Part 13
Thomas's (POV)
I saw the flames from the fire getting higher.. I knew (Y/N) was in there trapped with NO WAY OUT.. I'm not going lose her..
I started moving toward the fire when I suddenly see a break in the flames but I'm held back by Minho..
"Do you have a death wish shank?
Grievers are one thing but fire is a completely different thing to fight!" Minho yells
I look at him and then see Mitch trying to rush into the fire as well only to be stopped by Newt..
"NO BLOODY way are you going in there either!" Newt says to him..
We both look at our friends.. "Come on guys our sister is trapped in there. We have to Save her!" We both say..
Mitch and I feel a sudden smack to the back of our heads.. we both turn around and see Hope our mother standing there and she looks mad..
"You both are two of the dumbest SHANKS I've ever met.. Yes you are both my son's and (Y/N) is my daughter.. but Please don't risk your lives.. I can't loose you both as well.." Hope tells us with tears in eyes..
"You won't loose us. Any of us." Mitch and I tell Hope looking at Minho and Newt as well..
I look over and see the fire growing.
I have to rescue her.. because of our special connection I can feel she's getting weak..
The heat, the smoke, I feel like I can't breathe.. I have to find a way out but the fire is so HOT and intense..
I don't know How I'm going to make it out of this Alive?
I tried to talk to Tommy telepathicly but I was getting so weak I can't find the words...
"Protect Tommy.."
Thomas's (POV)
"Protect Tommy.."
I heard her in my mind.. she sounded weak.. she was fading.. I had to do something.. Shuck it I've spent a night in the maze fought Grievers, I've saved (Y/N) from a burning treehouse this is different right?, escaped from Wicked,
I'm saving (Y/N)..
It all happens so fast just like the time when I caught her when she fell from the treehouse..
I don't feel my feet touch the ground I don't feel the heat from the flames when I run through them straight into the medical wing..
I'm hiding as best as I can from the fire.. when I think I hear a voice over the roar of the fire..
"(Y/N) where are you? Answer me?"
I know that voice.. it's Tommy..
I then yell as loud as I can "TOMMY I'm over hear!"
That's when I see him.. My big brother came to rescue me..
Thomas's (POV)
I find her in corner near the bed she was on hours earlier..
I pick her up in my arms and carefully we try to make our way out.. but fire is everywhere we are trapped.. (Y/N) starts to cough from the smoke.. I look down at her and say the only thing that comes to my mind "Hey.. Hang in there Little Light.. We still have lots of fun adventures to go on with our family."
She looks up at me and says in voice so quiet "Tommy?."
I'm at the opening of the medical wing.. the flames look even higher than before.. I feel myself fading and I fall to my knees but I keep (Y/N) in my arms and I turn her away from the fire..
We need a Shucking miracle.. I think to myself..
It's almost like someone answers.. because there's a sudden break in the flames.. and three figures appear..
I'm too weak to fight if it's Wicked.. that just rescued us..
As usual I'm not sure how long I've been out.. but when I wake up I see Newt, Minho, Mitch, Hope and Tyler?
Minho is the first to break the silence..
"Your Mom is right you really are a dumb shuckface."
I look at him and ask "Who rescued us?"
Hope looks at me and says Your friends and your father rescued you. I called him after you ran into the fire."
"Thank you." I said..
"Yeah. Just don't bloody do it again." Newt, Minho and Tyler agreed..
I looked around and suddenly realized "Wait where is (Y/N)?
Hope looked at a room next to mine. I got up slowly and saw her laying in a bed.. I then looked at Hope and Tyler and ask them..
"Is something wrong with (Y/N)?"
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