"T .. Tae?" he opened his eyes sharply. "Princess!" she smiled wearily. Taehyung leaned over her and gently smoothed her hair. "Are you okay? If something hurts, I'll call the doctor ..." Taehyung began to spin in one place, torn by what he needed and what he wanted to do. "How ..." she swallowed hard and closed her eyes, licking her lips. "Here ..." he put his hand carefully under her neck and lifted her head, handing her a glass of water with a straw. She drank thirstily and leaned back with a sigh.
"If something hurts, wait, I'll call the doctor," he smiled and walked to the door, but she took his hand. "No!" her voice broke, and he looked at her questioningly. Her eyes looked at him pleadingly, full of fear and confusion.
Taehyung was confused for a moment, but quickly realized what she wanted. She was afraid to be alone, even for a minute, and he felt even more guilty. He sat back in his chair and took her hand, kissing her fingers and palm. "It's all right, Princess, Eunji is in custody, he can't touch you anymore, no one can!" she closed her eyes and her tears flowed as she wept silently.
"No, princess!" he returned and sat on the bed next to her, carefully wiping away her tears so as not to hurt her already badly injured face. "No more tears, right?" he smiled and she nodded. "Besides, we have cause for joy ..." she looked at him as if he had suddenly gone mad.
"Let me call the doctor, okay, I'll be at the door, no one will come in unless I let him?" he asked, and she nodded uncertainly. "Good!" he grinned and walked back to the door, which just opened and missed Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin, who were puffing and arguing over who should go first, trapping their shoulders in the doorframe."I'm her best friend, get out, baby!" Jin hissed and tried to push Jimin away. "Wow, sorry, Mr. WWH, get lost if you love the beam you call shoulders!" Jimin slipped between Jin and Hoseok, who inadvertently tripped him up, and Jimin flew headlong into the chest of Taehyung, who stared at them with wide eyes and gaping mouths. "Ouch!" Hoseok rubbed his forehead, and Jin grinned boyishly. "For God's sake, you're in the hospital!" Taehyung squeaked, looking at their flushed faces. "Yes, yes, look what we took for the baby!" Jin waved indifferently and buried himself in several bags that hung on his wrist.
"Baby?" all eyes were on Mina, who was trying to get up. Taehyung returned immediately, gently supporting her back and helping her sit up, grinning at her. "I wanted to surprise you, but thanks to these ..." he looked unhappily at the three by the door, who were currently wondering whether to express guilt or be happy. "It didn't work out!" he grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist, placing a palm low on her belly. Mina looked down at his hand, then back at his face, and gasped, blinking in shock. "I ..." the words stuck in her throat and her eyes filled with tears again. "Mmm!" Taehyung gently hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "I ... I'm ... are you sure?" she tried to swallow her tears. "The doctor said you were in the middle of the second month and everything was fine." Taehyung smoothed her hair.
Mina didn't know what to say, she was aware of Taehyung's desire to have a child, but at a time like this ...Her eyes shifted to Jimin, Hoseok, and Jin, who had unanimously chosen joy and were happily treading in place, eager to show what they had bought for the baby.
"I took food!" the door swung open again, hitting Hoseok in the back, and Jungkook flew into the room, with a wide bunny smile, but froze when he saw the awake Mina and the grinning Taehyung. "For God's sake, Jungkook, aren't you being chased by food thieves for almost killing us to get in?" Jimin scolded.
"Why is everyone at the door?" now they all turned to Suga and Namjoon, who were curious to see the little coffin blocking the door and the bags in each of their hands.
"God, why don't you just come in, or better yet, have someone call the doctor!" Taehyung growled, wrapping his arms around Mina like a shield. She laughed lightly, leaning on his chest and shaking her head. The sight of their confused but happy faces was so reassuring. Taehyung's arm was around her, protecting her and gently caressing her belly.
"Jungkook?" Taehyung looked at her. “Tell me there's ice cream in this bag?” she smiled, and Jungkook's smile faded. "Damn, I forgot, I'm coming back now!" he turned, handed the envelopes to Namjoon, and disappeared down the hall. "Are we starting to pamper you from now on, huh?" Taehyung laughed. "It won't be difficult." Jin grinned and walked over to them, leaving his purchases on the chair Taehyung was sitting on.
"Okay, it smells like chicken!" announced Suga and pulled the bags from Namjoon, settling on the couch. "Hey, leave it for me too!" Jimin went down to him and buried both hands in the envelope. "Jungkook will kill you if he comes back and there's no piece of chicken for him!" Namjoon laughed, settling down next to Suga.
"Don't you think he hasn't eaten half of it already?" Jimin frowned, looking askance. "And why don't you give it to me first, after all, I'm eating for two already ..." Mina joked, and everyone froze as Taehyung burst out laughing. "I'm thinking of buying a restaurant!" he announced, snorting. "Just kidding!" Mina frowned, and Taehyung couldn't resist lightly touching her lips with his. "I know, Princess." she smiled wearily and laid her head on his shoulder as she watched the group on the couch return to the chicken dispute, as if their lives depended on it.
Closing her eyes, she shivered. The memory kept popping into her mind, though the hustle and bustle around her calmed her and the news that she was pregnant had distracted her for a while, the fear of the experience was still there, and she would hardly forget it.
"Mom!" Lily ran furiously to Mina, her arms outstretched, tossing around her neck. Mina laughed, losing her balance, and Taehyung immediately supported her. "Lily, you can't jump on mom like that anymore!" he scolded his daughter, and she frowned. "Enough, Tae, she's not doing anything wrong." Mina smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind Lily's ear. "No, the doctor told you to rest, and wearing Lily is absolutely forbidden!" he took Lily from her arms, receiving a disgruntled grunt from her. "Sweetie, you have to be careful with your mom and take care of her." he smiled at his sullen daughter Taehyung, and as he carried her with one hand, he grabbed Mina with the other and led them to the living room couch.
"So, now!" he placed Lily on his lap, sitting next to Mina, and smiled at her as Lily glared at him. "Sweetie, do you remember when you were playing with mom and I asked you if you wanted a brother or a sister?" Taehyung asked, and Lily thought for a moment, then nodded. He smiled and took her hand, placing it on Mina's belly. "Here's one of them, so we have to be careful with mom and take care of her and the baby." Taehyung explained, and Lily's eyes widened in exaltation. "That's right, sweetie, you're going to be a big sister and you have to be responsible now." Taehyung looked at Mina with love and she gently laid her hand on theirs. "So babies really come from mom's belly?" Lily asked innocently, and her parents burst out laughing.
"Can someone help me, please!" Mina and Taehyung turned their heads toward the door and burst out laughing again, watching Jin struggle to bring in a huge dollhouse that reached almost to his chest and barely made its way through the door.
"Since when do you play with dolls, hyung?" Jin frowned, trying to turn the house around so he could walk past. "You are very funny!" Jin growled, shaking his head as he locked himself in, and Taehyung hurried to help him, joking that it wasn't the house but his shoulders that were to blame for not being able to get through the door. "Very witty, why don't you take Lily to the market and we'll see what you get home with!" he smirked and Taehyung shook his head in horror. "So, how are mom and baby?" Jin turned to Mina and smiled softly. Mina stroked her still flat stomach. "Excellent and very spoiled." she looked at Taehyung, who winked playfully at her and she blushed.
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