Taehyung tried his best to ignore the woman next to him, focusing on his daughter's happy chatter.
As Lily had asked, he spent a whole week convincing Mina that he should come with them this weekend, using his daughter's words that it would be fun and that Lily would miss her. For a whole week, Taehyung sank into the gray mouse's embarrassed eyes, remembering the weight of her body on him, and damn it, it was damn hard for him not to think about what she looked like in that dress. And that Lily had persuaded her to travel with them didn't help him at all. His body reacted to the memory, and not in the way he liked.
"Dad, are we coming soon?" he didn't know how many times Lily had asked him. He glanced furtively at Mina, then at Lily in the mirror. "Soon, bunny, be patient." he smiled. "But I'm hungry!" Lily cried and frowned. "Soon, darling." he looked back at the road. "Here, pumpkin." he looked at Mina in surprise, who reached into the backpack between her knees and pulled out a sandwich, which she handed to his daughter with a smile. Their eyes met as she turned forward again, and she hurried away, embarrassed. "Here." he looked at her again. She was holding a sandwich, handing it to him, but she avoided looking at him again. He looked at the sandwich, her flushed face, and her slightly trembling hand. She was definitely extremely uncomfortable, and he felt sorry for her, knowing that she was sitting next to him only because of his daughter.
"Thanks." he smiled slightly, picked up the sandwich, and tried to unpack it with one hand while holding the steering wheel with the other. But busy with the sandwich, he swerved slightly off the road, startling Mina and Lily. Taehyung straightened the car and looked at her apologetically. "I'll eat later" he murmured, staring ahead. He returned the sandwich to her, trying not to bother her more than she was now.
"You don't have to drive hungry ..." he looked sideways at the sandwich she was holding unpacked and close to his mouth. Her hand was already trembling visibly, and he bit his lip, but he took a deep breath and leaned forward, taking a bite of the sandwich so as not to offend her.
Lily ate and fell asleep in the back seat. Taehyung watched in the mirror as Mina turned, lay down between their seats, and carefully wrapped his daughter in his jacket, making sure she was comfortable and wouldn't catch a cold.
"She really likes you very much" he said softly. Mina turned and looked at the sleeping child with a gentle smile. "She is a very special child" the tenderness in her voice made him look at her for a moment. "Thanks for agreeing to come, it was important to her." Taehyung smiled slightly. Mina looked at him, biting her lip. "I ..." he looked at her slightly and she cleared her throat. "I want to apologize for ..." Taking a deep breath, Mina shook her head. "For what happened in your office, I really had no intention of ... for ..." she paused and blushed again, so sweet that his breath almost stopped.
His gaze fell on an emergency turn, and he stopped the car, turning to Mina. "Miss Zhang, you don't have to apologize for my daughter's antics." she looked down. "And you definitely have nothing to be ashamed of, anyone can stumble and it was pure luck that you didn't get hurt." Taehyung smiled. "Besides, I have to be the one to apologize. Lily ... She seems very attached to you and I know you're terribly uncomfortable right now, but I just couldn't refuse her when ..." he also stumbled, realizing that it took too long to explain. "Everything is fine." Mina sighed, still avoiding his gaze. "Here, do your sandwich." she handed him half the remaining sandwich and looked out the window.
"Dad, Dad, look!" Lily enthusiastically ran to the horse fence when Taehyung parked in front of the hut and got her out of the car. "Watch out, Lily!" he shouted after her, smiling. He walked around the car and opened Mina's door, looking over his shoulder at his daughter, who hung on the fence like a monkey.
His gaze fell on several of his already arrived employees, who watched them curiously as Mina got out of the car, staring at Lily, with a slight smile.
Taehyung had already heard several rumors that he and Mina had an affair. The rumors stemmed from the fact that Mina and Lily spent a lot of time together in the office.
Some of the women who had already tried to sneak into his bed were spreading lies about them, and he was sure Mina had heard them too. Lately, she has been avoiding the rest room altogether or having lunch during working hours to be alone, working during the rest period. He would soon have to do something about it, or he would have trouble if one of them decided to open her mouth in the wrong place. The problem was, he didn't know what to do. He could have separated Lily from Mina, but then he would hurt his daughter's feelings, which was extraordinary. And if he announced publicly that there was absolutely nothing between them, cutting off the rumors, he would insult Miss Zhang and embarrass her even more, making her look rejected, which in turn would make her completely shut up and sink in shame. if not to quit her job. Something he didn't want.
Taehyung sighed and opened the trunk, removing Mina and Lily's suitcases. Putting his own bag on his shoulder, he closed the lid, looking again at Lily, who was happily waving a few horses. "I will take it." Mina leaned over and picked up her suitcase, reaching for Lily's. Their hands met, and she pulled away, red as a tomato. "For God's sake, exactly how much can a person blush per day?" Taehyung thought, suddenly amused.He picked up Lily's suitcase and called to her, following Mina to the entrance of the hut.
They checked in, watching the bouncing Lily scream with pleasure that their rooms were next to each other, convincing her father to let her and Mina have a pajama party. "Lily, I'm sure Miss Zhang wants to rest, and you're just going to bother her." he tried to dissuade his daughter by smiling awkwardly.
"It's not true, is it, Mina?" Lily looked at her so sadly that Mina's heart melted. She squatted so that their eyes were level and pinched her nose. "Of course you won't bother me, we'll tell stories, drink hot chocolate, and then cuddle to the point of fainting!" they both looked at him. One with pleading eyes wide with excitement, the other with love and tenderness for his daughter.
"Oh, for God's sake! All right, but you promise not to bother her much, do you?" he surrendered, and they both hugged happily, rubbing their noses like penguins. He laughed and picked up their suitcases, following them as Mina carried his daughter, who hugged her neck tightly and whispered something in her ear that made Mina laugh out loud, forgetting that she had only recently blushed embarrassedly under his gaze.
Reaching their rooms, he first left Mina's suitcase in front of her door, convincing his daughter that she could join her after dinner, and then, accompanied by his happy daughter, entered their room.
Lily didn't turn her around, changed quickly, and despite Taehyung's protests, ran out of the room, shouting Mina's name in the hallway. He heard their laughter from the other room. His thoughts returned to the rumors about them. Now they were going to dig deeper, because Lily wouldn't miss the opportunity to spend as much time as possible with her friend. The truth was, he didn't really care what was said about him. He had heard almost everything already. From praise to what a cold-blooded ass she is, having eyes and a heart just for his daughter. But the woman in the other room was unlikely to face such accusations so calmly.
"Lily, wait for me!" he turned toward the door when Lily returned, followed by Mina. Taehyung looked at the sleeveless skirt that fitted around her body and was tucked into her black ripped jeans. Except for the sunflower dress, he hadn't seen her in any clothes other than those strict gray suits. And now that she looked like that ... He just couldn't take his eyes off her. The sensation of her body on his came back and hit him right in the stomach, causing him to swallow as his eyes examined the curves of her waist, which his hands remembered so well.
"Come here, pumpkin!" her laughter made him tighten, and he turned to his daughter, who, laughing, jumped on the bed while Mina came down to catch her so she wouldn't fall. Lily screamed and tried to run away, but Mina knocked her down on the bed and knelt on the covers, began to tickle her, making funny noises.
Taehyung couldn't help but think that this woman would be the perfect mother for Lily. His daughter adored her, and their feelings were obviously mutual. He grinned as Lily began to beg Mina to stop, panting with laughter. Watching the two of them, Jin's words came back - "She's beautiful, isn't she?" "You can't be alone forever!" Taehyung stood with his arms folded across his chest, watching the woman, who had been more of a mother to his daughter for almost two months than the one who had given birth to her, wondering if he had really been alone for too long.
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