Part 12
Thomas's (POV)
Why the shuck is (y/n) in the med jack hut? That was the question spinning around in my head.. I had to see her.
I walked over to the med jack hut and there (y/n) was sleeping on a cot she didn't look sick..
I then looked over and saw Clint one of med jacks.. and asked "What's wrong with her?"
He looked at me and replied "Uh- Thomas? His voice cracked as he called me.
This couldn't be good. But I had to know what was wrong with (y/n)..
He walked over and said "She's fine right now."
I barely payed any attention to Clint's comment but I knew to ask "But?"
"There's a bit of an issue." Clint responded.
"What kind of issue?" I asked
(Y/N) has a fever... But we don't really know what's wrong with her..
Thomas's eyes were on them and they were blazing.
"What do you mean you don't know what's wrong with her? Thomas screamed. That's your klunking job figure it out, she's just a kid!"
"Your telling me she could be dying and you have no idea what's happening to her? God do something or I swear I'll."
Thomas's cries where cut short. Newt had placed a hand on Thomas's shoulder and the look he gave Thomas was a clear order passed between them.
Newt stood at attention wiping a hand over his face in what must have been exhaustion, before doing a quick tilt of his head toward the exit.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but Clint, Jeff file out. Let's give the Greenie sometime in here. If anything happens he'll call for us. But otherwise I don't want to see you two shanks back in here.
The two med jacks nodded and left the Hut..
Newt gave one last look to Thomas "You gonna be ok greenie?" Thomas nodded but his eyes never left (y/n).
Newt's footsteps faded.
Thomas was alone with a girl he was connected to somehow.. a girl he didn't even know or did he?
He drifted off to sleep he almost didn't catch the soft muttering from the cot.
"Bad. Tommy. Protect."All the while (y/n) didn't stir or wake only spoke, though it seemed more subconscious than anything. Thomas sat confused, listening closer as she spoke again, clearer this time.
"Protect Tommy.bad, bad people.ow ow ow.. no needles!" That last one sounded like a cry for help, a cry only real pain and fear could've conjured.
What was she dreaming about? Or rather remembering? And if these were memories she was seeing... Why was he in them? There was something strange going on.
Something about this girl was unique, something connected them, Thomas just didn't know what the connection was yet.
Then she spoke again "My brain feels funny Tommy. What are they doing?"
And then something more desperate, more.. mournful. "Don't take him. don't take him. Don't leave please please don't leave. Tommy!"
The sob sent him stumbling back with more force than he excepted. What had happened between him and this girl before the maze? What would happen now?
Thomas buried his head in hands.
What would happen if the gladers decided that (y/n) wasn't trustworthy?
They wouldn't banish a kid. Would they?
Not on his watch (y/n) had protected him now it was his turn to protect her..
A shaky whimper broke Thomas out of his thoughts and his head swerved around searching for any eavesdroppers, or worse some of Gally's builder buddies who decided to deal with these strange newcomers themselves.
But he found nothing. On high alert, he turned back to check on (y/n) once again-
And chocked on air. A terrified young girl sat up on the cot.
"T-Tommy?" She asked but Thomas was stunned silent.
It seemed (y/n) was awake.
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