Part 21
I woke up with a small tinge of panic filling my chest..
"Where was Tommy?"
I slowly got up and made my way to the entrance of the medjack hut..
Brenda was the first person to notice me.. "(Y/N) what are you doing awake and up walking around?" She asks me.
I just ignore Brenda and say the first thing on my mind..
"Where's Tommy?"
She looks at me and then says "(Y/N) Thomas is in the medjack hut."
My head is spinning.. " Tommy.. medjacks.. what.. what happened?" I ask almost in tears..
Brenda sits me down on the log not far from where we've walked from the medjack hut and she tells me everything from Tyler's friend arriving.. to Charlie being in my tent and trying to activate me and Tommy's special connection but somehow when him and Tommy fought Tommy was injected and then she tells me the worst news.. (Y/N) there's NO CURE for what Thomas was injected with..
My mind is spinning yet again..
"No your wrong there has to be something we can do.. something we haven't tried yet." I say on verge of tears..
Brenda looks at me and says "We have tried everything. I'm sorry but I don't think he's going to bet this."
I shake my head refusing to believe that Tommy's friends have given up on him..
I look over toward the medjack hut and tell Brenda "I didn't see him in the tent with me. Where is he?"
She tells me that Tommy is in a special location in the Safe Haven in case something else happens... I nod still trying to understand it all..
Then Tyler and Minho bring the man responsible for Tommy being hurt..
I feel enraged seeing him and I'm suddenly on my feet and across the beach before anyone can stop me. I don't even feel or hear anyone or anything..
I feel my feet and fists connect to his gut but he doesn't budge..
He just laughs.. "Well look it's the Little Light are you mad that I took away your precious Thomas?" He asks me getting down to my hieght..
No one stops me I wind up my arm and pull back then release square in his face.. he grabs his nose in pain and yells.. "You little Shuck you broke my nose!"
Mitch gently grabs my wrist before I can hit him again.. I turn around and cry into his chest saying in between sobs "He hurt Tommy." Mitch looks at me and replies "I know trust me let Tyler handle it from here."
I nod and look over to see Tyler giving me a thumbs up.. then he picks up the guy and they walk off.. " Well Charlie you don't mess with (Y/N) you see she's Protective of Thomas and the gladers. So you are lucky you just have a broken nose."
Tyler's (POV)
"Now tell me how I'm going to Cure my son? Or trust me a broken nose isn't the only thing you will have to worry about."
Charlie huffs.. "Sorry Tyler there's NO CURE for what I gave to your son."
I suddenly feel enraged I reach across the table with my pistol in my hand and aim it at Charlie's head..
"You Shuckface. I'm going to kill you!" I yell..
Charlie puts his hands up and says "Now Tyler come-on remember all the good times in the Maze, remember I watched out for your kids?"
I click the gun and say "None of that matters because of what you did to my son."
And with that I pull the trigger..
Hope comes running in after hearing the gunshot..
I look at her and tell her "I had to do it. He made Thomas sick. I'm sorry."
"I understand. I would've done the same thing." Hope says looking at me.
Hope then pulls me into a hug I'm not sure how long.. but it feels like forever..
Then suddenly I remember (Y/N).
"Hope where's (Y/N)?" I ask her.
She looks at me and says "(Y/N) was going to see Thomas."
I give her a quick kiss on the forehead and run to find (Y/N).. I think I might know how to save Thomas.
Brenda is taking me to see Tommy..
I'm excited, scared, and happy everything at once...
But just before we reach the hidden medjack hut I see Tyler?
I pull on Brenda's shirt and point "What's he doing here?"
She shurgs "I don't know it must be important and maybe he knows how to help Thomas?" She says..
I suddenly get excited..
Tyler stops right in front of us.. he notices that I'm bouncing on my feet..
Almost out of breathe he says "I.. know.. h.. how to save Thomas."
Brenda and I both look at each other and say "How? How do we save Tommy?"
Tyler looks at us and replies
"With (Y/N'S) blood."
By now the rest of the gladers are near the medjack hut even Hope is with us.. and everyone has an opinion on the idea..
"Absolutely Not. Tyler she's too young to give her blood.." Hope says a little angry at Tyler for even suggesting the idea...
"Thomas giving his blood is one thing but (Y/N).. She's too young.. Tyler she could pass out from blood loss." Hope tells them.
"I mean right now it's only idea we have.. Thomas isn't getting any better." This came from Brenda..
I listened to everyone.. until finally I got to my feet everyone staring at me..
"I don't care what any of you say..
I'm going to save Tommy.
I'm going to be there for him just like he's been there for me.
I'm going to be his Little Light always." I tell them.
They all smile..
"Ok (Y/N) I guess there's no stopping you as usual." Minho says..
We all arrive at the medjack hut in the woods..
I walk in along with Hope..
I look around and see everything that our medjacks in the glade had in there's to make anyone better bandages, water, needles I shudder at the thought I don't like needles..
Then I see Tommy laying on a cot just like the one I was on earlier.
I rush over to him. "I shake him gently to wake him up but nothing.. I say his name Tommy please wake up.. look I'm all better.." No response.
I walk over to Hope "what do you need me to do?"
She looks at me and responds "I need to take some of your blood."
I'm puzzled then surprised by the idea.. "Wait like when Tommy used his blood to save me back at the right arm camp?" I asked her..
"Yes you are correct." Hope tells me.
"Do it." I tell her. "Please save him."
I sit down and Hope takes at least two or three vials of my blood and then I watch as she puts it into Tommy..
Hope then walks over and tells me to rest..
I look over at Tommy and say "Don't worry Tommy your Little Light will protect you always. Just like you protect me."
And with that I drifted off to sleep and waited for Tommy to wake up..
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