Tagged......... Again
So, I was tagged by mythicbookgirl to do this, so I guess I'll get started!
this is mandatory.
Do it in a week.
Answer honestly.
13 facts about me:
1. I'm 11 years old
2. My birthday is August 10
3. I don't like sports
4. I play trombone
5. In 5,2
6. I currently have 0 pets (unless you count the stray cat that we let inside during the winter)
7. 7 is my favorite number
8. I have a younger brother
9. My brother is 8 years old
10. I'm in 6th grade
11. My worst subject is math
12. My best subject is ELA
13. I think my life is boring
13 questions from mythicbookgirl
1. Fantasy or reality? Fantasy. No questions asked.
2. Marvel or DC? Marvel, because they have the Avengers.
3. Inside or outside? Depends on the weather.
4. Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, if you believe life will be good, it will be!
5. Hot or cold? Cold, gives me a reason to stay in bed all day.
6. Desired job? Geologists/archeologist/vet/author and few others!
7. Favorite animal? All of them! From snakes to puppies to spiders to horses to lizards! They're all awesome and adorable in my eyes!
8. What is your fandom? Wings of fire/Percy Jakson
9. Are you a Whovian? If so, who is your favorite Doctor? (Doctor Who) no, I don't do Doctor Who.
10. Introvert or extrovert? *shrugs* I'm not sure
11. Do you like art? Writing is a form of art, right? I'm not good at drawing, but I enjoy looking at paintings sometimes.
12. What is your favorite mythical animal? Dragons/unicorns/hydra/Minotaur/every Greek monster/wyverns/lots of other awesome things
13. Have you been tagged before? Yes
13 questions for the people I tagged
Favorite color?
Favorite animal?
Witch do you enjoy more, Reading or writing?
Pizza or hamburger?
MicDonald's or Burger King?
Last paper book you read?
Favorite animal?
What do you wanna be when you get older?
Do you wanna get older?
Plans for 2016?
Summer or winter?
Spring or fall?
Werewolf or vampire? (Not like in twilight, just in general)
Tag 13 people
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