Chapter 14
Akane pov
*yawn * I'm still sleepy.....
Today was the day of the chunnin exams and me, Tamotsu, Rei and Hime-sama is now on the second floor of the building where the exams are held.
We were about to go to the third floor when we noticed the genjutsu (was that the right spelling? A/n ) placed and the ruckus going on, so we just watched.
Sasuke-san was about to kick one of the gate guards in transformation when a guy wearing, stopped both of them with incredible speed.
"Hey!what about the plan of staying low?!" The hyuga boy mentioned, making the green...thing said sorry.
The green thing came over Sakura-san and asked her something but I couldn't hear it since they were far away, then I
Just realized that the green thing was headed towards Hime-sama.
"Hello! I am the handsome devil of the leaf village, Rock Lee ! May I ask you to be my youthful girlfriend oh beautiful princess? I promise I'll protect you always!" He exclaimed eyes sparkling with admiration
While Hime-sama was thinking, Rei's sa jealousy became bigger ans bigger,
Resulting her dark aura became darker,
Her hand tightly squeezing mine.
"Itai itai itai itai, Rei it hurts." I whined, making her tight hold loose.
"Hey Rei, if you're mad, let's just drag Hime-sama out of here towards the room..." Tamotsu whispered a little loud for me to hear, which we all agreed. We didn't want Hime-sama to be with....that.
I grabbed Hime-sama 's left wrist while Tamotsu took the right and Rei held on her waist, and then we dashed off.
----(in the exam room.)----
Hime pov
"Royal flush." I grinned as I won again from Akane, making her groan and give me cookies, me munching it happily.
"How come you always win?!" Akane whined making me continue to munch on my cookie.
I saw the door open and came in my teammates, who had shocked expressions.
After something they said which I didn't hear, the rookie 10 or 11? I dunno , talked to them about something.
"Ne, let's play another but now let's play black jack please~" I asked to Akane give yet another groan and accepted.
I put chakra to my ear to listen to what the rookies minus me where talking about when a four eye came to them and I heard about his explanation about his 'info cards'
I could hear Sasuke say three names.
"Gaara of the Sand, Rock Lee of the leaf and Senju Hime of the leaf."
Why does he want to know about me?
And I know Lee-san,but who's this Gaara?
Hiya cookie-chan!
Oh A-chan! Woke up from sleep?
Yeah! And about your question,
You'll know soon.
I could feel her inwardly grin but I shrugged it off and listened back to the
Four eyes.
"And lastly Senju Hime." He stated.
Aww I didn't hear about the two, but I
Guess I can ask someone.
"Hmm.. Not too much information, all I have is that she is on team 7, her teammates are Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto. But on the chunin exams her team Rei, Tamotsu and Akane." He explained to them.
I chanelled my chakra back to its normal state and continued playing with Akane.
"Blackjack." I said, making her groan again and give me one piece of marshmallow.
---after they met Ibiki----
Okay. Now I passed my slip and the chunnin gave me a number.
And guess who I was next to?
Come on guess it guys.
I was right next to Amaya.
Oh let me tell you who Amaya is.
Her I'll start from her first name to last.
Her name is Amaya Luce Ves De Esmeralda. So long right? It's because she's royalty. And her mother rules the kingdom because her father died from cancer. Their kingdom is near the border of the land of waves, but nevertheless they still own the land.
"Hime?!" Amaya whisper-shouted in shock, her violet orbs full of shock and happiness, her sky blue hair waving a little. (pic but without the dragon or salamander.)
"Yep. But first let's do the exam and we'll talk and chat when there is free time okay nee-chan?" I asked. (a/n : this will be explained in a chapter.)
"Okay." Then the exams begun.
---after 10 minutes-----
Argh! It's so boring! I already finished this even without cheating!! Where is the fighting people?!??!?!
*giggle* I'll never underestimate that high IQ of yours.
Of course! Not to brag about it or anything, but what is the use of cheating when you already have high IQ of 435 no less?!?!
You got a point. Oh look, we have a visitor.
I looked to my desk and saw a sand eye
Floating in my paper, surprisingly not surprising me.
I just flipped my paper open so that the person who uses this jutsu could complete his/her test.
I wonder who it is...hey A-chan do you know?
Won't tell~ you gotta find about it yourself.
After the sand eye copied the eye nodded as a sign of thanks and disappeared.
"Alright! Time to tell the tenth and last question!!" Ibiki announced.
Then I heard bla bla bla bla yada yada nonsense that I didn't care about, I just spoke to A-chan instead.
Ne A-chan, what do you think the second test will be?
Hmm....i think something easy.
Ehh....then the exam is booooriiiing.
Mmhm. But cookie-chan, do you expect something?
What is it?
I think Amaya is here for a reason, and it's not about the Chunnin exams.
Eh? Then what is it?
I think it concerns about the leaf or you.
What?!?!? What do they want from the leaf village or me?!?!
I'm not sure.
Then my conversation with A-chan was cut because a shatter of glass from the window was heard loudly, and a banner big enough to cover a whole wall was put up by four kunai 's , successfully blocking Ibiki who was standing there a while ago and a woman with purple hair is standing up in front of the banner and is grinning like Naruto does when he sees me or the others and was wearing a very
"Hey you maggots! It's no time for celebrating!" She announced
"My name is Mitarashi Anko, and your proctor for the second exam!"
Ibiki's head came out from behind the banner, a sweatdrop formed on his head. "Anko, you're early.....again."
The lady who announced herself as Anko blushed a little in embarrassment and scratched the back of her head,
Grinning like Naruto.
Why does her smile/grin reminds me of Naruto too much?!?!?
Maybe because of her cheerful attitude cookie-chan.
That makes sense. Thanks A-chan.
No problem.
"We will now begin the begin the second part of the exam! Ask your sense's where the exam will take place!
Now dismissed!" She said and walked out of the door followed by my team and the others.
I searched for Kakashi and saw him leaning against a tree while waving good luck to Sasuke,Sakura and Naruto.
Mw and the other three came to Kakashi and asked him where the second exam was held.
"Oh, go to training grounds 44, that's where the second exam is held." He explained which I replied with a sinister grin, followed by a confused looks by the others.
"Hime-sama, what's with that malicious grin?" Tamotsu asked pointing at me which the others nodded in approval.
"I'll tell ya later."
Then we went off to training grounds 44 or in my case:
My territory.
Yo minna! Sorry for
Not updating sooner! I have
A really tall stack of high school projects lately and this is the time I have again!
Anko: Heh, atleast I'm not doing that pile of papers.
Oh shut up bold star!
Anko:yo shut up flat chested author!
Oh that does it! *claws at Anko *
Anko: ouch that hurts b*tch!
*claws back at author*
Ibiki: anyways while they are fighting, I'll do it for the author.
Anko:let's just be at truce and eat dango, I'm hungry.
Okay, I'll just *chakra kicks jiraiya's crotch* let's go!
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