Part 52
Jaden's (POV)
I carefully pick up (Y/N) and buckle her into the motorcycle..
As I drive fast back to Safe Haven.. I'm worried out of my Shuck mind that (Y/N'S) Shunt could be failing..
Right when I arrive Hope and Tyler both meet me before I even turn off the motorcycle..
As soon as the motorcycle is turned off. I'm right on Hope and Tyler's heels following them into the medjack hut..
"I need to get her ready for surgery!
But her temperature is high. I have to bring it down immediately or we are going to lose her." Hope says..
I watch as Tyler places Ice all around (Y/N) and it brings her temperature down.
A few hours later:
Hope then wheels (Y/N) to surgery..
I walk over and sit on a log waiting for news on My Girl.. wait My Girl where did that come from? I mean we aren't in a relationship officially but I care about her..
I'm not sure how long it is while I'm waiting for news on (Y/N) until Tyler comes and gets me.. He tells me that (Y/N) is in recovery and that I can go see her..
I tell him Thanks.. as I walk to her recovery room..
When I enter I see her head is wrapped up again.. I grab the chair closest to her hospital bed as I sit down..
She's hooked up to machines and IVs..
I reach out and gently hold her hand.
Then Thomas enters the room..
"I figured you'd be here. I go to get up. But Thomas stops me. "Jaden I want to say Thank You again for saving my sister's life."
"You should stay besides I think (Y/N) would rather see your face. When she wakes up." He tells me.
I watch Thomas as he walks over to her and kisses her forehead gently and whispers "Snowflake you get better soon. Besides you have a great Shank sitting here waiting on you."
Thomas then leaves the room leaving me and (Y/N) alone.
"Ok. Hydro you just have to come back to us. You have to come back to me. We still need You.
I still need You!" I say to her feeling the tears go down my face..
Nighttime Y/N'S (POV)
I slowly wake up and realize I'm back in the medjack hut.. panic surges through me.. I go to get up but a soft, gently hand stops me...
"Hydro? Take it easy." A voice says.
That voice I know that voice.. I try and get my eyes to focus on the darkness.. when I look again I see a chair then I see a figure in the chair and I feel a hand on my own.
"Jaden?" I ask not trusting my own voice..
"Yeah. I'm right here." He responds.
"What happened? My head hurts again?" I say to him.
I don't see it because it's dark but Jaden looks down at the floor unsure of how to start..
"You had another brain surgery."
I'm sitting there too shocked..
"Another brain surgery?"
I say the words and they sound foreign on my lips..
I feel Jaden pull me into a hug and I just lay into his touch..
Sitting like that with Jaden I feel safe.
I go to get up and Jaden jumps to his feet..
"Whoa Hydro what are you doing? Take it easy." He tells me.
I almost loose my footing but Jaden catches me.
Jaden looks at me and I see the worried look in his eyes..
"Hydro can you move your left side of your body? At all?" He asks..
I shake my head "No." Hope comes into the room a few minutes later and Jaden tells her that I can't move my left side of my body at all.
I watch as Hope brings in a wheelchair and asks for Jaden to gently put me in chair.
Panic surges through me as I'm thinking I'm going for another test just like when Tommy and I were at Wicked..
I quickly grab Jaden's hand that's on my shoulder as he looks at me..
I then hear him say " Hey Hydro listen to me Hope is going to take you for a really quick scan of your head. She thinks something happened when your new Shunt was placed and it's causing your brain to tell your left side of body to turn off for a little while."
Jaden squeezes my hand and whispers to me. "I will be right outside waiting for you." I just nod my head the best I can..
Jaden's (POV)
I walk with (Y/N) as she's wheeled down to the place that's going to scan her head to see what's wrong.
Just before Hope leaves to help (Y/N) I walk over to her with a serious look on my face and say. "Do whatever you have to do. Please just save My Girl."
Hope smiles at me and says..
"Don't worry Jaden I'll take good care of her."
It takes a few hours but Hope finds me and then tells me why (Y/N'S) left side of her body wasn't working..
"Jaden.. It turns out that (Y/N'S) second Shunt moved a milaeter when we closed on the surgery. We were never able to catch it." Hope tells me.
I stand there stunned..
"So what about (Y/N'S) double vision?" I ask her.
"(Y/N'S) double vision has resolved itself all on it's own. But.."
"But? What do you mean But?" I ask Hope..
"Jaden I'm not sure how long it will take (Y/N) to regain all the feeling in her left side of her body.. She's gonna need therapy. She's gonna need her brother by her side." Hope then looks at me and says..
"Jaden (Y/N) is going to need you to help her and encourage her through this tough trial in her life!"
Jaden's and Y/N'S (POV)
When I'm back in (Y/N'S) room and I see she's asleep I walk over and gently hold her hand in mine. As I sit there I'm still shocked by the news that (Y/N) won't be able to walk without help for a while.. she'll be on a walker.. for who knows how long.
Jaden thinks to himself.
I'm broken out of my mind racing when (Y/N) says my name..
"Jaden." I go over to her and I'm just about to speak but her next words stop me in my tracks..
"How is our relationship going to survive me NOT being able to walk for a while? This Hydrocephalus really is taking everything from me.. My memory, now my ability to walk.
What are we going to do?" She asks me.
I gently pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead..
"Hydro it will be ok. We will make it through our relationship won't change.. I will always be there for you. We will go to therapy.. we will figure this out. I promise you Hydro I will always keep you safe and your health will be number one!" He tells me.
I have tears coming down my face as I can't help but kiss Jaden right on the lips.. "Your amazing Jay." I say.
"Well I've got a pretty amazing girlfriend.. he starts.. and No matter if she's in pain or not she has always shown me how Strong, Amazing, and Brave she is." I smile and lay my head against his chest as I fall asleep exhausted from the surgery and the days events but I'm lucky to still have Jaden by my side.
Author's Note: During another separate brain surgery I had double vision as well as when my second Shunt was placed my entire left side of my body decided to shut off..
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