Chapter 8 - Happy Birthday
A/N:Sorry for my english errors
Jenny Pov
I had woken up early to prepare everything for the party and go get Luke
Jonathan: "Already awake sister" he said rubbing his eyes "What good smell is this?"
Jenny:"It's your birthday cake" I put the cake on the table "I'm going to get Luke"
Jonathan:"You like him" he laughed "Date with him"
Jenny:"I do not like him," I said, running behind him. "Well, I'll get Luke and don't eat the cake"
Jonathan:"Ok h20 I do not screw up"
I went to Luke's house, my brother is right, I like him but I do not have the courage to tell him
Jenny:"Luke!" He left to run "Let's go"
Luke:"Okay taxi driver" he said laughing I looked at him "What?"
Jenny:"You'll say that again, I'll never give you a ride again," he laughed, "You're such a devil."
Luke:"You're very bad too"
Jenny:"I'm the most cherished person in the world" I laugh
Luke:"Of course you are" he looked at me "So you know if you're going to Amanda's party"
Jenny:"Seriously, you want to go to her party😒" I sighed "I should work that night."
Luke:"You're always working, I know you hate her but everyone goes to the party" I did not answer "Ok I will not force you to go"
Jenny:"Are you going to have fun without me?"
Luke:"Don't say that" he grabbed my hand "You know you're very special to me Jenny"
Jenny:"Thank..." I said blushing "You're a special friend to me too."Omg Jenny, you really are an idiot.
Luke:"I know I am" we finally arrived "Where's Jonathan?"
Jenny:"Delirious we arrived" he came running to us "So let's have lunch?"
Jonathan Pov
We were all having lunch I just looked at Luke and my sister
Jonathan:"Why don't you guys date?" They looked at me "You like each other"
Luke:"Sorry.. I have to go to the bathroom." He got up from the table.
Jenny:"Jonathan !!" She started to run behind me "I'm going to get you" she started to make me tickle
Jonathan:"Okay okay Jenny" I said, laughing. "I'm sorry I was just kidding"
Luke:"Tickling War!" He jumped up at us but I managed to get away "Jenny now it's just you and me"
Jenny:"Please stop Luke." At that moment someone rang the bell "It must be Jonathan's friend"
I went with her to the door
Jonathan:"Evan!" I hugged him
Evan:"Happy Birthday Jonathan!" He gave me a gift "I hope you like it"
Jonathan:"A giant teddy bear 😍" I hugged him "Thank you so much Evan"
Evan:"Glad you liked it"
Luke:"Hey Jonathan comes to open your gift" he gave me an Xbox "So we can play together"
Jonathan:"Thank you so much Luke" Evan and I were playing on the Xbox
Evan:"You play very well" this is the best birthday
Jenny:"Boys come here" she went to get the cake and began to sing "make a wish brother"
I wished Evan and I were friends forever
Evan was sleeping here, my sister was preparing dinner Luke was resting on the couch.
Evan:"Delirious will it be that somehow we make them kiss"
Jonathan:"I do not know" I looked at Luke "We have to push one of them"
Evan:"Good idea!" He looked at me "it's cupid mission time" I laughed he pulled me and we went to the kitchen
Jenny:"Boys you're doing behind the counter" I had forgotten that she listens very well
Evan:"We just wanted to see what was dinner"
Jenny:"You'll see now you're going to call Luke please" was our opportunity. We went to call Luke while my sister was putting dinner on the table
Luke:"Do you need any help?" They were very close to each other
Jenny:"No, I'm just washing this dish" she said looking at him we shoved Luke
They finally kiss! They were very ashamed
Jenny:"I'm sorry Luke" she went to the bathroom
Luke:"Omg what a shame" he looked at us "Don't do that again"
We look at the floor and apologize
Luke:"It's okay, I know they did not mean it" he looked at us "But maybe what you did helped me"
We sat at the table my sister kept quiet for dinner and did not even look at Luke
Jenny:"Jonathan and Evan if they can go to the room" we went to the room
Luke Pov
I was sitting on the couch while Jenny was doing the dishes
Luke:"Hey h2o!" I said getting up from the couch "Jenny" she would not answer me "Jenny talk to me!" I pulled her and stared at her
Jenny:"What do you want?" She said looking away and pulled her closer to me "L-Luke ..." She was getting nervous and flushed
Luke:"Don't look like that" I kissed her gently "I love you" she looked at me and kissed me
Jenny:"I love you too" she sat at the table I started to kiss her neck "Luke ... Evan and Jonathan may appear"
Luke:"Calm down h2o, they're in the bedroom," I started to kiss her. "You're so beautiful," she said, running my hand through her blue hair.
We spent a lovely time so until we were surprised by Jonathan and Evan
Jenny:"Boys!" She pushed me off the table "You guys should be sleeping"
Jonathan:"We were hungry" She went to get something for them to eat
Jenny:"Go here and have milk and cookies for both of you"
Evan:"Thank you Jenny"
Evan Pov
I was wondering what it would feel like to kiss someone
Evan:"Jonathan are you awake?" He did not answer, "Jonathan," he said, touching him.
He didn't wake up I got close to him and I gave him a kiss on the face glad that he didn't wake up
It was morning and Jonathan and I had woken up very early
Evan:"Delirious are we going to eat something?" He took his teddy bear we went to the kitchen "Hey Delirious look there," I said softly
Jonathan:"Finally they're together" we went to the kitchen to avoid waking Luke and Jenny who were sleeping on the couch "Vanoss I really like having you as a friend"
Evan:"I also really like being my friend" I hugged him "We will be friends forever"
This was another chapter I hope you have enjoyed
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Kisses from MaguiKawaii 😘😘
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