"You're staying in bed!" Taehyung pressed her shoulders gently. "But ..." he shook his head. "I already said!" Taehyung snapped, but smiled at her. Mina sighed as she went back to bed, all red and worried. "Besides, you got sick while taking care of my daughter, now leave me to take care of you." he winked at her, and she took a sharp breath.
She was not used to this Kim Taehyung, calm, caring and, God help her, so gentle! He kept circling her, checking her temperature, adjusting her pillows, bringing her food, even feeding her something she liked, but it made her blush constantly and her stomach tighten. Here he was, leaning over her, and all she could think about were his hands on her shoulders.
"Mina?" he sat, bending his knee on the edge of the bed, resting his hands on it and looking at her questioningly. "Have you managed to find another job yet?" he asked quietly, determined to put his plan into action, and she shook her head. "Great!" he clapped his hands and stood up with a wide, charming smile that made her blush again. He spun around, forgetting for a moment where he was going. She was amazed at the resemblance between father and daughter, Lily looking the same when she wanted something, but she wasn't sure if she should ask. "Do you have a suggestion, Mr. Kim?" she urged him softly, and he nodded vigorously, like his daughter. "How will I survive with so much charm around these two?" Mina thought, suppressing her laughter.
Taehyung took a deep breath, preparing to begin the most important battle of his life. He looked at Mina, fascinated by her blush, her soft smile, the way she looked at him expectantly. "I want you to work for me. Again!" he grinned and returned to his seat. "Not in the company." he hurried to reassure her when she made a face. "Here, at home." her eyes widened. "With Lily, I mean Lily!" Taehyung tried not to sound nervous, but his tongue became entangled. "I mean, like her babysitter." he cleared his throat uncertainly. "Babysitter?" Mina raised an eyebrow. "But Mrs. Min ..." he shook his head again. "I want a 24-hour nanny who will live with us." he explained, and she gasped. "But ..." she thought, but he continued. Ms. Min has a family, she can't stay, and she wants a vacation, and since she hasn't had one since Lily's birth, I can't refuse her. You and Lily get along perfectly, and for me, if you agree, of course, it will be the perfect solution! "He spoke so quickly that he was out of breath.
"I ... Um ..." she looked down, thinking. Not that she had anything else to do right now. After leaving his company, she missed them so much that she decided to rest, relying on her savings. She had locked herself in the house, hoping the feeling would go away. And although she saw Lily from time to time, it wasn't the same without Taehyung around.
Taehyung saw her insecurity, if he didn't do something, she would refuse. He returned to her, leaning over, ostensibly to straighten her pillows. His lips were so close to hers that it cost him so much not to succumb to the temptation to kiss her. She swallowed breathlessly, and he smiled as their eyes clung to each other. "Don't deny me, Lily will be very happy." his breath caressed her and she looked down at his lips. "Please, Mina, she really misses always being around her." It wasn't fair to use his daughter as a motive, but he didn't care. He would no longer run away from his desire, and if he had to use Lily to get it, so be it.
Mina could only nod, his closeness taking away her ability to think. "Great! You start as soon as you're all right!" he winked at her, and she took a sharp breath, biting her lip. "Ah, princess, do not tempt me!" he thought, watching her lips.
To disguise her influence on his body, he stood up quickly and left, leaving her to stare after him, a contented smile on his face. If she knew what he was doing, what he was aiming for, she would fly out of here at the speed of sound.
"There you are!" Taehyung smiled. "Hey, hyung, what's bringing you here?" he walked to the kitchen, followed by Jin. "I came to see my stupid friend, what else." Jin grinned. Taehyung looked around, making sure they were alone. "Your stupid friend is not so stupid anymore, Hyung." Taehyung took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and leaned back on the kitchen counter with an arrogant expression, licking his lips contentedly. "And when did he get smarter?" Jin leaned against him, puzzled. "A few days ago," Taehyung shrugged and sipped from the water, "I know that look, what are you up to?" Jin tilted his head, wondering if he was scared or happy. "I decided that you were right and that I would not run away from my desires anymore. Especially since they are the same as my daughter's." his eyebrows jumped playfully. "Yeah and those desires are?" Taehyung looked at him from under his eyebrows. "To own this woman!" he smirked.
"Oh, wow, it was time!" Jin screamed in a thin, enthusiastic voice and almost jumped on the counter. "Quieter, she'll hear you!" Taehyung hissed, but laughed as his friend jumped happily on the spot, clapping his hands. Taehyung sighed. He would need the help of all his friends, and he knew he could count on them. They would provide him with the time alone with Mina that he needed to bring her into their lives. And he would make sure to use all the chances optimally and in the best possible way. He had lost plenty of time and had no intention of wasting any more. Especially since he can spend that time with her.
"Can I buy you a drink, miss?" he smiled invitingly.
She examined him from top to bottom judiciously, licking her lips. Expensive, custom-made suit, branded shoes, stylish hairstyle, several massive gold rings and a gold chain around his neck. His face, as if from the cover of a men's underwear magazine, was obviously well maintained. Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction, and she nodded. His smile widened and he waved to the bartender, ordering their most expensive champagne and two glasses. Offering his hand, he led her to the VIP booth, gallantly protecting her from the dancing bodies around them. "All whores are the same, greedy and easy!" he thought, smiling predisposedly as the young woman seemed to shyly look down with fluttering lashes.
"A new victim was found on the outskirts of Seoul. According to information from the press center of the main police department in the area, the girl was found with the same stab wounds as previous victims. Her profile also matches. Investigators refused specific information until the case allowed."
"This is becoming the case with a serial killer." Namjoon sighed. "All the news is just talking about it, it is said that this is his fourth victim, but the information is unconfirmed." Suga nodded, closing his laptop. He leaned back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Anyway, I can't wait to go home.Jin told us to get ready for the wedding." Namjoon laughed and sat down on the other bed in their hotel room. "I like it here." Suga sighed and turned to one side, his hand under head. "You like it wherever you can sleep. It's time to go home, at least for a while." Namjoon stretched, wondering what they would find when they left Lyon, France, and landed in Seoul, Korea.
"Is this woman so special that Taehyung is ready to remarry?" Suga closed eyes, scratching his nose. "Jin calls her a gray mouse." Namjoon laughed."But it's really special for Taehyung and Lily. Especially for Lily. I think Taehyung started to get feelings a little later." Namjoon nodded. "I don't remember Lily getting close to a woman other than her nanny." Suga looked at him. "Because it's not." Namjoon shook his head, "Taehyung is not particularly good with women after divorce, but to introduce Lily to someone who is excluded. Lily discovered Zhang Mina herself, as far as I know from Jin." he explained. "I understand." Suga turned on his back and put his hands under his head. "So Lily is the reason Taehyung returned to the world of the living. I had already begun to think that he would die alone and with twenty cats!" Namjoon laughed and Suga snorted, grinning.
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