Part 19
Thomas's (POV)
My friends and I watched the Berg's backdoor opened.. and standing in the Berg was a mystery man I didn't recognize..
The building was going to collapse we had to get onto the Berg and fast..
Minho, Newt, Mitch and Tyler all went first.. Hope followed after Tyler.. then it was my turn with (Y/N) in my arms.
I looked down at her and whispered "Hang on Snowflake. I've got you."
Then I took a running leap off the building toward the Berg..
I watched as Hope and Brenda grabbed (Y/N) getting her away from the edge.. but I started to slip toward the fire..
I look at my friends and my parents and my twin brother and tell them
"Take care of (Y/N)."
Just before I slip away I hear my friends yell for me "Thomas NO!" Then I feel a pair of rough hands grab me.. and pull me into the Berg..
I look and watch as the Berg's door closes.. then I look to see who saved me...
Mystery Man (POV)
"Man that was close.. Tyler your son has a death wish?" This new person asks Tyler..
Tyler looks at me and laughs and responds "I'm not sure myself."
I watch the man still unsure if I can trust him.. before I can ask him "Who he is? Or How does he know Tyler?"
(Y/N) gets my attention...
I rush over to where Brenda has her on a cot.. and feel that her fever is getting worse.. "We need to get to the safe haven NOW!"
Hope comes over to me and says probably the only thing she can.. "Thomas I say this as your mother you will be NO good to (Y/N) if you don't rest."
I go to answer her but the mystery man adds to her agreement..
"She's right kid. You rest we will watch the little Greenie."
I go to object but I know she's right..
I go and sit on a cot.. a little shocked that this mystery man just used a glader word.. "How is that possible?"
Hours pass.. when we finally reach the safe haven..
The Berg lands and I watch as Hope takes (Y/N) to hopefully heal her of her fever once and for all..
I decide I want a few answers myself.. I find Tyler talking to the mystery man that was on the Berg with us..
I walk over to Tyler and ask him "How do you know each other?"
The mystery man looks at me and laughs a little.. then responds.. "I'm going to let Tyler tell you."
"Good catching up with you old friend. Hope looks great as well."
With that the mystery man walks off..
I look over at Tyler and say "Ok. No more secrets Who the Shuck is that? And how does he know how to use glader slang?"
Tyler looks at me and takes a deep breath says "Thomas you may want to sit down. There's something I haven't told you."
Tyler's (POV)
"The maze you, your friends, and little sister came from it's not the first maze." He tells me.
I'm shocked "What do you mean our maze isn't the first maze? I helped design it. This makes no sense." I tell him.
Tyler looks at me and continues..
"Wicked created your maze but it wasn't the first one." He says..
"Then what maze was the first?" I ask.. still trying to process the words.
The mystery man looks at me and what he says next sends my mind spinning... "My Maze was the first."
I look at him still confused but the ask the question anyway.. "Who was in your maze?" He laughs..
"What's so funny?" I ask him..
"You are. You really are Tyler's son. He was the same way when he first arrived in the maze asking all kinds of questions.. made everyone crazy.. well almost everyone." He says..
"My father and you were in a Maze together along with my mother?" I ask.
The mystery man looks at me and says "You are correct. Your parents and I were all in a Maze together. We came up with the glader slang. But after we escaped from our Maze your mother went to the right arm camp, your father went to work for Wicked as a soldier...
"What's your name?" I asked him..
He smiles and responds "My name is Charlie. Your father was my best friend when we were in our Maze."
I stand there still shocked of everything that's been said.. a Maze before the one that me and the gladers were in..
One thing is for sure Wicked had a plan before they came after me, (Y/N), and my friends. They are SHUCKING evil even before they got to us.
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