Part 25
Thomas's (POV)
I woke up and noticed that I had a bandage on my arm..
What the Shuck? What happened? Where am I?.. Where was (Y/N)?
I looked around to see where I was and noticed I was in what looked like a cave..
"Ok. That must mean i'm still at the Safe Haven. But Where am I if I'm still at the Safe Haven?" I thought to myself..
I'm still trying to figure it out when I hear footsteps approaching.. and I see Sapphire appear..
Sapphire's (POV)
I walked back into the cave where I left Thomas and I saw that he was awake..
"Ahh good to see your awake.
How are you feeling?" I asked him.
Thomas looked at me with a glare and replied "I feel like my body has been shocked."
"What the SHUCK do you want?" Thomas asked.
I look at Thomas and reply "I've already got what I want from you."
Thomas's (POV)
"What do you mean you've already got what you want from me?" I ask Sapphire confused..
Sapphire laughs a little and replies"I took your blood at least five vials."
"Why? What's the reason?" I ask her.
"Your LITTLE LIGHT." She tells me.
I feel my blood boil at the mention of (Y/N).. What does taking my blood have to do with my Little Sister?
Sapphire looks at me and replies "You know (Y/N'S) sick right?"
I look at Sapphire and reply with shock on my face.. "Of course I know my Little Sister is sick and she has NO CURE for her condition!" I yell at Sapphire.. tears streaming down my face..
Sapphire comes over and sits beside me the next thing I notice is a sad smile on her face then she starts talking again..
"Thomas I'm so sorry for what (Y/N) is going through.. But what if nevermind it sounds way to crazy."
Thomas looks at Sapphire a little shocked and asks her.."What's crazy and how does it involve (Y/N)?"
Sapphire looks at Thomas and responds.. "I'm not sure I should tell you."
I start to feel angry but I calm myself down as Sapphire looks at me and continues the conversation.
"Thomas there's someone that when your blood and their blood combine it creates a sort of ultimate cure that can be used for (Y/N)."
"What do you mean ultimate cure?"
"Who is the person that took (Y/N)?" I ask her.
Sapphire looks at me but doesn't respond..
"Thomas the only thing you need to know is that I'm working for Hank.. I just needed a few vials of your blood to start the process to help save your little sister because I couldn't save Silver. But I know (Y/N) cares for you and loves you! I've seen it." She tells me and I feel my heart ache..
I look at Sapphire and ask her.
"Do you know where (Y/N) is?"
Sapphire then looks at me and replies "No. But I know who has her."
I'm on my feet at the mention of Sapphire knowing who has my sister but I'm unsteady because of her taking five SHUCKING vials of my blood. I regain my footing and ask Sapphire..
"Who has my sister?"
"A young boy I didn't get a good look at his face but he had the letters WCKD on his jacket he had on when he took your sister."
I feel my heart sink.. Wicked has
(Y/N) again.. Who knows where they are hiding on this island..
Isaac's (POV)
I've dealt with Sapphire before she's not a good person.. just like her sister Silver she lies and plays mind games..
I shake the thought out of my head as I enter the cave and I see (Y/N) awake and trying to move around..
"Hey. I've brought food.. Are you hungry?.. I've also got water if you're thirsty as well." I tell her..
She looks at me and points at the jacket I have on.. it's green and kinda dirty it has a design on it and lots of white flowers..
"Do you like the jacket?" I ask her.
"Tommy's jacket." She says reaching for the jacket..
"Whose Tommy?" I ask her with a smile on my face..
(Y/N) smiles and looks up at me as I put the jacket around her shoulders and says to me.. "Tommy's amazing!"
"Well why don't you tell me about him?" I ask her.
"Tommy is my Big Brother, he's protected me from Wicked the bad people who put me and my friends in the maze.. Tommy has even saved me when he used his blood when I was sick. He's always there when I have a nightmare. We even had matching jackets when we went through the scorch. He's such a Fantastic Big Brother. And Thomas has even given me a nickname.. He calls me Snowflake." I tell Isaac..
Isaac looks at me and says "Thomas sounds like a great Big Brother in the way you describe him..
"He is.. I hope you get to meet him." She tells me..
I get up to leave but (Y/N) stops me..
"Isaac wait.. I feel like you are hiding something from me. When I mentioned Tommy's name I saw that you were shocked like you either heard his name or you know him?"
Isaac's (POV)
"Tell me the truth Isaac am I on the right track?" (Y/N) asks Isaac.
He looks at (Y/N) with a sad look on his face.. "I'm sorry Little One I haven't been fully truthful with you about knowing Thomas.."
(Y/N) looked at me and asked the question I've been dreading to give the answer.
"How do you know Thomas?"
I can tell she's getting frustrated.. "Please Isaac Tell Me How You Know Tommy!"
I look at her and say "We both need to sit down for this news.. Thomas.. Your Big Brother.. He's.. He's.."
(Y/N) looks at me and yells "What is TOMMY to you! How do you know My Brother?"
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