Part 8
Thomas's (POV)
I was sitting on a rock in the scorch trying to comprehend what's happened and what I've been told the last few hours but it seems like days..
After learning my father is alive and him leaving suddenly my friends and I stayed in the abandoned building for the night.. then we walked through the scorch all day and we lost Winston he got attacked by one of the cranks back at the abandoned building..
I'm keeping an eye on everyone after we found a place to stop for the night and rest. I'm especially keeping an eye on
(Y/N) I don't want anything to happen to her..
I look over my shoulder and suddenly see lights in the distance thinking it's the safe haven I yell at everyone"Newt,
(Y/N), Mitch, Minho wake up."
Everyone is instantly on their feet. And we are running toward the lights.. we are just close enough to the building to touch it when a lighting strike hits Minho I see the panic on (Y/N'S) face telling me to not go out there..
I look at Mitch and yell over the roar of the storm "Keep her safe!"
Mitch nods taking off with (Y/N) in his arms.
I can see and hear (Y/N) yelling "Tommy comeback it's dangerous!" (Y/N) fighting to get out of Mitch's grasp and trying to get to me.
"Mitch let me Go! Tommy needs my help!"
Mitch holds her back telling her "No it's to dangerous."
While Thomas rushes back into the storm with Newt to grab Minho and drag him to safety..
As soon as I'm in the building (Y/N) wraps her arms around my neck..
"I'm ok Snowflake. I look around the building then back at (Y/N) we are all ok." I tell her.
As Minho wakes up from being struck by lightning.. he looks around the room at all of us and asks "What the shuck happened?"
"Before any of us answer (Y/N) does."
She looks down at Minho and says "You were struck by lightning." "Are you ok?"
Minho moves and responds "Oh cool. Yeah I'm ok little greenbean."
Timeskip after meeting Brenda and Jorge. Wicked attacks something bad happens..
Thomas and Brenda go to escape through the secret elevator not realizing a little girl was following them..
Then suddenly it happened the building shook.. she was terrified seeing the wicked soilders right behind her.
The rest of the gladers not realizing that (Y/N) wasn't with them saw the building collapse.. hoping Thomas and Brenda got out alive..
(Y/N) awoke to darkness and dust.. she was scared didn't know what to do. She stayed quiet listening for any voices.
Waiting for help not realizing she was becoming hot from another strange fever..
Tyler's (POV)
Janson had told me a few other of my men to go and search for (Y/N) and Thomas.. we managed to track them to a building with other people in it and My brother's is telling them "that we won't hurt anyone else if they just release the kids." We get no response.. then I see something that makes heart drop the building shakes and collapses from something like an earthquake..
I quickly strap myself into the zipline and repeal down to find anyone before any of my men do.. I'm searching through the debris and that's when I find her.
(Y/N) she's lying on the ground I quickly go over to her and feel she's burning up..
She's running a fever.. I have to get her to the gladers but before I even move her I one of my men right behind me.
"Tyler you found her. Janson going to be very pleased." He responds..
I want to tell him "No there's no way she can travel in her condition. Then I hear another noise." My guy that's with me aims his gun toward the sound.
Then I see what it is "Asher?"
"What is that?" He asks me gun still raised.
I look at him "Stand Down!" I tell him in a stren voice.
He listens and lowers his weapon.
He looks at me and asks again "Whose the dog?"
I respond "That's her therapy dog Janson provided her."
The guys face goes pale.. he knows not to cross my brother although the man that's with me doesn't know Ratman and I are related.
He then nods and leaves telling me"Ok. Tyler I will let you handle what to do with the girl."
I make sure he's out of eye sight and ear sought.
Then I look over at Asher as she has her teeth barred at me like she's ready to attack me if I try to hurt (Y/N). I tell Asher "Don't worry I'm not going to let them anywhere near her.. but we need to find Thomas (Y/N'S) in trouble.."
Thomas's (POV)
I had reunited with Newt, Minho, Mitch, along with Brenda and Jorge after the building collapsed but (Y/N) was still missing..
I look over at Brenda and think (Y/N) would think of her as sister and Jorge as a grandpa..
My thoughts wonder thinking what if maybe Ratman or one wicked's guards has grabbed her or she's lost in the scorch.. I have to find (Y/N)..
I woke up again probably after what felt like days.. this time it wasn't light outside. But I was somewhere..
"Who brought me here?"
"Where was Tommy?"
"Where am I?" I asked out load not thinking anyone would answer..
"Right now you're safe. I gave you a little something for your fever. But won't last.
You need something special."
I looked around and saw a lady in the tent with me.. more questions swirled through my head.. "Who are you?"
"Where am I?"
The lady looked at (Y/N) and responded "My name is Hope. You are safe here at the Right Arm."
A man named Tyler brought you do you remember? she asked me.
Tyler's (POV)
I knew one place that (Y/N) would be safe and hopefully get treated for her fever.
I picked her up walked out of the building we were in and managed to find an abandoned car.
I laid her in the back seat and drove to the coordinates of where Hope told me the right arm camp was located.. i got rid of my wicked uniform and changed into regular clothes..
After driving for hours we arrived at the right arm camp and I got out with (Y/N) in my arms as soon as I got to the point that I couldn't cross Hope met me once she saw (Y/N) she took her to the right arm to get treated.. I knew she wanted to ask a lot of questions like "Are her son's alive?" "Has Thomas and (Y/N) figured out the special connection they have?"
I didn't give her the chance to ask the questions I left.. leaving (Y/N) and Asher with Hope. Knowing Thomas and the gladers would find them eventually.
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