Part 23
"What the shuck are you thinking
(Y/N)?" Turning around at the sound of the voice.. (Y/N) was shocked by who she saw Mitch standing right next to her..
(Y/N) looked at him and replied "I'm going to find the way home."
Mitch laughed a little "There is No way home there is No way out of the maze.
How do you think you are going to find it."
(Y/N) took a breathe then said "because I heard what you,Minho and Tommy said in the runner shack."
Mitch looked stunned of course she was listening to the conversation they were having..
"Ok. Mitch replied. What's next? You know aside from you breaking the glade's number one rule for a second time."
(Y/N) thought for a moment then said "We retrace the path of the maze the lady took me.. see if we can find anything."
"You sure you can remember all the turns you made.. I'm not sure how Thomas and Minho keep it straight when running in here and they're runners." Mitch said..
"Yeah. I entered the maze saw the lady she gave me a shot like a needle of something that gave me a fever then she started taking me away from the glade we turned right, then left, then right again, then left again.. that's all I remember..
(Y/N) looking at Mitch.
He got down to (Y/N'S) level "think do you remember any identifying marks on the walls or if you passed any of the sections of the maze when you made your turns just before we found you."
(Y/N) closed her eyes picturing the maze the turns she went on just before she was found by the boys.. looking for anything.. then she felt a memory go through her brain..
Y/N'S memory:
She was grabbed by the lady. They went right, left then right again then left again (Y/N) looked up as she was being dragged through the maze and saw it section 7.. with the words Wicked Is Good scratched into the stone..
I look at Mitch and we dash off towards section 7.. as soon as we get there I'm shocked by who I see in the maze..
Standing there in the section looking terrifying is a glader..
It's Hunter I remember hearing his name around the glade a few times.. he kept to himself, he was one of Gally's buddies..
Mitch looks closer at Hunter and sees a few things.. one he's been stung, two he's NOT alone suddenly I see another glader Ben appear..
I'm right next to Mitch when it happens both gladers charge towards us..
I almost stumble back off my feet trying to get away from both crazied gladers..
I'm back on my feet in a matter of seconds.. when I feel Mitch take a hold of my hand and we run back the way we came back to the glade to safety..
As they round another corner both gladers are on their heels.. they are steps away from the glade when (Y/N) feels herself fall to the ground.. I'm instantly scared if not terrified.. I then feel pain as a hand grabs my wrist and starts dragging me back into the maze.. I yell "TOMMY SAVE ME!" Closing my eyes I hear the sound a kick connecting with a skull..
I look expecting Mitch but I'm relieved to see Tommy right there chest heaving.
Hunter on the ground of the maze.
Tommy picks me up and carries me to the glade. I barry my face into his shoulder. I look to see Alby and Newt holding Ben down as we pass he sees me and says "You can't trust her. Her and Thomas are connected somehow."
As soon as Thomas and I are alone.
I see the side of him up until now I only overheard when him, Minho, and Mitch had the conversation about me going into the maze again..
Thomas's (POV)
I was furious that (Y/N) went into the maze again.. I couldn't control my anger..
"What were you thinking going into the maze a second time! Your not a runner!"
I then calmed myself and took a breathe.
I looked at (Y/N) and replied "look I know you are brave.. But something could've happened to you out there.. that lady could've appeared again and grabbed you and I would've never know."
She held her head down "I'm sorry Tommy. I just wanted to help you."
"Help me with what Snowflake?" I asked.
(Y/N) looked at me again then said "I want to help you find a way out of the maze." "Find a way home."
I almost cried when she said that word
"Home." "This place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here." She was right we needed to get home.
After getting (Y/N) settled in my hammock. I went over to Newt and asked"Will (Y/N) be banished or punished to for breaking the number one rule again?"
Newt looks at me "No."
I look at him shocked "You mean (Y/N) isn't going to get any punishment.. no time in the slammer, no food, or banished?"
"You are correct Tommy." Newt says..
"So wait I say to him if she's not getting any punishment what's going to happen her."
He looks at me and says "Well that's things get a little complicated."
"Define complicated" I say.
Minho knows you one hundred percent don't want (Y/N) to be anywhere near the maze.. I shake my head telling Newt to continue.. well he has this idea of pretending to say that she's the newest runner.. that way it won't look suspicious to any of the other gladers as to why she was out in the maze this time..
I look at Newt and before speaking make sure my voice is calm "But she's not the newest runner?" "Right?"
"Right. (Y/N) will still be helping me in the gardens. She tells me she loves it.. gets pick fresh vegetables and bring them to Frypan for him to cook.. and she gets to all the flower bracelets on her down time plus she has tons of flowers to pick for the bracelets."
I laugh at the thought of (Y/N) picking vegetables and making flower bracelets. I then glance down at the bracelet she made for me with blue flowers with a purple center.
I look again at Newt "Thank you for looking out for her."
"No problem Tommy." He says.
Before leaving Newt looks me and says "Oh Tommy just thought I'd let you know both Ben and Hunter are going to be banished tomorrow.. be sure the little greenbean isn't around I don't know about you but I wouldn't want her see something as scary as the banishing."
We then separate and both head for our hammocks to get a good night's sleep.
Seeing (Y/N) asleep in my hammock I carefully pick her up and get inside the hammock myself I then lay her down with her head on my chest..
As I drift off to sleep I think of the banishing of Ben and Hunter happening tomorrow.. I look over at (Y/N) sleeping soundly and make a promise that she will be far away from that scary scene..
I then make another promise to myself, Mitch, Newt, Minho and (Y/N)
"I will find a way out of the maze.
I WILL FIND A WAY HOME for all of us!"
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