Sexualities and Genders
Hey for those out there who are questioning their sexualities or gender this is for you. Or if you just want to learn more about different sexualities and genders then I have some info! I'll be explaining some sexualities and genders but not all of them(Because there are so many) and I will not go into too much depth about them, only the basics. I encourage you to do more research about those you do not know. Heres your basic guid to sexualities and gender
Well start off with the Trans umbrella. A trans person is some one not identifying with their sex or gender assigned at birth. There are 2 parts of the trans umbrella; the binary umbrella, and the nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella. The binary umbrella covers people who feel their gender is in the binary of Male and Female like people who are FTM or MTF. The nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella covers anything from agender(will be explained later) to Pangender(Will also be explained later) and everything in between.
Nonbinary/genderqueer. Nonbinary/genderqueer people are those who feel their gender does not fall into the binary of Male and Female. Nonbinary/genderqueer is also an umbrella term for all of those who experience their gender outside of the binary.
Agender. Someone who does not experience gender. An agender person does not have a gender, simple as that. They fall under the nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella.
Demi girl. Someone who falls in between female and nonbinary/genderqueer. Those who are a demi girl sometimes feel their gender is in between female and nonbinary/genderqueer and for others their gender fluctuates between the two. Demi girls fall under the nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella, the gender flux umbrella, the Gender fluid umbrella for those who's gender changes, and the Bigender umbrella(Will be explained later)
Demi boy. Someone who falls in between male and nonbinary/genderqueer. Those who are a demi boy sometimes feel their gender is in between male and nonbinary/genderqueer and for others their gender fluctuates between the two. Demi boys fall under the nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella, the gender flux umbrella, the Gender fluid umbrella for those who's gender changes and the Bigender umbrella(Will be explained later)
Bigender. Bigender individual will experience two different genders. Some will fluctuate between the two genders and other will experience the two genders simultaneously. Some examples are people can feel they are both male and female at the same time. Or demi girls or demi boys are examples of Bigender genders. This term falls under the nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella and the Gender fluid umbrella for those who's gender changes.
Pangender. Someone who experiences all genders. Some pangender people will have their gender fluctuate between genders, some will experience all genders at once. Pangender falls under the nonbinar/genderqueer umbrella.
Gender fluid. Gender fluid is someone who's gender changes. Their gender is fluid and is not consistent. A gender fluid individual might only change between 2 genders or all of them. Some change between genders quickly and often and others will change genders slowly and inconsistently and others gender changes in any time or rate in between. Gender fluid falls under the nonbinary/genderqueer umbrella.
Gay. Loving someone of the same gender(Because sex and gender are different) usually refering to anyone who loves someone of the same gender but more specifically males and nonbinary/genderqueer individuals.
Lesbians. Loving someone of the same gender. Refering to those who are Female or nonbinary/genderqueer.
Bisexual. Loving 2 or more genders. Is an umbrella term. Does not specifically have to be male and female. Can be female and nonbinary/genderqueer, or Male and nonbinary/genderqueer or male and female. May have a preference or may not. May love one gender more of the time then the other. Even if you only love males 10% of the time and Females 90% or love males 50% of the time and nonbinary/genderqueer people 50% of the time you are still valid as Bi.
Omnisexual. Someone who loves all genders. Can have a preference and is similar to pansexuality. But unlike pansexuals they do see gender. Falls under the bisexual umbrella.
Polysexual. Loving 3+ genders. Like Bisexuals they love more then one gender. Falls under the bisexual umbrella
Pansexual. Someone who loves all genders. Many are gender blind and do not care about gender. Falls under the bisexual umbrella
Polyamorous. Polynam(Abbreviation because I'm lazy) people can love more then one person at a time. NO IT IS NOT CHEATING THEY JUST LOVE MORE THEN ONE PERSON AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! It is consensual that the person is dating more then one. Some polynam relationships are closed relationships meaning that everyone in the relationship is dating. Some are in V relationships meaning one person is dating 2+ separate people who are not dating. Polynam relationships are not restricted to just dating 2 people, they can love as many people as they chose. I swear to all of you if you call it cheating I will personally come to your house and murder you I am sick of people calling Polynam people cheaters.
Aromantic. Someone who doesn't experience romantic attraction. Not to be confused with asexuality(Will be explained later) THEY ARE NOT HEARTLESS. Aro people can still have sexual attraction and relationships and can also have Queerplatonic relationships(Will also be explained later even though it's not a sexuality)
Asexuality. Someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction. Not to be confused with aro's. Ace people can still have romantic relationships and some are sex positive. Some asexuals are sex repulsed and do not want sex and others might be fine with sexual situations. IT IS NOT CELIBACY Celibacy is a CHOICE and you can still experience sexual attraction. Ace people don't experience sexual attraction
Gray romantic/sexual. Someone who sometimes experiences romantic/sexual attraction. Is part of the aromantic/asexual spectrum. Does not always experience attraction but can still experience it.
Demi romantic/sexual. Having to get to know a person personally and platonically before experiencing romantic/sexual attraction. Part of the aromantic/asexual spectrum.
Queerplatonic Relationships. QPR's are relationships outside of societal norms. More then friends but not romantic. It is a relationship where those love each other more then platonic love but less then romantic love. My friend made a joke it was like friends with benefits combined with dating someone minus the benefits, This is not completely accurate but kinda gets a bit of the jist.. More then friends, less then partners. It is hard to describe because it is outside of societal norms.
I hope you were able to learn more about some sexualities and genders and if you have a friend struggling with that please send this to them.
There are so many more sexualities and genders I have not covered today and I hope you are inspired to do more research about them.
Raise a glass with me
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