Chapter 3-The Dinner
Jenny Pov
We got home I went to prepare the clothes to go to dinner at Luke's house, at that moment I heard the front door open
Father:"JENNY!" It was my father calling for me.
Jenny:"What?" I just hope he does not get drunk again.
Father:"Go make dinner for me" I went down the stairs "I do not have all the time"
Jenny:"Okay, I'll go" I started cooking something fast "Here you go, now if you don't mind I have to go"
Father:"Where are you going?" I did not answer he grabbed my arm "Answer my question!"
Jenny:"I'm going to have dinner at Luke's house" he grabbed me harder, "Let me go, father"
Jenny:"DO YOUR LIFE I DO MY LIFE!" He dropped my arm and I went to my room
Jonathan:"What happened" I started to prepare clothes for Jonathan? "Sister ..." said pulling my sweater
Jenny:"It was the father again to annoy me, now please take a bath Jonathan" he hugged me "Do not worry about me" he went to bathe in the meantime I started to treat my wounds again "I hate to hide things Of the others "Luke did not know all these wounds and did not even know that my father beat me I did not want him to know
Jonathan:"I'm ready"
Jenny:"You look beautiful" he ran his hand in one of the my wounds "What happens Jonathan?"
Jonathan:"I do not like to see you hurt," I hugged him. "Does Luke know you have these wounds?"
Jenny:"No, he can't even know" I took my suitcase "Let's go, we should be waiting"
Jonathan:"Sister can I take a picture of you?" I gave him my cell phone "Ok 1..2 ... 3!" He took the photo
Note: Jenny has blue eyes.
Jenny:"Let's see" I looked at photo "The photo is very beautiful"
Jonathan:"Thank you but now let's go" he pulled me "Let's go to Luke"
In Luke's house
Jonathan Pov
I knocked on the door and I could hear Luke's voice.
Luke:"Good evening Jonathan, are you ready to play?😉"
Jonathan:"YES!😄" I said jumping
Jenny:"You're only going to play after eating," my sister said. "Hi, Luke. Sorry if we're late."
Luke:"No problem" he was blushing, does he like my sister .. "Come in, my mother is already taking dinner to the table"
We went to dinner, Luke's parents really liked me and my sister.
Jonathan:"Can I go play with you, Luke?"
Luke:"Of course we go" we went to his room and started playing "Do you want to play with us Jenny?"
Jenny:"Okay, but you're going to have to teach me how to play" she said laughing.
We spent a lot of time playing
Jenny:"I'm going to the bathroom." I took the opportunity to ask Luke what he thought of my sister.
Jonathan:"Luke, do you like my sister?"
Luke:"I like her a good friend "
Jonathan:"I wanted to tell you if you love her.😶"
Luke:"Jonathan ... your sister is beautiful and nice to me but I do not know if I love her" at that moment he looked at me and saw one of my wounds "Jonathan .. someone hit you?"
Jonathan:"No...😓" I started to get nervous
Luke:"You're lying.😕"
Jonathan:"No ..." At that moment my sister came in.
Jenny:"Luke ... he fell and made a wound"
Luke:"You do not need to hide anything"
Jenny:"I know Luke"
Jonathan:"Sister tells him truth, please"
Luke:"Jenny ..." She approached him and held out one of his arms full of wounds. "Omg what happened to you?"
Jenny:"It was my father ... he hit me"
Luke:"It hits you!"
Jenny:"More on me because I never let him beat Jonathan" she began to cry "I'm sorry I didn't tell you"
Luke:"Jenny you have to leave the house before the situation gets worse"
Jenny:"I know .... but how am I going to do this?"
Luke:"I'll help you" at that moment the bell rang
Luke's mother:"Luke the father of your friends came to get them"
Jenny: "Oh no ..."
Jonathan:"We have to leave or father will be angry"
Luke:"Okay, go, we'll talk Jenny tomorrow"
We went home, my father was very angry, he grabbed her and closed her inside the room
Jonathan:"Sister !!!" My dad started looking at me, "Don't hurt me .."
Dad:"It's time to learn something" he grabbed me and started beating me
Jonathan:"Help me please !!!" I managed to hear my sister knock on the door trying to open it
Dad:"Shut the fuck up" he hit me so hard and I just fainted "Good now I'll take care of you Jenny!"
Jenny Pov
Jenny:"Jonathan !!!!" The door opened I saw my brother lying on the floor "Brother !!" I tried to go to him but my dad grabbed me
Father:"You're not going anywhere!" He led me to the basement and caught me with a chain in my foot. "No one told you to tell the truth!"
Jenny:"Get me out of here !!" He hit me "Your monster !!"
Father:"Shut up!" He picked up a knife. "Now what a true nightmare begins!"
This was another chapter and sorry for ending up like this but more surprises are on the way.
I hope you have enjoyed this chapter
Kisses from MaguiKawaii 😘
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