Part 55
I woke up and noticed that I was still in my hospital room but what was really strange was that I was alone..
Fortunately shortly after I woke up Hope came into my room with a smile on her face.
"Morning (Y/N). How did you sleep?" She asks me.
"I guess I slept fine since Jaden was sleeping in the chair right next to me." I say with a smile on my face.
Hope looks at me with a smile on her face and responds. "You know Jaden wouldn't leave your side at all last night just trying to get him to get up from that chair this morning was a struggle."
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"Jaden didn't want to leave you until I told him when you were able to come home." Hope tells me.
Her next words make my heart soar.
I looked at him and told him "That you get to go home today."
"Really I get to go HOME today?" I ask her. Not believing the words that leave my lips..
"Yes. But you have to take it easy with the Wedding Planning. Let your body heal just a little longer. Then you can jump into wedding planning as much as you want." Hope tells me.
I just nod my head "Yes." Unable to find my voice.. Before Hope gets my remaining stuff packed up she looks at me and tells me "I've also told Jaden this as well so you both can talk about it together."
She then carefully helps me into the wheelchair and takes me to the front entrance I smile when I see Jaden waiting there for me..
"You ready to go HOME Hydro?"
Hearing Jaden say HOME makes my heart soar yet again.
I then realize that the only vehicle Jaden has is the motorcycle..
"Wait Jaden! I can't ride the motorcycle it's not safe in my condition!" Panic rising in my voice.
Jaden chuckles with a puzzled look on his face then responds. "Hydro did you really think I only had the motorcycle?"
"Yes." I say unsure if I should answer.
Jaden then looks at Hope his next words make my stomach do a flip..
"May I take my fiancee HOME?"
"Fiancee? WOW!" I think to myself the word sounds foreign..
Hope looks at both of us. "She's good to go just make sure she doesn't overdo it with the wedding planning." She says sternly.
Jaden nods reassuring Hope.
As soon as we leave the hospital I ask the question that's been itching in my brain all morning..
"Jay How did you get to the hospital if you didn't ride your motorcycle?"
I hear him laugh as we turn a corner.
"Oh you'll like how I got here." He tells me.
Then I see it when we turn the corner.
A jeep. Purple in color.
Brand New.. shiny?.
"How?" Is the only word I can say.
Jaden looks at me and replies "This note was with it when I discovered it in the driveway this morning. After I left you I went home to take a little break and found the Jeep in the driveway along with this note."
I looked at him completely confused then I read the note..
Dear (Y/N) and Jaden,
I'm sorry that I'm going to miss your wedding. Jaden I'm guessing (Y/N) is going to be released from the hospital soon and I'm guessing you don't want her on the back of your motorcycle because of her condition at least not for a while..
So I decided to buy you both a little Wedding Gift before I left.
I know this won't make up for me missing the wedding..
Oh one more thing there are two tickets FIRST CLASS for you both anywhere in the WORLD.. Also the tickets are paid for.~ That's from Newt and Minho..
I hope you enjoy the Jeep!
Love to you both!~Thomas/Tommy
As I finish reading the note I feel the tears flow down my cheeks..
Tommy did care.. He knew he was going to miss the wedding and bought us this incredible gift I say pointing to the jeep.. Jaden nods his head agreeing with me.
Jaden carefully helps me into the Jeep and makes sure my seatbelt is buckled then he gets everything loaded into the back and gets into the driver seat.
I look over at him and smile.. "So where are we going? I mean since we can't do any Wedding Planning right now." I say a little annoyed..
His response surprises me.. He laughs.
"Why are you laughing?" I ask him.
"Hope said we couldn't do any Wedding Planning right now." He tells me.
I nod my head understanding. "Yeah. I know that. So what's your point?" I ask.
He has a BIG smile on his face when he says his next words..
"(Y/N) why don't we just go around and look at places and figure out what we want for this wedding together?
You already have your dress.
All we have left is a place to get Married.
We still need Music.
Vows but we can figure those out later." He tells me still smiling.
I'm sitting there completely shocked.
"You're telling me you want to go against what Hope my mother has said to do.. And start planning for this wedding?" I ask him.
I'm so stunned that I haven't even noticed that the Jeep is moving and Jaden is driving..
"Yeah." Is all he says.
"Ok. But we are not doing this by ourselves." I say determination lacing my voice.
Jaden laughs yet again and responds "I thought you'd say that." I don't even ask what he means because we arrive at the hut.
Jaden puts the Jeep in park jumps out and grabs my stuff sets on the porch.
"Hey. Can you come give us a hand?"
I don't see who he talks to that's in the hut..
"Who are you talking to?" I ask.
Jaden turns around and tells me "Just the help."
Completely confused.. "Huh what Help?" I ask..
Tyler and Jorge appear in the doorway. I smile.
Jaden looks at me and responds they've been helping me with getting the house ready for you.
We'll I mean we couldn't just let Jaden get the house together all by himself especially since he spent most of his time with you at the hospital." Tyler tells me.
"Thank You both of You." I say with a smile on my face.
As I try to get out of the Jeep I'm suddenly still weak as Jaden comes over and carefully helps me get down. Then he guides me into the house and to the couch.
I look at Jaden and just start to cry.
"Hey HYDRO tell me what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He says.
"I'm just sad that Tommy isn't going to be at the Wedding." I tell him tears in my eyes.
Jaden looks at me with a smile on his face. "I may have a solution. Hang on." He tells me. Getting up from the couch.
He comes back seconds later with his phone and it's on a video call..
I'm still puzzled until I hear and see the voice of the person he's called..
"Is my Little Snowflake having a hard time with wedding planning?"
I light up when I see him. "Tommy! How?"
"That's not important right now. What's wrong? Talk to me. Why are you crying?" He asks me.
"I can't do this without you. I need you Tommy! What if something happens with my Hydrocephalus during the wedding? And you're not here!" I say panic filling my chest.
I look at him in the video call and he feels so close..
"Snowflake I wish I could be there but this job I'm on for Hank is just taking a little longer than I thought. But you have all the rest of the gladers there and I know they won't let anything happen to you." He tells me.
"I know Tommy. I Miss You." I tell him.
Thomas looks at me and says "I Miss You too Snowflake."
Thomas then looks at both of us "Wishing us well and tells us that he has to go."
When the screen goes black "Thank You." I say to Jaden.
"Anything to make you happy Hydro." He tells me.
"I just wish Tommy could come to the wedding in person." I whisper as I fall asleep laying my head on Jaden's chest.
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