Tagged again!
I was tagged again so I choose a diffrent thing to use for the tag.
1.Who is your Favorite youtuber?
I don't know most likely SkyVsGaming or OfficeAntics
2.Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
3.What is your favorite book on wattpad?
Golly that is a tough one! I can't choose one! Their Is Hidden truth made by WillowTailBreeze Also The children of the dark by FandomQueenMC Oh! And Goverment Experiments by YurieTheAkwardAuthor
4.Would you rather be invisible or Flight?
I would choose invisibility
5.What is the most embarrasing you've ever done?
Well I may have Used the bathroom on myself while I was in class. I WAS IN FIRST GRADE!
6.What is your Favorite Movie?
Charroletes web!
7.Who is your celeberty crush?
None Unless you consider Mithzan a celeberty
8. What would be your Ideal boy?
Well I don't have one cause I am a lesbian.
9. Have you ever eaten anything weird, if so what?
WellI don't think so.....
10. Which celeberty do you want to look like?
Uh Selena Gomez? I dunno not into celebs
11. If you could bring any celeberty back to life who would it be.
Don't know A girl one?
12. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?
Well I not gonna say who but I am Gonna write this so they know its them..................Ari~Chan
13. Have you ever been on a plane?
Nope. Never want to.
I gonna tag 10 people:
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