is tagged yet again
Oh whell . This seems familiar. Let's do this again.
Ok so this be the 30 day challenge. I'm supposed to do this for everyday of the month but I know I'm not gonna do it because I'm inconsistent.
So I'll do 15 today and 15 tomorrow. Sounds good. Well you don't have a choice. HA!
ok let's begin :
Weird things I do alone:
I sing into my hairbrush. What songs? The GOTG awesome mix and some Queen.
How I changed in the last to years:
I'm more mature and self confident though I still have social anxiety. I'm taller and urm, periods? Idk. Shorter hair?
People that attract me:
Friends: funny and caring people that share the same interests and beliefs as me. People I can trust. I hate liars and people who wanna make tea just to make tea.
More than friends: funny people I can laugh with. Sincere too. Also if they don't mind how emotional I can get. People I can trust Any one I could talk too. Also if he's a marvel fan he's a keeper.
What I wear to bed:
Oversized t-shirts
Five things I hate about guys:
(These are people I know, not guys in general)
1. Arrogant guys who just think they own the world.
2.annoying guys who think there soo smart. And think that sarcasm is always the answer.
3. They stink and don't care about hygiene(some of them at least)
4. Some of them are immature
5.some of them expect women to do everything.
The person I like and why I like 'em:
I'm not gonna share his name, but the reason I like him is because he's funny and sweet. Also really nice. We share the same sense of humor and we both like musicals and just music and all that jazz. We have a lot in common and I just like to be around him. I can talk to him about anything, and ask how his day was (inside joke)
My opinion on cheating:
IT'S BAD! Why would you date someone and then go off and date or sleep with another person at the same time. It's so bad! And it toys with their bf/gf's feelings. I have a personal experience with it so.
Something I'm worrying about:
Urm. It's hard to talk about. I'll share in my own time.
My last kiss:
To my 2-year old sister on the head. Then I ruffled her hair. 👌
My view on drugs and alcohol:
Why would you do stuff like that to your body? I mean if your addicted to both. But I guess if your not an alcoholic then it's your choice to drink or not. But drugs are horrible.
Things I want to say to an ex:
Never been in a relationship, but my friend has. So I shall yell at her ex:
-pants- I'm fine.
Date I would love to go on:
Let's go watch a star wars or marvel movie!
Something disgusting I do:
I bite my nails and go on my period. The period is nothing I can control tho. The nails are a habit I'm trying to break. It's working!
The best thing I did this week:
I went to six flags and went on wonder woman and medusa. (I went on more roller coasters, I just really love those ones)
Ok so time to tag 10 people (this is going to be completely random once more):
There 10 random people. You could do it daily or break it up like I did. Whatever you want to do. It's you're the ones that been just tagged, not me.
Ttfnow go eat mcdonalds
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