Chapter 10 : Okay ...
~ Lachlan's POV ~
" Maddie ! " Jerome cried , hugging her tightly .
Maddie ? She's the new guest ? It's like God just happened to do this on purpose . So much for trying to get my mind off her ...
" Oh . Hi , Lachlan " she said , pulling away from Jerome and noticing me .
" Hello " I said simply , giving her a shy wave .
We all stood there in silents for a moment .
" Um , how about we eat ? I made dinner " Jerome said proudly .
" You can cook ? " Mitch and Maddie said in unison .
They both looked at each other and laughed .
" Yeah , of course I can cook . I'm the cooking master . I should be on Master Chef sometime " Jerome bragged and I rolled my eyes .
" Yeah sure " I sarcastically as we all walked into the kitchen .
" I'll set the table , well the counter , the table hasn't come yet " Mitch shrugged , heading towards the cabinets .
" I'll start putting food on plates , Lachlan why don't you put those hands of yours to work and help Maddie to the bedroom that Mitch was talking about ? " Jerome subjected .
" What room ? " I asked nervously .
" The empty one next to you . Now shoo " Jerome said , pushing Maddie and I out of the kitchen .
The two of us walked towards her bags and I grabbed some of her suitcases .
We kinda walked up the stairs in silents until I struck up a conversation .
" I didn't think you were going to be here ".
" Me neither , well I did but I never thought my mom would agree " she replied .
" Well , now we have another gamer in the house " I said , as she opened the door to the room .
We stepped into a sky blue painted bedroom with a nice white rug carpet ( which was in every room ) .
" Wow , this place is beautiful " she breathed .
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Wow , this place is beautiful " I breathed , dropping my bags and racing over to the large window .
" I can see the downstairs pool from here , the water is so clear , I can't wait to swim in that ".
" I can see that view from my window as well " Lachlan said , setting my bags down carefully .
" Oh really ? How long are you staying here for ? " I asked , turning to look at me .
" Oh , just 2 months and then I have to go back to Australia " he shrugged .
That means 2 months of getting to know Lachlan ...
I honestly was quiet surprised when I saw him here , he looked surprised as well .
" Oh , that's great ".
There was a silents .
" I think I'll just head back downstairs " he said , backing away slowly towards the doorway .
" Yeah , I think I'll start unpacking . Thanks for helping with my bags and stuff " I said shyly and he simply nodded before heading back downstairs .
As soon as I heard his footsteps go down the stairs , I grabbed my phone and texted Amanda .
Maddie - 1:23
mandy , just got into the house and guess whos here ?
Amazing Amanda - 1:24
um , jerome ? but didnt u say that he was livin w/ mitch ?
Maddie - 1:24
no , not jerome , jerome lives here ! guess again
Amazing Amanda - 1:25
idk who then ?
Maddie - 1:25
Amazing Amanda - 1:25
Maddie - 1:26
yes way
Amazing Amanda - 1:26
girl , i aint believein u ...
Maddie - 1:27
4real ! he is here , he helped me w/ my suitcases and stuff
Amazing Amanda - 1:28
why do all the romantic things happen 2 u ?
Maddie - 1:29
what happened 2 nick ?
Amazing Amanda - 1:30
nothin , just that u + lachlan just seem perfect 4 each other
Maddie - 1:31
i wish u could c me rollin my eyes @ u rite now
Amazing Amanda - 1:32
im just sayin girl , give it bout 2 months and u guys will be the next jelena
Maddie - 1:32
i totally h8 u rite now
Amazing Amanda - 1:33
i love ya 2
" Hey Mads ? Are you coming down ? " Jerome asked , poking his head in the doorway .
" Yeah , in a sec . I'll be down in a minute " I replied .
Jerome left and I turned back to texting Amanda .
Maddie - 1:34
g2g , dinner
Amazing Ananda - 1:35
k , remember 2 set up the Skype call 2nite
Maddie - 1:35
k , i will . bai :3
I shut off my phone , threw it on the bed and then headed downstairs to eat dinner .
• The Next Morning •
I woke up early and had decided to make everyone in the household a thank-you-for-letting-me-live-here breakfast .
It was 10 o'clock in the morning which to us youtubers is waking up early .
I was frying the eggs and had already set the bacon on the table along with the plates , forks and cups for orange juice .
In the middle of all this cooking , my phone rang , making me quickly grab it and pressing it between my ear and shoulder as I continued with the eggs .
" Hey sweetie pie " my dad greeted and I smiled .
I remember he used to greet me like that every single morning while he made breakfast .
Now it just wasn't the same anymore with mom and dad being divorced ...
" Oh , hey dad . What's up ? " I asked , turning off the stove as I put the eggs onto a plate .
" I heard from a little birdy that you are in Florida with Mitch ".
" Yeah , I'm living here now " I said , wiping my hands on the apron , before grabbing the phone , putting it on speaker and setting it down on the kitchen counter .
I heard a big sigh . " That means you can't visit me on weekends that much ".
I frowned . I never realized that . Its bad that I only get to see my dad every other weekend but now I am hardly going to see him at all ...
" Yeah , I'm sorry . I promise as soon as I have the time , I will come and visit you . One day , not now cause I have to still unpack and stuff " I explained .
" Well , that's good . I am just glad that you are moving on with life " he said , his voice sounding disappointed .
" Don't worry dad . Everything will work its way out " I said , grabbing the orange juice from the fridge .
" You are always so positive Mads , you got that from your mother ".
I was surprised , since my dad never really talked about mom anymore .
" Dad ? Do you miss her ? " I asked quietly , setting the orange juice on the counter and picking up my phone again .
" Yeah , I do miss her . But I can never get her back " he sighed and I felt like crying .
I want them to get back together , but him saying that just made me lose all hope .
" Um , I have to go Dad , I'm making breakfast and I want it to be a surprise and all so ... " I trailed off .
" Okay , love you ".
" Love you too " I replied before hanging up .
" Surprise breakfast huh ? " a voice said from behind me and I jumped a little .
I turned around and saw Lachlan smirking at me with his arms crossed .
" Well , it's not much of a surprise anymore " I snapped , setting down my phone on the counter .
" I see you got the cooking skills from Mitch . This smells really good " Lachlan said , taking a seat on a stool , stealing a strawberry from a bowl I set on the table .
" Thanks , are Mitch and Jerome up yet ? " I asked , turning towards the sink .
" Nope , they are fast asleep , at least for now " Lachlan replied .
I turned on the sink and started washing some pans and I felt Lachlan's eyes on my back .
" Was that your boyfriend on the phone ? " Lachlan asked curiously .
I blushed .
Why was he asking if I had a boyfriend ?
" Nope , it was my dad , I don't have a boyfriend . Why you ask Curious George ? " I smirked , putting the pan on the dish rack .
I turned around and leaned on the counter , looking at Lachlan's face go red .
" I just thought that a pretty girl like you would have a boyfriend " he stumbled .
Did he just call me pretty ?
" Why thank you , most boys don't call me pretty " I smirked playfully .
" Well , they should more often " he replied .
" Do you have a girlfriend ? " I asked , raising a eyebrow .
" Well look who's Curious George now " he smirked .
" Hey , I answered your question , now it's your turn ".
" No , I don't have a girlfriend . I'm not into dating " he shrugged .
Was he trying to lead me on ?
" Oh , well you should get into it . I bet you would make a great boyfriend " I flirted .
I'm not usually cool around boys , a specially cute boys like Lachlan .
"Good morning " Mitch greeted , Jerome behind him .
" Morning " Lachlan and I mumbled .
" Well , I see that you two cooked up breakfast " Jerome said having a seat beside Lachlan .
" I didn't cook anything , it was all Maddie " Lachlan protested .
" I wanted it to be a thanks for letting me stay here surprise breakfast but Lachlan walked in " I shrugged .
" Well , it looks really good " Mitch commented pulling me into a side hug .
We all sat down and ate breakfast but Lachlan and I started sending each other glances from across the table .
Does all these things mean he likes me ?
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