Part 50
Warning: Mention of a second brain surgery..
Author's Note: I had to have a multiple brain surgeries because of my Hydrocephalus and my Shunt failing.. all this I write for the reader I'm writing from my experiences.. Enjoy reading..
Thomas's (POV)
I woke up suddenly feeling like my entire body had electricity going through it..
I quickly get dressed in a blue shirt, jeans, and boots.. then I make my way to the only person who might know what is going on with me.
When I get to the Medical tent that Teresa is working at I just stand in the doorway watching her finish up the last bit of paperwork.
I decided to break the silence..
"Teresa?" I say. She turns around a little surprised to see me.
"Thomas what brings you here?" She asks me.
I look at her and show her the electricity as it comes out of my fingers..
I see the shocked look on her face as she comes over and takes some of my blood..
"I'm not sure how this happened or what it means." I tell Teresa.
As I watch her look at my blood I can see she's figured out why I have electricity flowing through my fingers and the rest of my body.
"Thomas when you got hit with that Electric bullet that Sapphire shot at you I think it was modified." She tells me.
I look at Teresa confused "Modified the bullet how?"
Teresa had a little smile on her face.
"Thomas You Have SuperPowers!"
I look at Teresa confused and shocked "There's No Way I have Superpowers?"
"Your blood doesn't lie Thomas. It tells me that there's Electricity mixed with it." Teresa says.
"Thanks for the help Teresa." I say and give her a kiss on the forehead as I get up and leave.
Jaden's (POV)
I wake up and notice (Y/N) is still sleeping..
I walk over and notice there's a note slipped under our door "Jaden I need your help! Meet me down on the beach bring your Gun and some rubber bullets. DON'T TELL (Y/N)!
I don't need her worrying about me!"~Thomas.
I stood there confused. Why would Thomas need my help? And why couldn't I tell (Y/N)?..
I decide not to think about it any longer as I quietly get dressed in a red shirt, black jacket, jeans, and shoes.
I leave a note for (Y/N) saying that I'm at the beach and I'll see her later..~Love Jaden.
When I arrive at the beach I see Thomas standing looking out at the shoreline.
"Thomas what's up? Why do you need my help?" I ask him.
He turns around and I see it the electricity coming out of his fingers..
Thomas then explains to me about when Sapphire shot him with the electric bullet and how the electricity from the bullets mixed with his blood.
I stand there to stunned for words..
"So Thomas what do you want my help with exactly?" I ask him.
"Jaden I need you to help me learn how to control my powers." Thomas tells me.
It all finally clicks. "That's why you had me bring the gun with rubber bullets in it?" I say to him.
Thomas nods his head Yes.
"It's also why I didn't want to say anything about this to (Y/N) because I just discovered my powers and I don't want to risk her getting hurt."
"I'd never forgive myself if she got hurt because of me." Thomas whispers..
Jaden walks over to him and places a hand on his shoulder.. "Don't worry Thomas we will do some training together and you will have full control of your powers."
Still Jaden's (POV) A few hours later:
"Nice Thomas just keep dodging the bullets just like that.. You're getting faster." Jaden says.
Thomas walked over to Jaden who had a bottle of water already in hand.
"Yeah I may be getting faster with these new powers. But I'm not going to be the one who explains the lighting bolt burnt mark in the sand from our training." Thomas says.
As we start to head back I'm surprised to see (Y/N) walking towards me.
"Jaden. What are you and Tommy doing at the beach? You were gone almost all morning. I missed you." She says then hugs me and I kiss her lips.
"We were just hanging out. I've never gotten to know your brother we talked about our times in our different glades." I tell her.
(Y/N) looks at me intrigued.. "Well I'm sure that was very interesting conversation." She tells me.
I just laugh as I pull her close to me as we walk back to my hut.
Jaden doesn't know it but I went to see Hope while he was at the beach helping Tommy..
Earlier that sameday with (Y/N):
I get up shortly after I hear Jaden leave.
I'm about ready to go see Newt and the others.. when suddenly I'm brought to my knees by a wave of pain. Luckily Hope is visiting to see if I need anything and sees I'm in pain..
She quickly helps me to the Medjack hut and takes a little fluid from my Shunt and tells me the words I've been dreading.. "(Y/N) your Shunt is failing.. you need another surgery."
That word again Surgery.. How was I going to tell Thomas or Jaden..
" (Y/N) Don't worry Tyler and I will tell Thomas. You just need to worry about telling about Jaden."
As I leave Hope I soon arrive at Jaden's hut. I notice he's already in bed and I go lay my head on his chest just as another surge of pain goes through my Shunt..
I squeeze his hand tight as he wraps me in a hug that makes me feel safe..
Jaden then turns over and looks at me "Hey Hydro what's wrong? You seem tense."
I look at him and can't help myself.
I suddenly burst out in tears and told him the news that Hope told me earlier today. "Jaden I went to see Hope and she told me earlier today that I am gonna have to have another brain surgery."
I just start to cry harder as I feel Jaden pull me close and he starts to do my favorite thing sing:
Artist: Bradley Marshall
Song: You'll Be Okay
I know it takes you everything to get through the day.
But you're one step closer
than you were yesterday.
The troubles you've been carrying are weighing down.
But I'll be your High hope lifeboat
So you'll never drown.
Cause you're too beautiful to cry You shine a LIGHT that's too bright to die I'm with you every step you take I need you to know you'll be okay. And you're so perfect when you smile. You've come too far to give up now I'm with you for every step of the way. I need you to know.
I need you to know you'll be okay.
Got a million little reasons.
On why you should stay.
Even if you never see them.
I promise I will keep you safe.
Cause you're too beautiful to cry You shine a LIGHT that's too bright to die I'm with you every step you take I need you to know you'll be okay. And you're so perfect when you smile. You've come too far to give up now I'm with you for every step of the way. I need you to know.
I need you to know you'll be okay.
You'll Be Okay.
Be okay.
Cause you're too beautiful to cry You shine a LIGHT that's too bright to die I'm with you every step you take I need you to know you'll be okay. And you're so perfect when you smile. You've come too far to give up now I'm with you for every step of the way. I need you to know.
I need you to know you'll be okay.
As the song ended.. I snuggle more into Jaden's chest feeling safe knowing he's always going to be with me especially with my Hydrocephalus.
"Jaden and I make a great team." I think to myself.
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