Chapter 1 : Benja's Little Sis
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Madeline Elizabeth Hughes ! " my mom called as I quickly tried to edit a video before I hit the road .
I knew I was in trouble when my mom called me by my full name ...
She burst into my bedroom a few moments later , her brown hair tied into a high ponytail , her cooking apron tied tight around her waist .
" Yes Mom ? What did I do this time ? " I asked , twirling a strand of my hair around my finger .
" Did you finish packing ? " she asked , crossing her arms over her chest .
" I am almost done mom , I just need to edit a few more things " I protested , gluing my eyes back onto the laptop screen .
" Maddie , Mitch is coming to pick you up in less than half a hour ! Your video editing can wait " she said , walking over to my laptop and closing the screen down .
I groaned but got up from my bed , going into my closet and dragging out my suitcases .
I had started my YouTube channel 2 years ago and had about 1,000,000 subs . I only started the channel because of my older brother Mitch , also known as BajanCanadian .
He's my idol . As well as the best older brother , Connor being my best younger brother and Kyleigh and Marley tied for being the best older sisters . ( A/N: I am not sure how old they all are in real life but I am just going to make up their ages . Connor is 10 and Kyleigh and Marley are going to be in their mid 20's and moved out of the house but visit sometimes )
" Mom ! Mitch is on the phone and he wants to speak to you ! " Connor called from downstairs .
" I am coming ! " mom yelled in reply .
" I want you to hurry up and pack or else you are not going to that convention " she warned before heading out of my bedroom .
Mitch is coming to pick me up so we can fly to PAX with Jerome , him and I .
This is my first time going to PAX and I am so excited . I am also going to finally meet The Pack Mitch can't stop talking about when we talk over Skype and stuff .
I threw some clothes into the suitcase , making sure to pack my camera ( for vlogging ) , my laptop charger and all my iPhone cases for the week ( I have a iPhone case for each day of the week , I saved up a lot of money for a whole 7 months but it's totally worth it ) .
I quickly searched my drawers for a outfit to wear and finally decided on a grey crop top , a pair of jeans shorts and my lucky converse ( A/N : Outfit in media ).
I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled as I stared back into my grey-blue eyes ( my dad's eyes ) and my long straight light brown hair with blondish dyed tips .
" Mitch ! " I heard Connor cry downstairs and I quickly raced out of my bedroom .
" Mitchy ! " I cried , leaping into my brothers arms , hugging him tightly .
" Maddie , god I am so happy to see you " he breathed , returning the hug .
" What about me ? " Connor cried and Mitch let go of me and picked up Connor , lifting him onto his shoulder , Connor laughing in the progress .
Mitch and I are really close . I think I am closer to Mitch than my own best friends , Amanda Stoners .
" Hey mom " Mitch said as we followed him into the kitchen , Mitch gently putting Connor down on a kitchen stool before kissing mom on the cheek and giving her a hug .
" How is my little baby ? " my mom asked , turning away from the oven , wiping her hands on her apron and returning Mitch's kiss .
" Good , I'm really excited to be taking my little sis to PAX " he said , slugging a arm over my shoulders , pulling me into a side hug .
" You guys are attached to the hip " mom laughed .
" Mom said I couldn't go to PAX with you guys " Connor frowned .
" You will go when you are old enough . You can hardly stay still around the house , I don't think you can stay still in a car for about 5 hours . And that's just to pick up Jerome " I teased , riffing up his hair .
" Well , mom . We need to head if we wanna get to Seattle in time " Mitch frowned .
" Well , okay . Be careful though " she said , giving both Mitch and I a kiss on the forehead .
I quickly went upstairs , grabbing my two suitcases , my laptop ( putting it into my laptop side bag ) and my blue iPhone5c .
• After A 5 Hour Drive •
" Jerome ! " I cried , jumping on top of him .
" Hey Maddie , man I missed your greetings " Jerome said , returning the hug .
We had just reached Jerome's house and I jumped on top of him as he opened the door , making the both of us fall over .
" Sorry , I'm just really excited to be heading to PAX with the Bacca and the Benja " I smiled .
" Okay , let's head to the airport before we miss the flight and be late " Mitch said , checking the time on his phone .
• At The Seattle Airport •
" There they are " Mitch said , pointing towards a table to where 4 other guys around our age where sitting , drinking Starbucks .
We were at the airport and we just got off our flight .
I laughed as I watched Mitch and Jerome hid behind a pole thingy wide enough to hid their bodies .
" Maddie ! " Mitch hissed , pulling me into their hiding spot . " Your gonna blow our cover ".
" They ever met me ! They don't even know who I am ! " I laughed .
" Well , your my sister . You are my blood , they might think you are me " he said dumbly .
" Mitch , that was so stupid ".
" I know " he replied smirking .
" God dammit Vikk ! " Jerome laughed as we both turned around to see a guy with dark skin and black hair covering his eyes a little .
" Vikk ! " Mitch cried as Jerome and this Vikk guy pulled away from the hug .
Suddenly the 3 other guys ( one with brown hair and a cool looking mini beard , one with black hair and a baby looking face and lastly one with blond hair and a tall build ) .
" Preston , Rob , Lachlan ! ' Mitch cried , giving each one a hug .
Lachlan ... the name ringed through my ears as looked at him carefully .
Time stopped as he moved his hair to the side and he turned around , his eyes falling on me .
The world stopped its motion and it felt like it was just Lachlan and I .
The sounds around us faded away and all I could hear was my heart beating in my chest .
" Earth to Maddie ? " Mitch said , waving his hand in front of my face , the moment ruined .
" Huh ? " I said , snapping back into reality .
" You were zoned out . This is Preston , Vikk , Rob and Lachlan . You know , the rest of The Pack " Mitch said , pointing to each member .
I smiled at all of them but I could still feel Lachlan's eyes on me .
I turned to glance at him but he looked away quickly and I blushed , quickly looking down myself before anyone saw my nose .
Whenever I blush , instead of blushing on my cheeks like a normal person , I have a mini tomato on my nose .
I heard Jerome chuckle from my left and I knew I was caught right away .
" Hello Maddie , it's nice to finally meet you " Preston greeted , taking out his hand for me to shake and I did so gratefully .
The Rest of The Pack pulled me into hugs and handshakes , well everyone but Lachlan who just give me a small shy hello and a wave to which I returned , the tension between us already so weird .
" Well , let's go " Mitch said , grabbing his suitcase followed by everyone else as we started for the exit to the airport .
Hey Guys ! Was that a good first chapter ? Hopefully it was and no , I am not going to have a note after every chapter , just when I have something to say .
I would just like to say a quick thanks to IJBHfrags for making this book cover , it looks amazing .
So if you guys wanna have a book cover maker than follow her and stuff . She made The Hopeless , Benja Love Geek and My Little Lachy's book cover so she's amazing , check her out .
Also , I will be posting these chapters on Saturday like Benja Love Geek do that you guys have like double the MineCraft youtubers in one day .
So thanks for reading and hopefully you guys will enjoy this book as much as I do .
Bai :3
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