Part 7
Thomas's (POV)
Tyler and I decide to talk but I keep (Y/N) within eye sight.
"She's gotten big since I last saw her. Of course that was when wicked came and took you both away from me and your mother." He told me..
I looked at him and asked "What about Mitch? I know he's my twin brother. Wasn't he there when Wicked came for us? Also.. What about my mother? Where is she?" I asked him.
He looked at me and responded " Yes. Mitch is your twin brother.. He was with us when Wicked came but we kept him hidden because he didn't share the special connection that you and her share. But at the time Wicked was after as many kids as possible."
"As for your mother I don't know where she is.. I just know she got away from wicked and she mentioned something about a resistance in the mountains called The Right Arm.. she said she was going to find there camp. Then send me the coordinates of where the camp was and I could bring you, Mitch and (Y/N) as soon as you arrived at wicked and I felt it was safe."
Thomas's (POV)
I'm shocked at what he just told me.
My mother is alive and she's at the right arm?.. I'm trying to process it all when Tyler suddenly gets up and starts walking away..
"Where are you going?" I ask him..
He looks at me and says "I have to get back to wicked.. there are just some things you don't need to know.. Yet but you will learn the answers soon."
"What don't I need to know? What are you hiding now?" I asked him fury laced with in my voice.
Without answering my questions he left.
All I knew is that my mother was alive and with The Right Arm. and no matter what anyone said I'm going to protect
(Y/N) NO ONE in wicked is getting close to her.
Back at Wicked
Janson was in his office when Tyler walked in..
"Did you find them?" Janson asked him.
"No." Tyler responded..
Janson let out a little laugh.. then said "tell me why did I put you on this case of finding Thomas and (Y/N)?"
Tyler knew the reasons why Janson put him on the case of finding the kids but played it cool and replied "I don't know why did you put me on the case to find the kids.. Why don't you tell me?"
The reasons I was put on the case to find Thomas and (Y/N):
Reason 1: You are the kids father I learned this when you arrived and shortly after they had thier tests done.
Reason 2: I know their mother is alive. I just don't know where she is..
And the final reason: We are family. My dear brother.
I'm shocked.. Just shucking great I think my kids have a Rat for an uncle..
I still don't know where the kids are.. I tell Janson.. but just before I leave the room Janson asks me "Oh Tyler do you happen know where Hope is hiding?"
Hereing Hope's name makes my blood boil... I keep my cool and respond
"No. I have No idea where she could be."
Janson shakes his head at my comment and ends our conversation..
I head to my dorm with my own
key card and enter.
My mind is to wondering to Thomas,
(Y/N), and as they call themselves the gladers hoping I can keep them safe and out of my brother and wicked's grasp..
I guess my son Thomas and I do have something in common we won't let anyone hurt (Y/N) and if Hope is alive I'm going to find her and protect her as well.
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