Part 37
I wake up to another morning in the safe haven.. remembering Jaden, the FIRE, and I told him "I Love Him." I smile realizing that he said he wouldn't leave me because of my Hydrocephalus.
As I walk around the hut and get ready for another day putting on a dark blue shirt, jeans, grey boots and my Hydro Warrior bandana. I hear a strange noise I've never heard even when we were in WICKED..
I ran out of the hut to discover what was making the strange noise..
I then find Jaden and Thomas together with a mysterious two wheeled thing..
As I approach the boys Tommy sees me first.. "Snowflake.. Are you feeling better?" He asks me..
I turn my attention to my brother tackling him in a hug almost knocking him off his feet.. "Tommy I see you're better. Yes I'm better also.. Jaden watched me like you did back in the Glade."I told him..
Tommy then looks over at Jaden and says "Thank You for always looking out for her."
Jaden gently places his hands on my shoulders while looking at Tommy and responds "I'll be with her for every step of her Hydrocephalus journey."
I smile at Jaden and watch Tommy for his reaction..
Tommy then reaches out his hand and they shake..
It's then that I hear Tommy say to Jaden "Well what are you waiting for? Are you going to take her to that special spot you were telling me about or not?"
I look at Jaden confused and excited "Special spot?" I ask..
He smiles grabbing my hand as we get on the two wheeled bike which I learn is called a Motorcycle..
As Jaden starts the motorcycle the loud noise makes me jump so much that I feel myself wrap my arms around him out of surprise then when Jaden pulls away I suddenly feel myself grab tightly to his waist.. my eyes close as we ride to the "Special Spot." Then I slowly open my eyes and see the world going by in a blur.
It's so cool. I say to myself..
"WE'RE GOING SO FAST! I yell unsure if Jaden hears me..
Then as if to answer he replies HANG ON TIGHT!" My grip around his waist goes a little tighter.. as we speed up.. and go around a couple twists and turns then we arrive at a tunnel of trees leading to a huge field of flowers and HIDDEN shoreline..
As the motorcycle comes to a stop I look over at Jaden and ask "How did you find this place? It's it's.. I am to stunned for words..
He looks down at me and responds "Hope and Tyler told me about this place. Tyler said he found it when him and Hope came here a few weeks before you and the gladers arrived on the Safe Haven. They figured it could be our Special Spot?"
I smile at how thoughtful Hope and Tyler are finding this "A Special Spot just for us."
I can feel Jaden looking at me with concern and as I feel him playing with my Hydro Warrior bandana he then says "Hey Hydro talk to me. What's wrong?"
I look away from Jaden as a shot of pain goes through my head.. not wanting to have this special time end early I look back at him and smile as I grit my teeth through the pain "I'm fine." I say lying. "So Hydro? Is that my nickname from you?" I ask him..
"I mean Tommy and Mitch call me Snowflake, then Newt calls me Lil Snow, and Minho still calls me Greenie." I tell him laughing..
Jaden smiles then responds with a gentle kiss to my forehead saying "Yes. Hydro is my special nickname for you. Do you like it?"
"Yes. I love it." I smile closing my eyes as I'm hit with another wave of pain goes through my head.. I look away hoping he doesn't notice..
I can suddenly feel myself getting tired as I lay my head down on his chest and close my eyes.. Jaden gently pulls the beach towel over the both of us as he brushes a piece of hair out of (Y/N'S) face.. then Jaden started singing softly to (Y/N) as she snuggled in closer against his chest..
Artist: Patrick Mayberry:
Title:How You Love Me
Could it really be this easy
That You love me like You say You do
I've got years and years of striving
When there was nothing left to prove
Could it really be this simple
Your kindness changes everything
It's like Your grace is on a mission
To tear down my religion
You're all I really need
All this time
How You love me
How You love me
It blows my mind
How You love me
How You love me
Oh, How You love me
Could it be I'm finally seeing
That You're not who I thought You'd be
You're not mad and You're not scary
And all the shame and guilt I've carried
Is why You died for me, yeah
All this time
How You love me
How You love me
It blows my mind
How You love me
Oh, how You love me
How You love me when I'm broken
How You love me when I'm weak
When I'm all out of options
When I can't bring You anything
How You love me when I'm hiding
Knowing I'm not good enough
Scared to death You're gonna turn Your back
Knowing what I've done, but
All this time
How You love me
How You love me
It blows my mind
How You love me
Oh, How You love me
All this time
How You love me
How You love me
It blows my mind
How You love me
Oh, how you love me
Oh, how You love me
Yeah, how You love me.
I smile in my sleep at the song..
Then I hear him say the words again."Goodnight Hydro. I Love You."
"Hydro." I think to myself.. Jaden's nickname for me.. I love it..
As I feel yet another wave of pain go through my head.. I snuggle even closer to Jaden.. and I whisper "I Love You too Jaden."
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