Part 1
Thomas's (POV)
It had been hours, days, or months since I've started "training" at least that's what Janson calls it..
the routine I've gotten used to..
Wake up early, breakfast is brought to my room, then after breakfast the "training" begins which contains of hand to combat, gun training with stun bullets, break for lunch then more "training", then another break for dinner "final training", then shower and bed.. Then repeat every day not sure how long..
It was strange the same phrase was said to me by Janson over my course of staying at Wicked.. WICKED IS GOOD..
I sat in my room and thought for minute "If wicked really is good why do I have to go through this training? I've got to many bruises on my body to count.
So is Wicked really good? Why was Janson making me going through this "training? I thought.. an image flashed through my mind..
A little girl age 6 screaming and reaching out for me? But why..
She was yelling something "Let Me Go! I have to save him.. PROTECT TOMMY!!
At the mention of my name I'm brought back to my room.. questions run through my mind.. Why did that little girl want to protect me?
Who was she?
I decide to keep it quiet that a small memory has returned.
Y/N's (POV)
I was at the camp with Mitch, Newt, Minho, and Brenda close by.. they weren't sleeping even though it was dark outside..
I suddenly woke from my sleep.. feeling panic and terror it felt like I couldn't breathe..
Everyone was by my side in seconds..
Newt was the first to speak.. "(Y/N) breathe.. what's wrong?"
"Talk to us Greenbean." Minho replies..
I look at them.. and slow my breathing so I can talk..
"Nightmare.. Tommy gone.. Ratman took him. He's going to do something to Tommy. Something bad." I tell them..
They all look at me and reply "Your special connection is strong enough you can feel him?"
I just sit still and reply "Yes."
I look from Newt to Minho then Mitch and finally Brenda and say "So what's the SHUCK plan to save Tommy. I want in on it."
They all look at me and the boys are the ones who tell me "(Y/N) there's NO BLOODY SHUCK way you are going with us to save Thomas it's too dangerous." Newt tells her..
Y/N looks at the gladers her friends "I'm going with you shanks I'm not leaving Tommy with the Rat.. I'm going to save him. I'm going to protect Tommy to the end." She tells them..
Minho shakes his head then replies "For a little greenbean at the age of 8..
Well I guess we can't argue with her she's just like Thomas no matter what the danger she wants to save her friends." Minho says.. everyone agrees..
It was just Newt, Minho, and (Y/N) left as the others went to get ready to leave..
"Ok Greenbean everyone is gone now tell us what's really wrong?" Minho said.
(Y/N) looked at both the boys and started crying then said "The connection is broken.. I think Ratman did something to him.. I.. I.. she started saying but panicking... I can't feel him anymore through our special connection..."
The boys stood there looking at me trying to process what I said "But you said you could still feel him when you had the nightmare?"
I felt him in the nightmare but it's strange I don't feel his pain anymore our special connection is gone..
Newt looked at me and replied "What if there's a reason you don't feel each other's pain anymore but instead you feel him in a different way?"
I look at Newt confused..
"What do you mean a different way?"
Newt looks at me and responds "You feel him through your dreams and nightmares."
I sit down shocked.. "that means our special connection.. has gotten a lot stronger.." I think to myself..
"Wicked doesn't know about this.. we can use this.. We can save TOMMY!"
I tell them.
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