Part 3
Thomas's (POV)
I didn't know she was watching me..
I didn't know she saw me...
I didn't know the little girl I was looking for was closer than I thought until I heard something fall and hit the ground...
I instantly turned around and on instinct pulled my gun that I always carried and pointed it towards the noise. I then said "Whoever is there come out.. I'm not going to hurt you.. I promise."
I waited for a few minutes thinking maybe the noise I heard was just an animal but then a small frightened figure appeared in front of me..
It was her.. there was no doubt I was looking at the little girl from the photo and from my dream..
I was hiding behind some rocks watching Tommy.. when my foot slipped it made some of the rocks tumble and make noise.. Tommy had heard the noise and said for me to come out that he wasn't going to hurt me.. I walked out from my hiding spot and stood there just starting at him..
He seemed different he wasn't like the Tommy I knew from the glade and the scorch... I was just glad he was back and now we stop Ratman..
Before I say anything I'm shocked at what he does next "Tommy pulls out his gun and aims it at me and fires." I'm too scared to move..
Thomas's (POV)
I stand there probably in shock from finding the girl this fast.. she seems to be just as shocked to see me.. for what reason I don't know...
Before I can make my move to grab her I look behind her and see something that makes my blood run cold... A mountain lion apparently has been following this little girl without her even realizing it..
I slowly get my gun from my waistband and then I aim.. not wanting to kill the animal just frighten them to scare them off..
She's looking at mountain lion too stunned as to the danger she just avoided..
I put my gun back in my waistband and then I while the little girl has her back to me I pull out one of needles I brought with me that's filled with knock out liquid..
I walk up to her and she finally looks at me and says "Tommy we were going to come rescue you."
I look at her and reply "Oh rescue me? From who?"
She turns to face the mountains and then says "We we're going to rescue you from the bad people.. From Ratman."
I can feel a memory trying to get through but I push it down... I have to make my move before it's too late.. I have to rescue this girl from The Right Arm..
I'm still right behind her.. as I'm slowly pulling out the needle and when she points at the sunset I make my move.. plunging the needle into her neck.
I watch as she looks at me "Tommy? Why Tommy?..." She asks me just before she passes out..
I bend down and pick her up.. I notice it's at least late afternoon.. there's NO way I can make it back to Wicked before dark..
I had scouted the area earlier and found a cave.. I get both myself and the girl in the cave..
I pull out the blanket and cover the girl up with it.. I check my stuff that I brought.. while I'm going through the things I brought from food, needles and water I hear a small voice..
I'm sitting listening why would this girl want to protect me? Thomas thought..
I suddenly feel myself getting tired so I feel asleep..
I wake up and see the girl sitting on the rock floor of the cave.. she looks at me "morning." I tell her..
"No more needles." She says it so softly I almost don't hear her.
"What?" I ask.
"No more needles. I'll go with you TOMMY just No more needles." She tells me.
I can tell she's scared if not terrified.
"Ok little one. You have a deal No more needles." I tell her.
"Now what?" She asks me..
"We go to Wicked. You will find out the rest when we get there." I tell her..
The little girl nods her head in understanding..
The rest of the walk back to Wicked is long and I tell the little girl is getting tired.. I walk up to her and tell her to get on my back..
It takes us two hours to get back to Wicked and the little girl is awake and standing next to me..
As soon as we arrive Ratman is waiting at the door..
He looks at me then sees the girl standing next to me..
"Little (Y/N) welcome to Wicked. You are going to be treated very special here."
I look down at the little girl whose name is (Y/N).. and she looks terrified and scared just like when I saw her on the mountain when I pointed the gun at the lion and it terrified her.
One of the guards comes up to us and takes (Y/N) to the medical center..
(Y/N) pulls on my shirt and says "Tommy I don't want you to leave me again. Please don't leave me alone again."
I get down to her level and tell her "(Y/N) I trust this guard, he won't let anything happen to you. I have to talk with Janson. I will see you soon at dinner."
She looks at me and says"Promise Tommy?"
I look at her and respond "I Promise I will see you soon."
With that I go talk with Janson and leave (Y/N) alone with Logan a guard from Wicked.
Back at Wicked
I'm walked into a room with a desk and two chairs..
Janson sits opposite of me..
Thomas's (POV)
I look at Janson and ask "Why am I here?"
Janson looks at me and says "What do you mean why are you here?"
"Do you mean why are you here at Wicked?" He asks me..
"No." I respond. "I mean why am in this room."
Janson looks at me shifts his shoulders then says "Thomas how did you find her?" "I didn't give you an order yet to go out and find the girl."
I look at him and say "I just found her. She was wondering the scorch and I found her. I brought her back here thinking Wicked help her." I tell him.
Janson looks at me stunned or puzzled I'm not sure which.. "How can we help that girl." He asks me..
Before I can answer him we are both on our feet after hearing a loud scream and crash..
"That came from the medical center." Janson responds..
I'm sprinting down the hallway turning right then left "why does running like this feel familiar?" I'm brought out my thoughts finally arriving at the medical center.. I look around and I don't see anybody from Wicked.. No doctors, No nurses, Logan has to be close by but he's no were..
Trying to figure out what made that loud crash then it happens again.. only this time I can see it.. a small figure screaming in pain clutching her head..
I start to walk towards (Y/N) when Janson or as she calls him Ratman stops me..
"Thomas don't she could have the flare.. Isn't that all the reason why we should help her?" I ask him..
Janson removes his hand from my shoulder and I slow move towards (Y/N).
"(Y/N)? I ask Do you remember me it's Thomas.."
She looks at me scared then says "Tommy my magic is gone.. My fever is back.. Please Tommy help me.. Please I'm scared."
"What magic was she talking about that made her fever go away?" I think to myself..
I look (Y/N) when Logan comes over and asks me "What do you want to do?"
"Give her an IV of fluids to help get her fever down. After she's stable I will give her some of my blood and see if that helps her." I tell him..
Logan nods and starts the IV for (Y/N)..
Before I leave the room I hear (Y/N) say something "No needle.. bad people.. Protect Tommy."
After (Y/N) was stable Jason comes to Thomas and tells him he's ready for his blood.. after getting some of Thomas's blood Thomas looks at Logan and says "I hope this makes her better".. "Me too." Logan agreed..
Logan walks back into the room with Thomas's blood in a tube. He looks at
(Y/N) and says "Alright (Y/N).. this will make you better."
(Y/N) looks at Logan and the door isn't fully closed when Thomas hears what (Y/N) asks Logan next "Am I getting Tommy's Magic to make me better?"
Thomas felt a tightestnes in his chest "What was it about this little girl?
Why did he feel this strange connection to her?" He wasn't sure but he was sure of one thing Janson wasn't going to hurt her in anyway if he had anything to say about it.. Even if WICKED IS GOOD!!
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