My new mic will be here today! Time to get my butt to work. I am so motivated. So freaking happy I can leave these days of anxiously waiting behind me.
I have many scripts that I've collected and made a mental note and also a note on my computer to perform now and or later.
First, I'm going to finish that scientist series. Then I have a cowboy roleplay saved, like a Trigun type thing.
I had another one saved, at least I was pretty sure I did. I'm not seeing it now. Oh yeah it was about a person trapped in a VR headset and can't get out of a virtual world.
It's so good to have a lineup of stuff I've read through and thought, yes, that's the one.
Or that's the several back to back in my lucky case.
That transfem audio maker I wrote about in my last post, very talented, super awesome, super dark fucked up amazing freaking hot stuff.
She just made an audio about Freaky Fred's poem in the Courage the Cowardly Dog show.
I did that one too a couple of months ago. What a funny coincidence. The last time I saw that one read it was Mattastic on YouTube several years ago.
Honestly I don't think that anyone could ever top that performance. Matt is just too fantastic.
Fun though! I'm super hyped up and caffeinated so yeah. Can't wait.
You know, I wasn't afraid of Freaky Fred as a kid. A lot of kids were terrified of him, called him the scariest villain. I liked him. I wished he would come to my house and shave my head. When I was a kid I was forced to have long hair.
One time I tried to chop it all off in the bathroom with a pair of kid scissors but of course, my mom stopped me. I was born with a full head of hair, and my mom took pride in me, took pride in it.
I didn't take much pride or joy when it would tangle painfully and hurt and I would cry when she brushed it out and put little curls in it. When the neighbor kid threw gum at my head and made fun of my hair that grew down past my ass, grew so long I had to move it out of the way when I went to the bathroom or it would land in the toilet.
Fucking disgusting.
Well, I got the mic. It wasn't even the microphone that's the problem. Something is up with Audacity.
Or rather, I'm a fucking retard who doesn't understand technology. Time to wrack my brain to try to figure out what's wrong.
If I asked my dad for help he would just do it for me and then I won't learn anything.
You know what is a really unattractive quality? Digging your heels in and being unwilling to learn new things and adapt.
So yeah, I feel like I need to do things on my own. I'm going to pour through as many YouTube tutorials as it takes to get this shit to work for me.
But, my dad got his old mic back on request, good news is it probably is still functional, and when I become skilled enough to get this program working I will have a new mic for myself that I paid for with my own cold hard cash.
It really is a cool mic. It's got a lit bottom rim, different color options. That's cute. It's got a pretty cool mesh sort of head like a pop filter already built in.
I just need to figure out how to fucking make this program work. Why the fuck did it randomly stop working on me like this?
Literally I did nothing to it. I didn't mess with any of the settings. I had the recording and playback devices set correctly, the basic shit.
It said something about a hosting error. I looked around at that. Didn't seem to be anything weird.
I don't know what to do. I am near tears. Well not really but I want to scream into this new mic again so it'll pick up sound.
I don't know what's missing. It's super quiet when I record. The audio is horrible, same situation as before.
I'll figure this out in the morning man. I'm mad at myself that I waited over two weeks for this bull crap instead of figuring it out.
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