she snapped , her British accent ringing in my eyes .
Alyssa and Jerome are dating . When Alyssa was visiting in Ireland when The Pack went for St . Patty's Day , she and Jerome really hit it off and have been dating ever since .
" You have a point there but I'm just not sure " I sighed .
" Okay , we'll talk more about this when I come to visit ".
Alyssa was coming to visit us tomorrow for about 2 months before going back to England .
" Okay , I need all the girl advice I can get . Call you tomorrow ? " I asked .
" Absolutely " she agreed .
We said our goodbyes before ending the call .
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Okay , it's almost 3 a.m. , I can make it " I breathed , my eyes glued to my monitor .
I was doing a live stream while playing Five Nights At Freddy's 3 .
I am in love with FNAF . I watch theories on it , read Fan fictions , and not to brag or anything but I'm pretty good at playing if I do say so myself .
" Okay , now the air vents are sealed and everything's under control , for just this spilt second " I said , turning back onto the office .
I turned a little to the right and wasn't surprised when I saw SpringTrap standing in the doorway .
" No ! No ! I am NOT letting you fool me this time . You are not going to do that video error thing where you make me turn away just to kill me when I turn back ! " I screamed at the screen .
I looked at the time on time of the screen , 4:00 .
" Okay , you can do this Maddie , you just have to stare at him and not turn aw- ".
Suddenly , the stupid video error went off .
I bit my lip as I stared at him , his eyes looking back at me .
" I know if I don't do something then I will probably lose the damn game or something else will come and kill me ".
" Okay , maybe for just a quick second " I reasoned , quickly pulling up the screen and rebooting to see SpringTrap coming closer behind the screen .
" No ! It's all over ! He's behind the damn screen ! " I yelled , throwing my hands up in defeat and leaning back in my chair .
I looked at the stream comments and they where spamming me to be cheeky and just stay there until 5 .
" Oh really ? I can just stay there ? Will the time change ? " I asked and they quickly replied .
" Okay , that's my plan . I will just sit here till 5 am and win this game " I stated , crossing my arms over my chest .
I read the Twitch stream comments , had a few laughs when people started spamming Lachlan's name .
" Wait , guys , what about Lac- AHHHH ! " I screamed as a pair of hands landed on my shoulders .
I turned around to see Lachlan laughing his ass off .
I smacked him playfully as I placed my hand on my heart .
" Can't you see the lights are off and I'm playing FNAF ? Are you trying to give me a damn heart attack ? " I snapped , my breathing retuning back to normal .
" No , I just wanted to scare the living crap out of you " he laughed .
" Get out " I joked .
" Hey stream " Lachlan said , leaning down so the stream could see him .
People automatically started spamming #Machlan in the chat and I buried my face in my hands .
" Guys , #Machlan is not a thing " Lachlan informed , letting out a little chuckle .
" Yeah , we are not dating " I added .
" Okay , I have to go start my stream so I will see you guys later . Maybe Maddie can start a How 2 MineCraft Stream and we can colab together " Lachlan subjected .
" I will think about it " I said and he nodded silently before heading out of the room .
• The Next Morning •
" ALYSSSAA IS COMING !!! " Jerome yelled as he ran into the kitchen .
" Who's Alyssa ? " I asked confused , eating the last bits of my first Pop Tart .
" Jerome's lady friend " Mitch replied , grabbing my last Pop Tart and shoving it into his mouth .
I frowned and grabbed my plate putting it in the sink .
" Don't forget she's my best friend too . If it wasn't for me than Jerome wouldn't know her " Lachlan stated , walking into the kitchen as well .
He ran his fingers through his hair and I couldn't help but stare .
My god ... his eyes are so blue ... and he looks like a freakin supermodel moving his hair to the side like that .
" Earth to Maddie ? " Mitch called , breaking my train of thought .
" Huh ? " I asked snapping back into reality .
" I said , do you wanna come with Jerome and I to pick up Alyssa ? " Mitch asked again .
" Nah , I have to start editing one of my vlogs this morning so I can get it up by this afternoon " I protested .
" Well , looks like Lachlan and Maddie are staying in the house alone ... together " Jerome said dramatically .
" Whatever Jerome , go pick up your lover girl " Lachlan snapped .
Mitch grabbed the car keys and Jerome and him headed out to pick up Alyssa .
We both just stood there as we heard the front door shut .
" Are you going to edit that video ? " Lachlan asked , leaning on the counter .
" Why ? You want me to keep you company ? " I smirked .
" Along the lines of that " he teased .
I smiled . " Yeah , sure . The video can wait . So , what's up ? ".
" Nothing really , Alyssa is coming " he shrugged .
" Way to state the obvious " I replied , rolling my eyes at him . " Are you excited ? ".
" Of course I am ! Sometimes it's so hard to see all the people I want to see because it takes me a whole freakin day just to get from place to place but she's one of my best friends and I swear it's been almost a year since we last saw each other in person . Skype just isn't the same you know ? " he explained .
" Yeah , just isn't the same " I sighed .
Moving to Florida was probably the best and worst thing I have ever done in my life so far .
As much as I love staying here with Jerome , Mitch and Lachlan , I'll realized that I am losing out on so many people .
Mom , Dad , Amanda , Connor , the list can go on for ages .
" Yeah , moving here was really a big step . I'm missing out on so many people and sometimes just talking on Skype doesn't really help " I sighed .
" Hey , but look on the bright side , if we both hadn't moved than we would have probably never gotten to know each other more " he said cheerfully , sensing that I was feeling a little down .
" Yeah , I know quite the bit about you . You know , cause knowing your name , where you came from , your birthday and whether you have a girlfriend or not is totally knowing a shit load about a person " I said sarcastically .
" Well , I'm sorry Miss . I'm- Going- To - Upload- A- Video- But- Really- Just Banter- Around- With- The- Australian , maybe you should get someone to update your Youtube wiki page " Lachlan smirked .
" You searched up my wiki page ? #StalkerMuch ? What's next ? You staring at me while I'm sleeping ? " I laughed .
" I'm surprised you haven't looked up my wiki page . Maybe you have since you know my birthday ! " He cried .
Shit , I can't believe I let that slip out .
Btw , he has the same b-day as me , August 25th .
I fell quiet , feeling my nose turn red .
I quickly placed my hand over my nose . " I didn't search up your wiki page at all ! Maybe if you stop sending your fans to my Twitter page to send me info about you I wouldn't know ".
" I didn't send my fans to give you info about me , it's not my fault they want us to date ".
We both feel silent .
It just turned really awkward . Like really awkward .
" You know what ? I'm going to go upstairs and really start editing that video " I stated .
" Yeah , I'm going to go up to my room and just do stuff " he replied awkwardly .
We slowly backed away , walking into opposite directions until we realized that there was only one way to get to our bedrooms and we would need to go in the same direction .
We both turned around and quietly headed to our rooms next to each other , closing the door behind us quietly .
Hello , really quick note .
The new girl Alyssa is a fan made character by YourGamerGurl . Go follow her and all that shit and yeah ...
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