Part 22
(Y/N) woke up to the glade's usual chatter..
All the jobs moving around the glade the slippers, the slicers, Frypan our trustee cook, the gardeners were doing the usual pull weeds, get fertilizer, cut vegetables off the vines..
After seeing everyone so active especially after last night's events with the treehouse being set on fire, Gally going shucking crazy, and the monsters attacking the glade..
(Y/N) gasped the monsters were in the glade.. questions swirled in her mind "Where was Asher?" "Where were the boys?" (Y/N) realized she hadn't seen Tommy before the morning wake up and he wasn't aloud to run for at least a week because of the injury he got when saving her from the fire..
(Y/N) got up got dressed and took off toward the runner shack figuring if Tommy was anywhere in the glade he would probably be there looking over the maps.. maybe Asher was with him..
It took (Y/N) a couple of minutes to find the shack it was hidden in the corner of the glade near a wall of thick ivy..
She was creeped out by darkness of the area but she wanted to see Tommy.
As (Y/N) got closer to the shack she heard a conversation between It sounded like multiple people..
Thomas (POV)
I'm not risking her life anymore.
She's not going anywhere near the maze.
No SHUCKING way!!! Tommy yelled
That was Tommy's voice he sounded mad.. but why was Tommy mad he's never mad unless it's something to do with Gally..
Then another voice came..
Mitch's (POV)
Come on there has to be another way we can retrace her steps that she took in the maze..
That was Mitch's voice..
(Y/N) kept quiet and continued to listen..
Minho's (POV)
Yeah we can take (Y/N) out into the maze and see if she remembers the path that the lady took when she grabbed her..
Suddenly there's a loud smack on the table and followed by yelling..
Thomas's (POV)
"Absolutely SHUCKING NOT!!" Thomas yelled again.. making (Y/N) flinch a little.
"I'm not about to let (Y/N) go into the maze where that lady and who knows who else could be waiting to grab her and take her away from me.."
(Y/N) felt happy with Tommy defending her. But she still wanted to help if the way the lady had taken her in the maze was possible a way out..
Runner or not she was going to find a way out for Tommy, Mitch,Newt, and Minho for her glade family..
(Y/N) quickly hid behind a tree trunk when she heard the door of the shack open and saw the three runners exit.
Minho coming back and closing but not locking the door.
When the boys were gone (Y/N) made her move she entered the shack and saw the replica of the maze, runner's gear lined the wall from runner packs, to water bottles, small knives used as weapons, spears, and maps all over place..
(Y/N) saw a trunk in the corner and opened it revealing a small set of clothes that as far as she consider looked to be just her size..
She walked over to the door and locked it.. then changed into the faded purple shirt and slight faded blue jeans then slipped on her boots..
She found a small runner's pack on wall it fit perfectly.. (Y/N) then made sure she had water, and a few small knives hoping she wouldn't have to use them..
Finally she made sure she had a new piece of paper to map her route in the maze that the lady took her..
With that she quietly left the runner's shack.. went through the woods and found the East door of the maze open the sun still up..
She was going to enter the maze and find the gladers way home.
Mitch's (POV)
Thomas was busy talking to Newt and Minho.. I just happened to look over at the East door of the maze and saw (Y/N) entering shocked I started walking toward the door just as I saw her enter.
I follow after her knowing Thomas would be worried if (Y/N) didn't come back to the glade safely..
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